I was joking
fair and you are a racist and I can't do nothing about very bad at writing English
I was joust wondering because some people have not vote jet I thingk
do we neet to vote again for day 1 (for real) or is a vote like ""Vote fjdfjfj eneuf (sory for the spelling}
""Vote:Midnight Star
what can I say firts you thingk hem is a maffa 10 post leter it hem and so on and so on my money is stil on Midnight
Sory my fault i was just awake
why the new thread
mabey you are doing the same thing as last time so you are not a SUS
why indeed
that is true
you are to Totally recht to say that my grammer sucks Because I am heavy dyslectie as of putting me on the sus list ok you are richt that I did not replay much in the first day (how long is it until the second day) that is my bad
No prob
No my first language is Dutch
first page you want to Lynch somwany for the spotligt but the talk was about disney land/word mmmmm nobody talk edered about lynching second page after the post mish respond whit a name but after that Calxiyn makes a post about how the post of the lynching and a respons that you are the maffia, and you where shoked about the post and the analyaising but what if you where seen troug your plan and to make you not a sus you sad ' think you might be overthinking it a little but this kind of analysis is good on the whole and well done. after that AL252 sad stuf but then make's Mish a anteresting comment that KH53 not had possed anyting and was first on the list but I did't post anyting so con; Mish and MIdnigt are working in a par. and you back up jour comment twice but deferent ( Cal did't post unly one thing in the con and it was the anelys) derde page: you did post that I need to post to not by Sus ( that was good on your part) but if I was Maffia I would leave it that way so I are out of the game becaus we dont talk so we are Sus that was your only post on the derde page last page you sad that a actief player coud by a maffia and of alle the people on this you are the most actief you did post that I need it help understentid the rules ( That is true) and then you vote me. and the reson for Cal cuts tis took me like 30 min and this my not be a lot of evedince but you are making for me a realy realy SUS
After reading al of the thing in this my instinkt tales my That Midnigt and Calxiyn
recht I was stupid for a moment and did not watch te trear or read a thing and I don't understant the game
I am
MY sea salt ice cream wil never by teh same
fun for who can go why dont I have money to buy a train ticket and a ticket for the concert