I need help for some reason when I use the boss ally code for organization members the game freezes when I try to go to different rooms when there with me any help?
ok I'll try it EDIT: Still BSOD
I'l test it hold on EDIT:It bso'd sorry
the ven code dosen't work me when i use it i have terra as a partner and I'm playing as regular roxas
when playing as marluxia do you have be in that room?
I found out that in order to unlock hooded roxas in mission mode you need to equip that nobody symbol keyblade and three of those circle+ keyblade addons I only have 2 and when I go to the store to buy another one it always said sold out can anyone help?
yeah they are
Ok I'll try again EDIT:I got it to work by the way can you have a different keyblade than kingdom key
I held the joker
I tried walking from the postern to the restoration site
yeah I did get bsod no I'm not using any other codes
It does that for me too but the music doesnt start up for me AND yes I have tried a joker
thanks alot! doesn't work
what happens if I drive
ok by the way do you have the dw sora roxas style code?
can someone port these? there for the english version Angelic Form (Drive into Wisdom Form to activate) - ♥♦♣♠Luxord♥♦♣♠ 7ZHR-7192-6WXE1 804N-HZJH-GBVZP WG78-NUMW-7YVEU 2Z6B-PGU7-EW5TY MC7V-GUPP-9999E ZWF0-BHN3-4BZ6E 9WHM-428Q-QDADJ PX5Z-EMWA-RNMJ2 HG12-KF39-7H9TR JZYP-UVEJ-FD4ZT E8HK-4Q99-487NR U30A-25DB-17EQ7 YKQ4-GM5Y-44QRT RAWX-HWQB-XEHMX X1VG-BZUT-KHG0F 21CB97B8 46544C55 01CB97F6 0000000A 10340B4C 0000002A 11CEF110 00000074 2037EB1C 3F000000 201A0568 10000006 D035B55C 0000F7FF 2036CED0 BF000000 D035B55C 0000FDFF 2036CED0 BF800000 D035B55C 0000FBFF 2036CED0 C0000000 D035B55C 0000FEFF 2036CED0 C0800000 Champ Form (Drive into Master Form to activate) - roxasrikusora UZRM-81F9-VWCXK 0DWG-Y0XZ-3VNP9 FBCV-81U8-6AB03 2ACT-FB4R-1JJB9 WC2Q-GTNJ-61JED U12C-FF7D-P1Z4P 50A8-QPZ1-BRU9A 9WHM-428Q-QDADJ 201C78B8 0000102D 201C77E8 0000102D 21C95308 0A090964 11CEF114 00000069 11CEF110 0000023E 21CB9818 46544C55 201A0568 10000006 Hero mode (Drive into Valor Form to activate) - roxasrikusora CVAE-HTKD-HZQNA GK6J-YAHF-TFWMR FBCV-81U8-6AB03 0DWG-Y0XZ-3VNP9 2ACT-FB4R-1JJB9 RB4C-2QBQ-BUAU8 TRYP-XTHZ-ATG4N 21CB9758 46544C55 201C77E8 0000102D 201C78B8 0000102D 21C95308 0A090964 40340C9C 00130001 03020100 00000000 Limit Sora (Drive into Valor Form to activate) - ♥♦♣♠Luxord♥♦♣♠ 81C2-2T6F-WEUE1 MX2C-5EUA-UK4YC A8ME-YTQ5-N13T0 YPVG-3DF3-1NAKC JKMY-BGEC-3V9YM 2Z6B-PGU7-EW5TY MC7V-GUPP-9999E 04NZ-Z1TJ-UXNRH E4G0-CKBP-83JYK AP14-PKP8-C24EX 0VEC-57HF-XMFP2 11CFA404 000006C1 01CD2E2F 00000001 21CFBDEC 000000BC 01CD2E76 0000000A 10340B4C 0000002A 11CEF110 00000074 10340E60 00000239 10340E62 0000023B 10340E64 0000023C 10340E66 0000023E Power Form (Drive into Final Form to activate) - xemnas551 89FK-KVB9-N7HAQ ZAJF-6G5B-84TAY 26BX-VAGD-UPP3K BW5G-Y4T9-ZM1VG WCXX-Z44B-HA3K0 8PQ6-AN9H-KMJYH FHTB-G83Z-EW0FE 03AH-5PBC-9K2T7 11CFA3FE 00000688 11CFA400 0000061C E003FDFF 0035B55C 11CFA3FC 00000058 21CB9874 5F303031 21CB9878 4647414D Raider Mode (Drive into Final Form to activate) - roxasrikusora MH3Y-C82E-HCQ8M U7E1-4NUK-DABZ1 NVT2-4483-HN63K Q6F7-EYGG-Y9QW7 9WHM-428Q-QDADJ 0DWG-Y0XZ-3VNP9 FBCV-81U8-6AB03 2ACT-FB4R-1JJB9 21CEF63C 0000077B 21CEF658 0000077A 21CB9878 46495254 201A0568 10000006 201C78B8 0000102D 201C77E8 0000102D 21C95308 0A090964 Striker Mode (Drive into Master Form to activate) - roxasrikusora 7PKY-C430-JWD8D V2DF-VQC9-FJC1D 07JH-WPUT-AAY8Q 9WHM-428Q-QDADJ FBCV-81U8-6AB03 0DWG-Y0XZ-3VNP9 2ACT-FB4R-1JJB9 21CB9818 464C5442 01CB9856 00000005 201A0568 10000006 201C77E8 0000102D 201C78B8 0000102D 21C95308 0A090964 Survival Form (Drive into Valor Form to activate) - roxasrikusora 6XA3-35X4-A6YB6 GK6J-YAHF-TFWMR 0DWG-Y0XZ-3VNP9 FBCV-81U8-6AB03 2ACT-FB4R-1JJB9 ZVWZ-E2EW-0RWBU 21CB9758 46544C55 201C78B8 0000102D 201C77E8 0000102D 21C95308 0A090964 01CB9796 00000005 Ultimate Darkness Form (Drive into Master Form and hit "Revert" to activate) - keyblade spirit 8T5J-D761-UYVPB QEAM-C01Y-11WHK 07JH-WPUT-AAY8Q BM7H-BV92-EFP1U CYK5-Y6KA-Q6D45 J7GP-RA2X-9MY84 RB4C-2QBQ-BUAU8 5C2Z-0XXH-G0Y85 TZ6M-0NKM-5282E 5654-6AVD-JF5KT RKDA-JMYV-3JGC1 2037BDD4 00000000 01CB9856 00000005 20340C94 47C35000 20340C98 47C35000 21CFCDEC 47C35000 40340C9C 00130001 03020106 00000000 00340C8C 00000003 21CB9814 5F303031 21CB9818 58455F50 BY the way does anybody have the code at 3:44 of this video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wU_PUKNegbo
can someone test this? 2036d408 40000000 I found it over google it was called cool drive[d] EDIT: never mind
is there a code to make roxas's keyblade with you all the time? the ones you can take in a reaction command
so can anyone help me?