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  1. benyboywantkhcodes
    Ok so here is my theory, and tell me what you might think. Ok so, Terra, Aqua, and Ven defeat Master Xehanort and Vanitas and they retreat back to their castle or something. Master Xehanort and Vanitas stand in their castle and Master Xehanort feels he can become much stronger by giving him self in to the darkness. He turns himself into a heartless and takes a new form, the form of Xehanort's Heartless in Kingdom Hearts 1. He realizes that his new power is great, and then he turns over to Vanitas and tells him to give in to the darkness too. He tells Vanitas not to worry, for his former form will take form in one of his future apprentices (Riku). He then turns Vanitas into a heartless, making him take a new form also, the form of the guardian that protects Xehanort's Heartless in Kingdom Hearts 1. While Master Xehanort transforms, his heart leaves a shell behind that wanders out the castle and into a distant valley. The shell of the heart then turns into a dusk, then it evolves into a human, becoming Xemnas. Xemnas makes a black coat appear on him and then he stands on a cliff overlooking the valley where the keyblade war took place, he then realizes that he has no heart, and he starts planning to gather more "Nobodies" to help him capture Kingdom Hearts. He whispers to himself saying that he will start an organization that will overthrow all. The scene will then go back to Xehanort's Heartless and the Guardian talking. Xehanort's Heartless will say that Terra, Aqua, and Ven's time is over, and that a new keyblade master is coming. He will then look into his crystal ball and see a scene of Sora and Riku as little kids having a wood sword fight, with the screen slowly zooming in on Sora's face, and then the credits come on.
    Thread by: benyboywantkhcodes, Nov 14, 2009, 8 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  2. benyboywantkhcodes
    Just then an axe landed in the ground in front of Riku. Just then Oruma jumped down and grabbed his axe back up, grabbed Riku from his shirt, and stood there looking him straight in the eye. Just then he heard somebody coming, and jumped on to a ledge and fled around a corner. He left a note on the ground written in an unknown language, looking like a to do list.

    OOC: The list was written in a special language spoken by Oruma's people when he was young and before they were extinct. The language is rarely understood and can be translated by really wise people. The list is a to do list that has the names of most keyblade warriors at the academy and how to kill them, mostly while they are sleeping and unprotected.
    Post by: benyboywantkhcodes, Nov 14, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. benyboywantkhcodes
    Name - Oruma

    Age - Unknown

    Gender - Male

    Picture of Character - [​IMG]

    Personality - Swift, quick, and barely talks.

    Weapon - Gun Axe (pwnage!)

    Powers/Magic - He can shoot electricity, he can do strong fast attacks with his gun attack, using it as a melee weapon or as a gun.

    Character History - Was a ninja rookie when he was little, but all his precious friends and everybody he loved died. His mom sacrificed herself to save him, and she died. He wandered and wandered and couldn't find anybody to take care of him. He died, was brought back by the darkness, and started training in the arts of the dark and became a master warrior.
    Post by: benyboywantkhcodes, Nov 14, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. benyboywantkhcodes
    Nibirux watched them kiss

    Nibirux: i thought we didn't have hearts.
    Post by: benyboywantkhcodes, Nov 14, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. benyboywantkhcodes
    The characters heard them

    Patcha: Did you hear something?

    Kuzco: All I hear is your whining about not taking me back to my palace and "Different Hill" this and "Kuzcotopia" that. Hey wait a minute, there is somebody in the bushes.

    Vincent Valentine popped out and pointed his gun at Kuzco.

    Kuzco: Ah! Don't shoot I am royal!

    Anarion: Vincent, calm down. Hello, we are Anarion, Vincent, Terra, and Aqua. We were just-

    Kuzco: Spying.

    Vincent: No, we are here to exterminate heartless, there is a great source of dark power coming from this world.

    Kuzco: Nah, the only thing dark and scary here is Yzma.

    Anarion: Uh, Yzma?

    Kuzco: Chya. Now if you don't mind I need to convince this big crybaby to take me back to my palace.

    Patcha: Not until you promise to build Kuzcotopia somewhere else!

    Just then a giant Neoshadow with three heads and chains all around it and big wings appeared and shrieked.

    Patcha and Kuzco" GAHHHH!

    Patcha and Kuzco hid behind a bush, leaving the dirty work to Anarion, Aqua, Terra, and Vincent.
    Post by: benyboywantkhcodes, Nov 14, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. benyboywantkhcodes
    Anarion, Vincent Valentine, Aqua, and Terra arrived in Kuzco's Empire, they landed right on the beach that Kuzco and Patcha had just washed up on. The group hid behind a bush and listened to the conversation.

    Patcha: For the last time, it was not a kiss!
    Kuzco: Ya well whatever you call it, it was disgusting!

