Yeah that's me.
Doing great. ^_^
I love blimps....And no...i am not a man...possibly...yet...i think? O,o OH this is so CONFUSING! >,<
Someone needs to kick it off again... Although...i can't remember if i'm a Demon or an Angel...O,o?
Hi How are you? (yesh i know it's been a long time since i've been on lol)
OMG Riku i love your bg! O,O
haha we'll good luck with the spying. Gotta go talk to you later. bye! ^^
oh i see *lips are sealed*
Cool I'll have to get meh a job so i can get one.
Have they found out yet?...well i suppose not otherwise it wouldn't be called "spying" would it? XD (my brain is slow atm) lol
Haha so what's you up to?
OH Noes! O,O
Oh, Coolz.
Going good. You?
*both hands go up* Lol "butties" xD
How is it btw? I was thinking of buying an Xbox or a PS3.
Xbox mostly. I'm not sure if 4 came out for the PS3 or not. Too bad it's not on PS2 cause i don't have an Xbox so the only time i get to play it...
Dude! you just listed some of my most favorite bands! *squee*
I liked it. Don't care too much for the controls. Was playing it with my cousin.