absolute and udder HILARITY....
if your just gonna ***** and complain, dont bother coming to this site, one of the largest suppliers of Kh Hacks.......
hmmm...that must have been in kh1. I was using the dream sword code durring the fight with xeanhorts heartless, he started mumbling random gibberish durringn attacks like " gaspuuu naba hofffujfff" realy creepy though.
Yeah, do you need a japanese ps2 to play it, or does it work on a regular american ps2?
oh gez, i know how to unlock the last wep. complete the training objectives ( all the moves, and yes, ALL OF THEM) with every weapon. and i think u get the joke weapons from beating night terror (not sure)
Im sry for spazin, just alot of stuff goin on right now... anywho, ty for the new codes ima go crack em in. Jengo
yeah sword master, i think u gotta beat tales of souls or w/e with every disipline before getting it.
hmmm....im probualy most like...Tidus, always looking for an adventure.
I DID THAT but i couldnt select the cheats they all acted like master codes (I.E i couldnt select them) EDIT: a least have the manners to respond if your such a gameshark expert.....
well well well....i guess the first code i put in was the...enable code..from the misc. codes section....i feel pretty stupid right now, i just need a mastercode then...sry! anyway here are da codes; The Enable Code (MUST Be On!) 0E3C7DF2 1853E59E EE8CDC8A BCBBBD9A 9999 Health DE2A0896 02C5D783 Never Fall Off Bikes (Don't bail while moving!) DEA5AEAE BF899B8B DEA5AEAA BCA99B83 Warp Speed Bikes DEA5DACA BCA99B83 anyway like i sadi, i just need a astercode i cant find one there.
okay heres what happened to me. i entered their cheas into gameshark, but when i went to select them, they all acted like mastercodes, they just flashed a color. if u yould tell me whats wrong i will be greatful. Jengo
I need GS 2 codes for GTA Vice City, perferibaly these: Never fall off bikes, very fast bikes, inf hp, oh and of coarse a mastercode. And please, no codes from http://www.thegfcc.com/ , their codes do not work. ty! Jengo
aww sweet this is awesome, im a big fan of the entire franchise! and i also have a chetaing device, ill try these later!
Well, the new DS game Dragon Quest Monster Joker has arived, just post what you think about the new storyline of the ever expanding series of games.
Cameo to say the least but still pretty good.
Alright, I got one. In KH2, i was fighting Demyx, and........he was rapidly spining in place...... I couldn't damage him in any way other than the Explosion skill. Well, it was totaly random, and it only happened once, well...... nevermind, i'll just leave it at that. Jengo
Can I play, i know alot about Kh-Kh2.
Just as the title says. I got this idea from a KH forum i was lookin at on another site. Can be either KH1 or 2. Describe: name: str: magic: how to obtain it: what it looks like (if your like to make 3D models, go ahead!): special ability: Anyway, I'm gonna let someone else start for a change. Jengo
my fave from raijin....YA KNOW!
Steal his keyblade, and use it to roast marshmallows XD