Zeek looked in his sight seeing liquid dish and saw a vision of Sora and Kairi escaping. Zeek: Hmph, it seems that Sephiroth didn't exterminate the wielder of the key. Oh well, not my problem. Maleficent is the only one who should be worrying, I just supply the materials. It's a good thing too, for a small fee, I could whip up a custom made heartless to her liking.
Anarion: Ya well, I don't know about you, but I'm hungry. Vincent: Let's get burgers. Anarion: I'm thinking pizza! Vincent: Sounds good, pizza it is. Anarion: You want to come to the pizza parlor with us Aqua?
Zeek was in his castle. He was about to create another freak. Zeek: Ah, lets begin! Zeek got out one of his corpses and strapped it to a stretcher. He injected it with his various many tonics that included giving it strength and stability. He then wheeled the stretcher with the zombie on it into a big glass tank and then walked out and locked the door. Two hoses were attached to the tank. One end of each hose was attached to the glass tank, and the other ends were attached to a big machine with a lever on it that read, "Darkness Applier". Zeek then walked over to the lever and pulled it. Dark smoke traveled through the hoses into the glass tank, and then all of a sudden the glass tank filled with black smoke. Once the black smoke cleared up, the zombie was alive and struggling making loud noises. Zeek unstrapped it, but it didn't attack him, for Zeek injected a tonic into it that commanded it that Zeek was it's master. He then unleashed the freak into the dark halls of his castle to defend the halls. Zeek: Another freak made, another intruder, dead.
hey does everybody know the levitate code that makes you and the enemies levitate? well i was wondering if there was a levitate code that made only sora levitate.
ooc he is working for maleficent and makes experiments for her to use
ame - Zeek Age - 78 Gender - Male Picture of Character - Personality - Mainly keeps to himself working in his lab unless he comes up with something, then which he goes crazy and tells the others. Weapon - A shotgun, for emergencies. He never really fights or uses it, for he has creations that protect him. Powers/Magic - He has invented various tonics that he has injected and diagnosed himself with, some of which include great stamina/health, being able to dodge most attacks and run pretty fast, can jump 25 feet in the air, and is pretty strong (as in he could pick up most heavy objects and hurl them at people) Character History - He was kidnapped as a baby and dropped off in a bedroom in an abandoned mental asylum. There he grew up and got a connection with the place and the ghosts that haunted it. He found an old experiment lab in there and claimed it as his own, producing various experiments, and being taught by the ghosts. He set up maintenance cameras all over the building so when anybody entered, he was ready to take them out! He died in a lab explosion, and his heart and his body combined with some dark force and he became a dark nobody. He had nowhere to live, but since he was smart, he retained memories of his science lab, and used darkness to create a castle based on his memories, where he now lives by himself and performs various experiments, and then tells the others. His lab is at the very top of the castle, and all over the castle are machines he has created to defend his castle. He creates these creatures called "freaks", which are created by harvesting corpses and adding heartless souls and many of his various tonics to make them come alive. The freaks look like zombies, who are usually slumped over like gorillas and walk and run fast like gorillas do. They are usually wearing blue hospital gowns, and they make mental noises and they can pick up heavy objects, such as cars, and hurl them at people. They look just like the freaks from the game "Crackdown", although I don't think many of you have played that game.
Oruma appeared standing on a ledge he had made form in the wall near Riku. Oruma: Bravo, bravo. This is but a taste to show what us Remnants are doing. You are skilled? Well how about you move some more. Oruma summoned a big cloud that covered the whole ceiling of the room and down from the clouds shot blue shocks of lightning. OOC: This next character is important if he gets approved, for he is a character that creates enemies in his science lab, called freaks. Back to Story Remnant Character Sheet Name - Zeek Age - 78 Gender - Male Picture of Character - Personality - Mainly keeps to himself working in his lab unless he comes up with something, then which he goes crazy and tells the others. Weapon - A shotgun, for emergencies. He never really fights or uses it, for he has creations that protect him. Powers/Magic - He has invented various tonics that he has injected and diagnosed himself with, some of which include great stamina/health, being able to dodge most attacks and run pretty fast, can jump 25 feet in the air, and is pretty strong (as in he could pick up most heavy objects and hurl them at people) Character History - He was kidnapped as a baby and dropped off in a bedroom in an abandoned mental asylum. There he grew up and got a connection with the place and the ghosts that haunted it. He found an old experiment lab in there and claimed it as his own, producing various experiments, and being taught by the ghosts. He set up maintenance cameras all over the building so when anybody entered, he was ready to take them out! He died in a lab explosion, and his heart and his body combined with some dark force and he became a remnant. He has nowhere to live, but since he was smart, he retained memories of his science lab, and used darkness to create a castle based on his memories, where he now lives by himself and performs various experiments, and then tells the other remnants. His lab is at the very top of the castle, and all over the castle are machines he has created to defend his castle. He creates these creatures called "freaks", which are created by harvesting corpses and adding heartless souls and many of his various tonics to make them come alive. The freaks look like zombies, who are usually slumped over like gorillas and walk and run fast like gorillas do. They are usually wearing blue hospital gowns, and they make mental noises and they can pick up heavy objects, such as cars, and hurl them at people. They look just like the freaks from the game "Crackdown", although I don't think many of you have played that game.
