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  1. josh92
    actually I checked the code and I messed up and I fixed it but when I fight for awhile the game just hangs
    Post by: josh92, Sep 2, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  2. josh92
    ok I will try it
    Post by: josh92, Sep 2, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  3. josh92
    what happens is the music will play and it will stay black
    Post by: josh92, Sep 2, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  4. josh92
    yeah it does work without it but when I have it on I cant even load up my saved file
    Post by: josh92, Sep 2, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  5. josh92
    no just the play as hodded roxas code and inf hp
    I think I need a different inf hp code
    Post by: josh92, Sep 2, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  6. josh92
    anybody help?
    Post by: josh92, Sep 2, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  7. josh92
    I used this inf hp code 200FE000 8C820004
    200FE004 0806891E
    200FE008 AC820000
    20166CD8 0C03F800

    with the play as hooded roxas code and the game BSODed
    Post by: josh92, Sep 2, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  8. josh92
    hey guys in cloud's video of playing as boss roxas how did he get the effects on roxas the code I have dosent give him the effects on his keyblades
    this is the video

    and does anybody have the infinitie health code
    Post by: josh92, Sep 2, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  9. josh92
    hey gusy when I used the play as hodded roxas code I followed the intructions and I when i got into the battle I pressed r2 and it workd but then I got hit a couple of times and it froze
    Post by: josh92, Sep 1, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  10. josh92
    is their a code to have all worlds completed?
    Post by: josh92, Aug 28, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  11. josh92
    is their a code to have all worlds completed
    Post by: josh92, Aug 25, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  12. josh92
    I dont think so
    Post by: josh92, Aug 18, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  13. josh92
    hey gus these are some cool codes that were made by 00Roxas00 and TruthKey.(all credit goes to them)
    they gave me permission to post these

    Donald replaced by Limit form ally
    E00CFDFF 0034D45C
    21c957f0 58455f50
    21c957f4 5f303031
    21c957f8 4631484b
    21c95810 58455f50
    21c95814 5f303031
    21c95818 4631484b
    21c9581c 65736d2e
    21c95820 00000074
    01c95836 00000042
    01c957ef 00000001
    2036d8c8 61726f73
    2036d8cc 00000000

    Donald replaced by Antiform ally
    E00CFDFF 0034D45C
    21c957f0 58455f50
    21c957f4 5f303031
    21c957f8 464c5448
    21c95810 58455f50
    21c95814 5f303031
    21c95818 464c5448
    21c9581c 65736d2e
    21c95820 00000074
    01c95836 00000006
    01c957ef 00000001
    2036d8c8 61726f73
    2036d8cc 00000000

    Donald replaced by Wisdom ally
    E00CFDFF 0034D45C
    21c957f0 58455f50
    21c957f4 5f303031
    21c957f8 4647414d
    21c95810 58455f50
    21c95814 5f303031
    21c95818 4647414d
    21c9581c 65736d2e
    21c95820 00000074
    01c95836 00000003
    01c957ef 00000001
    2036d8c8 61726f73
    2036d8cc 00000000

    Donald replaced by Sora Kh1 ally
    E009FDFF 0034D45C
    21c957f0 58455f50
    21c957f4 00303231
    21c95810 58455f50
    21c95814 2e303231
    21c95818 7465736d
    01c95836 00000001
    01c957ef 0000001B
    2036d8c8 61726f73
    2036d8cc 00000000

    Allies replace Goofy

    Goofy replaced by Limit form ally
    E00CFDFF 0034D45C
    21c95850 58455f50
    21c95854 5f303031
    21c95858 4631484b
    21c95870 58455f50
    21c95874 5f303031
    21c95878 4631484b
    21c9587c 65736d2e
    21c95880 00000074
    01c95896 00000042
    01c9584f 00000001
    2036d8d0 61726f73
    2036d8d4 00000000

    Goofy replaced by Antiform ally
    E00CFDFF 0034D45C
    21c95850 58455f50
    21c95854 5f303031
    21c95858 464c5448
    21c95870 58455f50
    21c95874 5f303031
    21c95878 464c5448
    21c9587c 65736d2e
    21c95880 00000074
    01c95896 00000006
    01c9584f 00000001
    2036d8d0 61726f73
    2036d8d4 00000000

    Goofy replaced by Wisdom ally
    E00CFDFF 0034D45C
    21c95850 58455f50
    21c95854 5f303031
    21c95858 4647414d
    21c95870 58455f50
    21c95874 5f303031
    21c95878 4647414d
    21c9587c 65736d2e
    21c95880 00000074
    01c95896 00000003
    01c9584f 00000001
    2036d8d0 61726f73
    2036d8d4 00000000

    Goofy replaced by Sora Kh1 ally
    E009FDFF 0034D45C
    21c95850 58455f50
    21c95854 00303231
    21c95870 58455f50
    21c95874 2e303231
    21c95878 7465736d
    01c95896 00000001
    01c9584f 0000001B
    2036d8d0 61726f73
    2036d8d4 00000000

    they are jokered to R2
    heres a video of it
    Post by: josh92, Aug 18, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  14. josh92
    quick question am i able to go to disney castle as riku in fm
    Post by: josh92, Aug 18, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  15. josh92
    hey guys I saw this video on youtube that was the faq for kh2fm and one of the questions was "can limit form be hacked into the regular kh2?" and the anwser was "someone did hack into the drive menu enough to reveal a hidden form? does anyone know anything about this or is it just antiform?

    Link for the video: (2:34 to 2:44)
    Post by: josh92, Aug 17, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  16. josh92
    anybody got the code to have all worlds completed?
    Post by: josh92, Aug 16, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  17. josh92
    anybody got the codes i need?
    Post by: josh92, Aug 15, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  18. josh92
    anybody got the code be half valor and half master and it works.
    And a code to have all worlds completed
    Post by: josh92, Aug 14, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  19. josh92
    dont listen to him that is for the emulator and he posted this in the fm thread
    Post by: josh92, Aug 14, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  20. josh92
    does that code to play as axel work?
    Post by: josh92, Aug 13, 2008 in forum: Code Vault