But at least larsa was more efficent in the game. But what really bugs me is the fact that larsa is always confused for a girl. WHY THE HELL WOULD YOU CONFUSE HIM FOR A GIRL? ...maybe it's the hair...*ponders in FFXII guide book* And yes edward in my opinion is most probably the feminine one. Imagine poor larsa worrying about his gender, and he's only a 12 year old..... *slams book* ANYWAYS... Edward is loseriffic.
"If the subject fails to respond, use aggression to liberate his true disposition...right. Did they ever pick the wrong guy for this one." xD I love Demyx!
okay so I'm hypo now.... WHO WANTS TO PLAY! *runs around wailing arms* PLAYYYYYYYY! : D
Okay so if you have looked thanks. I just wanted to say that maybe in the next few years square enix should make another movie. Maybe FFX or FFXII seeing as they have sequels. They should also consider making remakes of all the old final fantasy onto ps3. But I'm just thinking here... And I wanna know Balthier's Story! DAMMMITTTT! D : ~arigato -Xarsa
OMG OMG OMG! *runs in circles* I'LL BE DOOMED? *smashes into wall* howd that get there... DEATH NOTE RULES! ADHD! YAYAYAYAYWOOO! actually I can be serious. : D ARIGATO! danke! merci! thanks! xixi! I think...
oh hehe thanks.. *bows and takes bandaid*
8 D L IS THE BESTEST! *misses hi-5 and falls over* @___@
THANKS! I know how you feel... I was leader of an organization that was high on pixie sticks or just had plain ADD. *bows* but anyways...thanks again!
*glomps your avatar* OMG OMG L! *backs away slowly and bows* arigato for the muffin! and everything else ^^' *eats it*
MUAHAHA AUSSIE KH FANS! *jumps onto a table saluting bird?* thanks ^^' *sits back down* I will be good as long as no one picks a fight with me. >:3 *crawls around on butt*
hehe thanks... wow....another aussie xD I'm surprised... oh and thanks nymph ^^'
32483 *sings* Chu Chu Lovely Muni Muni Mura Mura Purin Purin Boron Nurururerorero...
32481! *squeals*
32479! Maahaaa! ...
Now its 32476! *hare hare yukai dance*
32473? Heeeh! This is actually fun to me : D Wait No 32474! ....
Someone said introduce yourself so I just went along with it. *shrugs* eh. I'm Xarsa. The umm...Australian 14th member? I'm not the 14th really considering the thousands of number 14's here on kh-vids.net. -__-' but anyways I dont really care right now. ADHD KID. : D