I just started playing Chain of Memories. Does anyone have any tips?
Jack Sparrow all the way!
I will. I'm working on Chain of Memories right now but once I beat it I ill do the second one. Then I got beat all my other games. I have spyro games from like 5 years ago that I have not even played yet.
I will. Now my little brother is close to beating the game and he just started it a few days ago. Doesn't surprise me though because he has beaten some games in one day. This is the first time I have ever beaten a video game and I am proud of that.
Thanks. No I meant to say normal. Bad thing was, I was using a stradegy guide too.
I think I was a level 8. Can't remember but I know it was somewhere around there.
It was on easy. I know terrible. Thanks by the way.
It took me awhile because I haven't played it for awhile and I kept getting stuck alot.
I finally beat the first game after 3 years of trying to beat it.
I have seen this movie like a thousand times. I am absolutley obessed with the movie. My fav characters are Vincent, Cloud, Kadaj, Yazoo, and Reno. Is there anyone else besides me who loves this movie?
Thanks I love your sig
Thanks. I'll keep that in mind.
Kadaj and Yazoo Also Vincet and Cloud
Hello everyone. I'm new here and just wanted to ask if you guys could tell me what all I can do on here. I am an absolute Kingdom Hearts fan.