Me neither. I've been up since 8:00 this morning and we've got snow everywhere so i can't get out much. lol
Hi. What's up?
I don't believe they will be making another season. I haven't heard anything about it.
(in head) someone please talk......anyone?
Ya ya I'm fine. Just that i had a bad sinus infection (gross i know) and it got to the point to where i would pass out.
*points gun at rikuxking* Dance panda.....You heard me....DANCE!
OMG! My brother is getting MARRIED!!! ^^
I can't kill the thing. It's like the hair ball that's stuck in the drain. -_-'
Wow you must have been gone for a while now...cause i never seen you here before. ^^' anyways welcome back.
Well it's been so long since someone said anything. I thought people had died.
ok ...1: yesh i'm a fangirl sometimes. 2: Riku is sorta sexy. 3: He's no hippie. o,0
It's a sort of mystery movie am i right?
Gotta talk it over and see what rikulovr says. Good luck though.
I'm glad to hear it. i wish you the best of luck. ^^ I'm sorry to say this but i gotta get to bed i have a really long day tomorrow. Talk to you...
Are you happy with it?
Whoa! That's alot to take on. omg congratz! ^^ *hugs*
Well you sure didn't know who L is...
Ha...very funny man...VERY funny. are kidding right?
He looks like Pizza the Hutt from Space Balls. xD