Thank youuuuuuu! Together we can keep this group ALIVE!!!! *que dramatic music*
What? Was there some sort of goal going on to see how long it would go without people talking on this group that i missed? o,0
Well goodnight! ^,^
Lol that's ok. *noogie* ^^
Well I gotta hit the hay. so I'll talk to you later?
"SSSsssssooooo..........." What do you mean by that?
Or you could do the whole Organization as the Black parade?
Did you do Axel yet? I can't remember.
Wow that's a tough one...i guess it would be....Breaking Benjamin~Breath
Yeah that's true. It'll be worth it as long as you give it your all.
Mostly boring after that. It was a good laugh. ^_^
Haha...never again. xD
I'm surviving. ^^ Thanks for asking. If you like her that much then i hope that your plan will work out for you.
Well...It's been about 2 months since my boyfriend dumped me but i can't get over him.
One dude was like "You want some company?" and we were like "" Then he goes.."You sure?" I says "Positively sure" then he does the pelvic...
Cause they were cute. ^^'
Silence...i kill you. xD
Yeah I can understand that.