Was Phantom a heartless? Phantom aside, I would have to say Kurt Zisa. Everyone else (besides optional bosses) were pretty easy.
Probably Kh2.
I agree. $40 on Sora.
I'd save Axel, cuz he died for a good cause. XP
You're right! Lol XP I made really crappy names, huh? XP Yeah, it's supposed to be the letters in your name mixed up and you add an "x" to it. Like Sora+x=Roxas, Ansem+x=Xemnas.
Well, I like the way the KH2 Ultima looks, but it takes too long to make. But still, I prefer that one XP
Probably Valor or Final Form.
Yeah, that would've been pretty cool. She needs to learn to fight. It gets annoying to hear everyone say that she's weak and stuff. They really should put that in KH3.
Probably Hollow Bastion (KH1), Deep Jungle, or The World That Never Was.
I would play as Kairi or Yuffie and my teammates would be either Sora, Riku, Demyx, or Axel.
Um... Eli?
It would be awesome if there was a Dumbo world, or at least maybe a Hunchback of Notre Dame world. I was really just hoping for maybe a Bambi or Neverland.
Yeah, I agree. Marluxia's is especially funny. Does anybody know what the keyblade Kairi gets in KH2 is called? >.<
Fighting Xaldin, or the solar sailor. That took a while.
O.O... Okay... Well, I would definitely take his hair, and.... WAIT, HE HAS A GORGEOUS BODY?! WHEN DID YOU SEE IT?!
Mine would be Pixca, Capix, or Xipca. Something to that effect. That's with my nickname My real name would make Trapixcia, or Tiracapix, or Capixtria.
This is for the first time I beat the game: Normal: 45 Valor: 5 Wisdom: 2 Master: 2 This is for the most recent time I beat the game (which was like last month): Normal: 40 All drive forms at max (but I never used them) Sephiroth was level 50 I think... I forgot. I'm trying to gt lvl 100 Sora right now. XP
I only went back after I beat the game. Actually, I never even changed from Highwind Lv 1 until I beat the game. The Medal runs are more challenging, so I only do them if there's something good in the treasure list. They're actually very addicting. XP
I don't know. I would say between 18-21. He really doesn't look too old because he acts a little immature.
I really didn't use Aladdin a lot, but when I did he didn't seem that different to me. Just didn't bug me.