I had most trouble with the Antlion, just because I didn't know how to beat it.
Well, I was just going to say that since Xion wasn't perfect in the first place, the black hair might have been an imperfection. I mean, the was MADE to receive Sora's memories in the first place, right? Or am I completely wrong about that? I don't think that she could really subconsciously choose to have a different hair color in order to be different if she didn't know the two of them (Kairi and Namine) existed in the first place. And after she did, he hair color didn't automatically change.
I completely agree. ^___^ Also, maybe Xion may be somehow linked to the story of one of the future KH games. But besides that possibility, I still think she was just as expendable as HPO.
Xion is supposedly a replica created from Sora's memories of Kairi. That's why she has Kairi's eyes, face, and body. But how did she get black hair?
Where was that world? Was that Radient Garden? Anyway, that's not the reason he gave in KH and in the Jumpa Fest trailer though. He said he wanted to, "become stronger."
I thought that was really obvious at this point. How Roxas looks like Ven, and Xigbar saw Xion as Ven. But we have to wait for BBS to come out first to know for sure. TT___TT
Most favorite was probably Riku, that or Saix. My least favorite was definitely the Antlion, because I died fighting it twice (that's what happens when you don't read gamefaqs).
So is that in a cutscene?
When was this? 0___0
I guess they were really THAT desperate... not really one of Riku's best ideas.... :-P Or maybe that was all they had access to. You never really know...
Then I guess that it is just a fragment of a larger world, and that smaller fragment is what Sora & Co. have access to.
Oh my God, looks so epic! I can't wait for it's release!
Well, I think that even without Xion, Roxas still would've run away from the Organization, or Riku would just fight him and win eventually. Roxas probably would've gone looking for Sora anyway, but that would be completely unnecessary if Riku found him first. Xion didn't have a major impact on anyone besides Roxas, especially Riku. Xion and Riku's relationship, I think, really wasn't necessary at all. I don't know what Riku would've done without Xion, but I'm pretty sure the game would've stayed relatively the same. Also, the Organization only needed one person to get Sora's memories: Roxas or Xion. Xion, I think, was more or less the "extra" in case Roxas failed.
I guess that solves the mystery of Xion's name. :-P
If it was on Earth, I would have to guess Japan. But then again, isn't it its own world?
Lolz, I know, it's so sad. They only get one vacation day per year.
Yea, that's true, I guess. But, those are very small reasons. I mean, besides the fact that Sora was awakened later. That didn't exactly do ANYTHING for the Organization, since Roxas ran away anyway.
Does Namine even actually have a weapon of some kind? How can she fight?
Yea, I think that's all right, except for the dual wield part. Is that really what happened? I thought Roxas could always dual wield.
How did Xion even get her name?