Ya!!!! i missed talking to you!!! ^_^
Kairiheartprincess!!! Your back!!!!! ^_^
Reallly? me too!!! i'm saving all my money to buy everyone presents!!! btw, what do you want for christmas??? ^^
no way! xD that is owrsome!!! what are you going to do with it?
i would say the secret of nihm
I'm fine, a little busy but fine. oh and what??? xD
How are you today??? ^^
ya, that's certainly true
*sneak hugs* hey thar xion!!! xD
Ya, well my time is up. i'll see you soon (i hope) *hugs*
Don't know, i think i very busy the next couple of days...
... about 5 minutes, nya!!! >.<
Ya it is,... dang my time in the computer is almost up, but i don't want to stop talking to you!!! :(
lets see... i am a laid back guy, a little lazy, smart but i don't like to show it (lol), I am very protective of my friends (as you can see from...
Yes it does bestz friend!!! xD So what is your favorite color bestz friend!!! xD
Ya, anytime Bestz Friend!!! xD So what type of girl are you??? (outgoing,depressed,lazy,etc.)
i live in utah, "the mormon state". I really don't like it here...
(^^)v *peace/victrory* That was fun!!! xD so where do you live (sorry i'm just curious)
the new updates are pretty sick! ;)
..... *Sends umbreon to tag you and vanishes in the moonlight* Muwahahahaha! xD