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  1. mudstripe
    Oh, I really didn't get the whole grid thing until after I beat the game, so I used Highwind Lv 1 until the end. Then I went back and redid Highwind to make an awesome looking battleship (which took me a couple of tries) and beat all of the courses.

    The blocks jus take up too much space in my opinion. I like the older version better. The different stats were too confusing.
    Post by: mudstripe, Mar 11, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  2. mudstripe
    Omg... Jafar was so annoying! The battle was so long!
    Demyx wasn't too annoying...
    Yeah, it was a lot easier than Kingdom Hearts 1. I finished it in no time!
    Atlantica was fun!
    All the mini games... If I did more jobs I thought that I was going to get more money! It turns out it gets stolen? What the hell?!
    Yes, fat bandits were so annoying!

    But what really annoyed me was the fact that it took me forever to get all the synthesis materials. With jackpot and all those other abilities equipped, it still took me at least a week to get save the king. And it took me 4 days to figure out that I was looking for synthesis materials in the wrong part of TWTNW.

    Oh, and how easy Xemnas was also irritated me. Seriously, I know that final bosses are supposed to be easy, but dude! I beat him at level 40 the first time I played the game. >.<
    Post by: mudstripe, Mar 11, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  3. mudstripe
    Wait a sec... I thought it was supposed to be Xemnas vs. Riku, not Xaldin vs. Xemnas. Whatever happened to Riku?!

    If it was Xaldin vs. Xemnas we all knew who was going to win. Xaldin was a lot harder than Xemnas was. And Xemnas would have been so much easier by himself, in stead of having that dragon thing.

    I'm rooting for Cloud though. Hopefully he wins! XP
    Post by: mudstripe, Mar 6, 2009 in forum: New Releases
  4. mudstripe
    So we're going to have an August release? That's not too far from the date set for pre-orders a while back. I can't wait for it to come out! XP
    Post by: mudstripe, Mar 5, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  5. mudstripe
    Lol, I get what you're saying. I didn't like Saix before because, well, I had no idea who he was, and he just kept acting like Xemnas. That annoyed me so much. But when you actually fought him, I gained a new respect for him. He wasn't a clone like I thought. Although he still rambles as much as Xemnas does... that's probably what got me. X3
    Post by: mudstripe, Feb 18, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  6. mudstripe
    Lol me too! I also love to jump in the air and keep ariel dodging in TWTNW. It's so fun! X3
    Post by: mudstripe, Feb 18, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  7. mudstripe
    Dang. The new video isn't out yet? I hope we do get to see two videos in one week! I wanted to see Riku kick Xemnas's butt! X3
    Post by: mudstripe, Feb 18, 2009 in forum: New Releases
  8. mudstripe
    I wonder why they keep delaying it. It should have stayed Spring 2009. I don't think they're going to delay it for a fifth time... I hope not! X3
    Post by: mudstripe, Feb 16, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  9. mudstripe
    Actually, no. I like that idea. XP It would be interesting to see Kairi in your party.
    Post by: mudstripe, Feb 11, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  10. mudstripe
    Probably Vincent. But it would be interesting to see Zach in there. XP
    I wonder if either of them could give you a keyblade...
    Post by: mudstripe, Feb 11, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  11. mudstripe
  12. mudstripe
    So what's up with you XP
    Profile Post by mudstripe for KaiXIII, Feb 10, 2009
  13. mudstripe
  14. mudstripe
    Yeah, it does, or her cut of Saix's hair a glued it to his keyblade XP
    Post by: mudstripe, Feb 10, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  15. mudstripe
    Profile Post

    Hey there! XP

    Hey there! XP
    Profile Post by mudstripe for KaiXIII, Feb 10, 2009
  16. mudstripe
    Making a thread asking people about any weird KH related dreams they had... now that I think about it... that's just creepy. XP
    Post by: mudstripe, Feb 10, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. mudstripe
    VALOR FORM ALL THE WAY! WOOT! XP -hyperness-
    Post by: mudstripe, Feb 10, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  18. mudstripe
    Sleep is for the unfortunate who fall under my wrath... and apparently the wrath of every other member in this forum. XP
    Post by: mudstripe, Feb 10, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. mudstripe
    I really see it as half empty, not because I'm an overly pessemistic type (I'm more the sadistic type XP), but because I'm eager for something new to happen. I say drink it all and re-fill it! XP
    Post by: mudstripe, Feb 10, 2009 in forum: Discussion
  20. mudstripe


    The calendar probably ended because the Mayans were too lazy to update it. 12/12/12 was probably just a milestone for them, and they were probably going to update it but they left. Oh well. Although I do think that something major might happen on that day. You never know...
    Post by: mudstripe, Feb 10, 2009 in forum: Discussion