*Yawn* boring
Vreal jumped into the portal and waited for Helix to get in there "Come on slow boy you bore me" he told him
Vreal walked op to Helix and pushed him a little trying to provoke him into a fight "Ha i knew you were a wuss!" he exclaimed "Just thought you might be man or nobody enough to fight me" he said cokily
Vreal looked over and sighed deeply "fine, fine i can wait to spar" he walked out of the room but darted back in the kitchen immediantly "Sorry, thanks for the hospitality" he said quickly and left the room a little dissapointed
"Why dont you signa new leader?" Vrealix asked "Wouldnt it make sense you could form a new organization." he explained
"thats ok im pretty sure i may spark a nerve with Helix." he said to her laughing out loud so Helix could hear
Vrealix walked over to Helix and smacked him on the back of his head "What do ya think im asleep or something" he said jokingly "I was dead serious i need some action not cake" he said sticking his finger in Helixs cake and laughing to himself "So ill ask again anyone want to spar?" he asked laughing quietly to himself
Vreal walked into the kitchen "God Helix your such a fattie well i came in here to see if anyone wanted to have a sparring session.' he said looking to see if anyone was up to it
"I'll stay here i am not hungry" he said he went into his room and slept for an hour while everyone was in the kitchen he yawned and got up and left his room fully powered no longer affected by the weakness he suffered
"Yes it is fine for me" he picked up what looked like a vase and threw it at Helix hitting the apple out of his hand "Hahahaha got ya fool". he yelled triumphantly
Really now we have a genius :D
Vrealix looked over his shoulder and saw Ryu pulling apples out of his pockets "God he is such a pig that is his third apple and he is still hungry" he said laughing a lightly "Set me down i can walk now." he told her
"Ok" he said gladly "this place will suit me just fine i see nothing wrong here unless something does go bad i can warn you if i see it first" he said "Looks like im on lookout duty" he said laughing a little
"Thanks." he said "I cannot maintain a future cast without a cost i dont even know how i am able to do it the lightning is nothing but knowing the future before it happens....its difficult i know who will die and when i know who will destroy and who will save." he stopped in mid sentence and allowed her to lead him into the portal
well probably EVIL by the way POISON KOOKIEZ
Vreal fell to his knees in agony "Ryu youll have to help me i cannot make it more energy than neccessary was lost it must be this world affecting me." he explained putting one hand on his left knee. "Sorry Xara to be a burden like this i cannot control this power." he explained
"do you have any resting places? seeing the future takes a toll on my body." he said releasing his grip of Xara's hand
well lets do something fun because im very bored
"Helix Calm down its the nobody i forseen coming" Vrealix told him "Im Vrealix." he walked over to the visitor and stood there holding out his hand to shake. "I wont bite i promise" he said smiling
Hey hurry with the Set up