OH! i thought you just had to go to traverse town. because what i did was load code, load my 100 level save that was in the acessory shop, and bsod. i didnt know you needed to have the leon battle and go into it with a joker.
i have a question. is it against the rules to ask where you got the rom and emu for this game?
i checked each line before i entered it
code bsodddddd
why does the riku code have spaces in between?
gah i cant test the donald code because i dont have a save and since my game is scratched i cant start a new game without it freezing. it would work if you dma the code for someplace like traverse town cause i have a save there
ya but some people thought you couldnt wield them in forms.
i found a way to wield xigbars gun arrow in wisdom form. you just give wisdom form mulans moveset, than make your weapon into the gun arrow. :D
xD! ten char limit
so does the code work ryota?