???: "I'll make a man out of you" Me: *gulp* You will? O,o
Nope...not really things have been kinda tough for a bit cause my dad has Congestive heart failure and he's been in and out of the hospital.
My dad's in and out of the hospital and when i do get the time to get on it's only for a few minutes and i usually don't get to reply often cause...
I'm homeschooled so i have alot more free time.
Yeah I can't wait I'm dying with the sun beating down on me. lol What a world, what a world.
-_-.....seriously?....OH OH OMG! I forgot to tell you something!!!!!!
Hello! Thanks for the friend invite. Glad to accept it. ^_^
Pretty good. Going over to my grandmother's today to help out with the swimming pool so finally we get to open it! ^_^
Not too bad thanks. ^_^
What's going on brother? 0.0
Well I hate to say this but i have to get off here for the night. Talk to you later k? Bye ^^
Oh my god...I just got done watching "The lovely bones" and I can say this.....I hate it.
Wow that's cool. Mind if i ask how you got on the news?
Yeah lol I'm not too picky. ^^
So...you're just going to let your mind melt into a pile of goop? lol ok it's your funeral. XD
@Ol'Sephy: Yeah I know what you mean....-_- I might be able to watch a couple of episodes if it doesn't make me want to blow my head off first. lol
Ok that's REALLY bad! I don't even know all the lyrics...and i'm a GIRL! o,0
So.....anyway...this is REALLY bad since the last message was from september of LAST year! Help...anyone?
Oh...my gosh...that's not good.