Xarsa suddenly stopped singing. Aww man I shouldn't have drank that red bull, she thought to herself as she went over to the bathroom...
Xarsa begins playing air guitar. "Chuuchuu lovely munimuni muramura Purin purin boron nururu rerorero...." she sings.
Xarsa stares at Nymph, smiling...
Xarsa smiles "alrighty then," Xarsa leans againts a wall and pulls out mp3...
Xarsa walks past shyly "M-May I join?" murmurs, blushing slightly.
I'll try coming up with something! Count me in!
Oh ok! hehe the power of sound...I wonder what sort of weapon...
pretty cool :) hahaha zexion's feet are HUGE. the height difference's are hilarious to me xD
I'd like the power of sound.....is that counted?
welcome to kh-vids.net babyblueyes ^^ abide by the rules and keep active!
Welcome to the site Kuja ^__^"
Cool! Now I might have a chance at getting the game x33; thanks for putting this up!
Larsa think's its hawt too~ SO DO I. But when I drew a chibi version of him, (with the long hair) he looked cuter. so his name sounds like a girls name? SO WHAT! Theres VAAAN AND VAYNE! they sound like girl names to me. Sorry I can be really annoying. And I agree with you on the hair part.
Do you mean something like this? sorry for the crapyness of this.
hmm..... gimme a sec I might try something....
Okay. What exactly makes him.....girlish?
I do? I just like ranting on about characters who arent as loved as the others! ^_^ wait.....what?
Larsa. I'm a huge fangirl. -- 10. His hair would look equally as good on a girl as on a boy. 09. He's ace with a sword and has a lot of potions. As such, he's like your own personal medical insurance -- who can also whoop monster butt. Let's see if Vaan can do that. 08. He's the only one whose costume successfully merges elements of Early Modern with Fantasy. 07. He rocks the white gloves. (see above) 06. He more or less successfully declares "All your base are belong to us". 05. His name is an effeminate version of Lars. He is also cuter than many other Larses. 04. You know he'd kick some butt at Scrabble, at least compared to the rest of the cast. 03. He could conquer the hero's team and be their leader if he chose to -- he just doesn't. Because he's benevolent. 02. He makes a dull ol' court portrait that any ol' Tom or Rembrandt could do something very, very cute. His feet don't even touch the ground yet. ♥ AND THE NUMBER ONE REASON YOU SHOULD LOVE LARSA... 01. He looks better in thigh-highs than Ashe. And this is why you should love Larsa. Or be conquered. Peons. -- Originally from http://www.windy-days.net/larsa/ TIS AWZZMSS. LOL. : D
that sucks Dx I have to use books for my presentations... ><