Yes i win! ^^
*comes back alive* oh my head... just kidding! *pokes you and runs* (^^)v
finally another zexion! thank you!
lol awesome! well i gots to go :( I'll talk to you later, bye! *gives you hug* ^^
AH! *falls down and dies* xp
What kinds of things are going to give out?
*pokes back and runs away* ^-^
My favorite song is "Dearly Beloved".... makes me happy and sad at the same time ^^
I think that zexion would still be alive and rescue everyone! :ninjacat:
*pokes is head out* I see you! ^-^
Hmmm *thinks about it*.... nope, i'm just anxious to give out presents! :)
which kingdom hearts game was the most important? I personally think that Kingdom hearts CoM was the most important. What do you guys think?
wow, you're busy. And i'm doing fine, just excited for christmas! ^^
*gasps* why are you stressed out?!
How are you princess? ^-^
*gets a running start*.......... GLOMP!!!! :glomp: Hi
I play basketball and soccer. Those are the only sports i like ^^
Hey princess don't miss out on the meteor shower tonight!! It starts around 1:00 a.m. and up till dawn regardless of where you live, so ya don't...
Hey Unmei guess what? :)
Oh okay. So do you play any sports?