    Kuzco spit out the fire Patcha was making.

    Patcha: Oh!

    ooc: Anyone who wants to can control Kuzco, Patcha, Yzma, Krunk, or whoever else is in the movie that you want to be involved.
    Post by: benyboywantkhcodes, Nov 13, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. benyboywantkhcodes
    Anarion opened a portal to Kuzco's Empire.

    Anarion: Here we go.

    OOC: Does anybody know what Kuzco's Empire is based off of?
    Post by: benyboywantkhcodes, Nov 11, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. benyboywantkhcodes
    OOC: riku what palace are u talking about?
    Post by: benyboywantkhcodes, Nov 8, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. benyboywantkhcodes
    Anarion: Kuzco's empire. Me, you, Terra, and Vincent Valentine.
    Post by: benyboywantkhcodes, Nov 8, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. benyboywantkhcodes
    Nibirux teleported to them. He looked at them and then looked at Roxas and whispered.

    Nibirux: Shy much?
    Post by: benyboywantkhcodes, Nov 7, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. benyboywantkhcodes
    Nibirux teleported over to Roxas.

    Nibirux: Come with me.

    Nibirux grabbed Roxas and they teleported to Twilight Town.

    Nibirux noticed Hayner, Pence, and Olette, and walked over there with Roxas.

    Nibirux: Hey, this is my friend Roxas. He is knew to town, and I was hoping you could show him around. I ineed to go now.

    Nibirux walked away and then teleported while nobody was looking, leaving Roxas with them.
    Post by: benyboywantkhcodes, Nov 7, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. benyboywantkhcodes
    Nibirux teleported in front of Xele.

    Nibirux: Maybe you should give Roxas some company, he could use some.
    Post by: benyboywantkhcodes, Nov 7, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. benyboywantkhcodes
    Nibirux: Heh. Hmm, haven't seen Axel lately, if you see him, tell him Roxas needs to see him.
    Post by: benyboywantkhcodes, Nov 7, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. benyboywantkhcodes
    Nibirux walked out of a portal into the room where Xigbar was shooting.

    Nibirux: Nice shootin, tex. So how is your progress so far.
    Post by: benyboywantkhcodes, Nov 7, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. benyboywantkhcodes
    Nibirux: Hmm, well I'll have to remind Axel that he's screwed up, again. For now I need to head back to the castle, for training. In the meantime, enjoy your iced cream.

    Nibirux walked into a dark portal, and by the time he was nearly in he quickly stook his head out and said "Don't worry, Axel wont forget to come again." Then he walked into the portal and it disappeared.
    Post by: benyboywantkhcodes, Nov 7, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. benyboywantkhcodes
    Nibirux: Sounds good, maybe I will buy some one day and bring it to the lab so me and Vexen could get it's data, that way we could make it at home without buying it. Anyways, why so glum.
    Post by: benyboywantkhcodes, Nov 7, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. benyboywantkhcodes
    Just then on the clock tower, a dagger landed in the ground right next to Roxas. It was thrown by Nibirux to get his attention.

    Nibirux: And what would you be doing up here? Eating ice cream? Hmm, what flavor.
    Post by: benyboywantkhcodes, Nov 7, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. benyboywantkhcodes
    Name: Nibirux

    Age: Around his early 30s

    Gender: Male

    Element: Venom/Poison

    Catchphrase: Why go the slow and painful way when we can make this fast and easy

    Accent: British

    Side: (Organization, Heartless, Sora) Organization

    Weapon: Two ninja daggers with red handles and silver blades

    Appearance: Has medium long silver hair, red eyes, and always has a wicked grin on his face
    Post by: benyboywantkhcodes, Nov 7, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. benyboywantkhcodes
    Anarion returns from journey

    Anarion: Hey Terra! I wonder where Aqua is anyways, me and my Vincent are back from our trip and we might be able to do something. Tell him the news, Vincent.

    Vincent: We found a new world. It is an empire ruled by a greedy emperor. We already checked it out, and we already know that the emperor was turned into a llama and went on a journey to find his palace. Should we check it out?
    Post by: benyboywantkhcodes, Nov 6, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. benyboywantkhcodes
    Vincent Valentine: Don't worry, I can fix you up.

    Vincent pulls out a bottle with a mysterious liquid and pours some on Terra's wounds.

    Vincent: There, now you should be up to shape, now what was that you said about food, Anarion?

    Anarion: Oh! I got to go see somebody today, I forgot all about it. I will be back tomorrow though. Later my friends.

    Anarion walks away

    OOC: the reason i am doing this is because i have to go and i will be back tomorrow. i am giving vincent valentine to anybody who wants to control him.
    Post by: benyboywantkhcodes, Nov 1, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home