whats the sub status mod do
Hey guys I have a question. You know how Sora can can perform special attacks and combos with certain world characters? Like for example, when he performs his attack with Auron, or Beast? Well I'm trying to make an ultimate custom form and I was wondering if it were possible, if you could take the attacks Sora does with Auron, where he could be like rapidly slashing, and give the attacks to normal Sora without Auron having to be with you, and without a finisher?
Anarion: By the way, who exactly is with Ven and Mickey? I'm not sure I know the others.
Anarion: Well you know, Im worried about Ven and the others, but I am also worried because one little thing can alter the future.
Anarion: Oh yeah, I'm kind of worried...
They arrived back at Destiny Islands. Anarion: Well, that will be a world that I will not forget. Now I wonder what's going on with Mickey and Ven?
Yzma yelled as she fell off the heartless and the heartless disappeared. Yzma dropped 2 potions and drank one of them, but unfortunately, it turned her into a cat. Kuzco drank the other potion and turned back to human. Kuzco: Ah yes! The next day they were in the palace. Kuzco saw Patcha sitting on a chair looking a bit depressed. Kuzco: So, I was thinking, and I decided, I am building Kuzcotopia on a different hill. Patcha: Thanks. They hugged, and then looked at the crowd. Patcha: So what are you guys doing? Vincent: Well, it seems we should be going. Anarion: That's right. Anarion opened a portal to Destiny Islands. Anarion: I will miss you guys, good luck with Kuzcotopia. Anarion looked at Terra and Aqua. Anarion: You guys wanna say goodbye?
Anarion struck the creature with his axe, damaging it severely, but that made Yzma mad, so she threw a potion at Anarion's head, it broke, and Anarion fell down.
Oruma: This academy is very big, I have been wandering around here, and have still not discovered every room. Perhaps I should be focusing more on a plan to take out students without the wizards noticing.
ooc: can i have Merlin? Oruma teleported away real quick and walked through the academy, hoping not to be noticed, disguised as a student.
*Delete* There is already a thread for this.
They all landed safely on an edge and Kuzco apologized and they continued the journey. After a long way, Kuzco found out Yzma wanted to kill him, and they made it to the palace. Kuzco: Where is it! Where is the potion to change me back! Yzma: Looking for this! Yzma held the potion Kuzco: Yzma you old wrinkly dinosaur! Give us the potion! Yzma pulled a lever, sending Krunk and his shoulder angels down a trap door. She then summoned a really big dark creature, that kind of looked like the head the palace is shaped as, but it had a seat at the top where Yzma sat and threw potions down at you. The creature had long tentacles with knifes that slashed at you. Anarion: Time for another battle! Kuzco and Patcha: We are right behind you!
Yzma: HES ALIVE! You and I are going out to find him, and if he talks, we're through! Now lets move! Kuzco and the gang got to a bridge, and when they were walking across it, part of the bridge planks snapped and everybody fell down and hung from vines, except Kuzco. Patcha: Kuzco, help us up! Kuzco: No, I don't think I will. Patcha: So you are just going to leave us here? Kuzco: Well, I was going to have you all imprisoned for life, but I like this better. Patcha: I thought you were a changed man! Kuzco: Toodles! Patcha: We shook hands on it! Kuzco: The funny thing about shaking hands is, you need hands! Ok bye. Kuzco was walking and a plank he stepped on fell and he hung from a vine too. Patcha: Are you ok? Kuzco: Ya, ya, I'm good. Patcha: Good! Patcha punched Kuzco and he hit a wall.