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  1. Vreal
    Setting: You’re in a high school that is bigger than an larger academy all types of people to demons live and study here in harmony there are no true social classes Vampires do however tend to think they are the best of all races though so be aware of what they are saying to you, humans try to keep peace between the races at all times, full fledged demons are your trouble makers, and angels are your religious ones.

    Rules: No killing, must be at class for 25% of the time, a fighting zone will be created shortly so if your demons need to let off steam they can do it there, keep the gore to a very low minimum for our younger students have a great year at Des Miserable
    Thread by: Vreal, Nov 5, 2008, 4 replies, in forum: Social Groups (KH-Vids.Net Forum)
  2. Vreal
    "Hey there" Vreal said gritting his teeth "Who are you" he asked looking at the one who came out of the portal "Ahh well how rude of me asking a question and not telling my name first im Vrealix nice to meet you" he said a little wore out from fortelling the future of what would happen next.
    Post by: Vreal, Nov 5, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Vreal
    "Its another nobody" he told him "And my power comes with a price i lose 75 percent of my energy it wont be at top for one more day now." he explained to him "Now we just have to wait." he sat down and stood still
    Post by: Vreal, Nov 4, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Vreal
    "Uhh yeah hold on i think somethings coming i can sense something" vreal said he slipped down to his knee and held his head as though he were in some excruciatingly painful sense "Yeah.........som...somethings coming i can see it it will be here in a second." he said
    Post by: Vreal, Nov 3, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Vreal
    "I must be imagining it i got a weird feeling about this place it is strange to me" he explained "i want to explore a little but i dont think i should" he continued to talk about this for a little bit before asking if Helix noticed anything weird other than the voices he hadnt heard.
    Post by: Vreal, Nov 3, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Vreal
    Hello! 1st member and creator of this group
    Post by: Vreal, Nov 3, 2008 in forum: Social Groups (KH-Vids.Net Forum)
  7. Vreal
    Vrealix sat down next to him "So can you open a dark portal yet?" he asked quickly "I dont think i can yet but that doesnt explain how i got here i did after all follow a dark portal here ahh well." he stood up in a flash "Do you hear that?" he asked immediantly
    Post by: Vreal, Nov 3, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Vreal
    "I followed the voice in my head through a dark portal and ended up here it was as unexpected as well almost anything could be" he explained "And now im here talking to an old friend so how did you end up here?" he asked curiously
    Post by: Vreal, Oct 31, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Vreal
    "Uh later i guess" Vrealix stood there in his spot for about five minutes thinking about what just went on "This just keeps getting weider" he said before he continued walking down the stairs when he began hearing the voices that were calling him "What in the world i must be crazy" he told himself over and over until the voice directed him into a different town where he met with an old friend "Hey Helix!" do you know what town this is?" he asked when he approached him Vrealix was nearly out of breath he sat down to catch it while waiting to hear the name of the town he was in.
    Post by: Vreal, Oct 31, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Vreal
    "Whoa" Vrealix stopped walking down the stairs and looked right beside him was another person he did not recognize "Uh hello Im Vrealix" he said cautiously "May i ask for your name so we arent strangers to each other?" he asked politely
    Post by: Vreal, Oct 28, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Vreal
    "Hmm?" Vrealix looked up to see who was shouting "anyone there? he asked
    Post by: Vreal, Oct 28, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Vreal
    Vrealix began to wake up he was in a dazed state of mind "Augh where am I?" he asked himself. he was lying on the ground next to a tower but it wasnt a tower it was more like a broken down castle "Oh i know now im in Radiant Garden" he began to walk down the broken stair steps.
    Post by: Vreal, Oct 28, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Vreal
    May I Join to Please

    Name: Vrealix Sadarachi
    Number: IV
    Gender: Male
    Nickname: Deadly Artist
    Weapon: Guillotine Sword
    Info: Can use the power of electricity creating and manipulating it he summons his sword through bolts of lightning
    Appearance: pure white hair, wears a long black robe, and black shoes, has red eyes
    Other Info: born like a nobody with a strong ability quickly rose up to his potential
    Post by: Vreal, Oct 28, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home