I'll hold you to that. ^^
They're just jealous that they have nothing to look forward to when they die.
Thanks but no. There is no beating nessasary. He just likes me and hopes that i'd date him sometime but i just don't have any feelings for him.
Hi. I was wondering if i could join the Christians of KH club?
*hugs back* Lol i like your pics. ^_^
Ya i usually only get to get on the computer for an hour but nobody was on when i got on so i gave up for a while. But i'm back so i'm good. I...
Wow ...it's been kinda dead...again. lol
Whoa! That's cool! O,O...wait...there were KHV awards? Why do i miss everything!?!? T~T
I missed you too. ^_^ So what have you been up to lately?
What's going on? Are you doing alright?
Yep doing great also. Been trying to keep together with homework. Plus i got a guy that i don't even like chasing after me. lol ^^'
Hey how's it goin'? ^,^ *hugs*
*rubs head* ouch. Dx We had very good intentions of inviting you we just....had our hands full. ^^;
::L:I'm sorry but you've thrown off the emperor's grove.
*sigh*....This family is quiet. .....*clock ticks*
I totally understand that. Been there...Still there too. lol
*gasp* you don't know anything about Final Fantasy!!!!??? You poor thing!
Mel Brooks "Spaceballs" It's a parody of Star wars. Pizza the hutt/Jabba the Hutt eats himself to death. xD
~and a perfect world begins and ends with...~ xD
That's cool! ^^ My sister is freaked out by him. I imitated him once and she's like "OMG stop that!" lol I love teasing siblings.