????: Oh no you don't... There behind Zele is Alucrius standing. Alucrius: Looks like somebody has been causing a bit of mischeif. Alucrius pulls out kis keyblade.
Anarion: I would be insulted if you didn't.
Just then a monster jumped on Jimbo and started trying to eat his hand. Jimbo threw the monster off and had a little brawl with it. It all ended with Jimbo smashing the monsters face into the ground with his baseball bat.
Anarion: Well well, aren't you the skilled one. Anyways thanks for saving me from that neoshadow. Just then a darkside appears out of nowhere Anarion: Hello! Now we got us some action! Come on man, lets finish off this ugly thing! Anarion pulls out his battle axe
The ultimate duck
User Name: benyboywantkhcodes Name: Jimbo Apperance: Is a big tough 12th grade jock who has blond short spiky hair, and has green eyes and wears a jockey outfit like the jocks in the game Bully wear. Bio: He came to silent hill for a dare, but he realized that it is a horrible place and now can't find his way out of silent hill. He is now struggling to survive. weapon: A metal baseball bat What frightens your charater: Mysterious shadows, losing loved ones, the end of the world. Jimbo thinking to himself: Day 42 in silent hill, and I am surprisingly still not dead. Sometimes I feel that I will never leave this place, go to college, get a job, a career, wife, kids. This is really hard for me. He looked out the window and noticed a deformed creature lurking in the mist...
F is for friends who do stuff together
Anarion: Believe me, I have had a cruel past. I used to work for the darkness. Brought me and my wife fortune. As my wife warned me, the darkness turned against me. Killed my wife and stole my fortunes. The darkness had their time, now they will suffer my nightmare. Neoshadow jumps on Anarion Anarion: AH! Anarion throws neoshadow to ground, summons battle axe, and smashes neoshadow into oblivion Anarion: *huff* *huff* that was close...
Anarion: Well I don't know what your talking about, but I'm glad that you're ok, by the way, could you let me know if you see any of them dark creatures running around here? I've had a cruel past with them which I still need to make up for
i thought the chocobo was ugly until i saw the little keychain with the duck on it :)
Anarion: Whoa. Are you ok? You look like you had a stroke. I can probably assume it was the struggle match. These people really take it as a big deal
:) ! Name: Aluxiron Weapon: Staff like Gambits from X-MEN Element: Sand Appearance: Has a face like Vexens but has really short spiky hair.
well maybe ask supersoravsdarkriku. he can probably give u something to help with. by the way we are really close to a NTSC royal rumble code, all we need to work on creating now is the target mod.
Thank you now I can show it to supersoravsdarkriku and we can work with it we will give u credit rikus afterlife
... With a fool who went and ripped his pants. I know I shouldn't mummer and i shouldnt curse, but the pain feels so much worse, cause winding up with knowone is a lot less fun, than a burn from the sun, or...
this is kind of a random statement, but i still dont know why the coders cant release the target mod or royal rumble codes yet. maybe they are just toying with us :P making people wait does build up a lot of suspense... i guess...
Name: Anaruax Age: 48 Gender: Male Element: Sand Weapon: Throwing Ninja Stars Side: Organization XIII Appearance: Has a face looking similar to Vexens but has short spiky black hair.
Well the target mod is what soravsdarkriku is doing and sight seeing mode must have one line or something in it that removes the characters, and we need to find it so we could start playing with it.
i thought that i had everybody by my side, but i went and blew it, all sky high. and now she wont even spare a passing glance, all just because i...
hey guys i have one question. i put ally axel and i tried some enemies in my party to make him fight them. most of the enemies went after me and not axel, but 2 characters, vivi and setzer went to attack axel instead of me. anybody know why this happens?