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  1. Noteworthy
  2. Noteworthy
    Hey guys, I appreciate the feedback but please refrain from making posts on here for now unless it's an OC Form.
    If you have any questions or concerns whatsoever, just message me and I'll get back to you ASAP. (:
    Post by: Noteworthy, Apr 26, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Noteworthy
    I really like the dynamic duo you guys have going on! You're both in.

    I enjoyed reading your OC as well, Soap! You're in.
    Post by: Noteworthy, Apr 25, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Noteworthy
    Alright you guys, I took all your responses into consideration and spent the past 6 hours putting together the RP, and it is now up and running! Please let me know on here what things you like/dislike about it. I'm sorry I couldn't please all of you, or fit with some of your ideals, but I did the best I could and I hope you like it!
    Post by: Noteworthy, Apr 25, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Noteworthy

    (disclaimer: The RP below is inspired by the series "Avatar: The Last Airbender". It takes place in the same time frame as the original series, but is something of an alternate universe, where none of the characters from the original series except Ozai exist. You do not need to have much prior knowledge of the series, due to the fact that it is an original storyline created by me, but with the same ideas and principles of the series.)

    Welcome to a new world, separated into four nations.
    Each nation represents one of the key elements that keeps this world in balance:​

    The Water Tribe
    The Earth Kingdom
    The Fire Nation
    The Air Nomads


    For hundreds of years these nations have lived together in peace and harmony, each inhabited partially by individuals who possess the power to control and manipulate a specific element. These individuals are referred to as "benders" and use their abilities mostly for the purpose of self-defense. There is only one person with the ability to master all four elements: The Avatar, who is reincarnated after death as an entirely new person. However, with great power comes great responsibility. It is the Avatar's sole purpose in life to maintain balance in the world between the four elements. When this task goes unfulfilled, chaos ensues.
    The most recent Avatar, born in the Fire Nation, was a terribly indecisive one by the name of Kaji. Being a close friend of the Firelord, Avatar Kaji often made executive decisions that were unfairly in favor to the Fire Nation, while detrimental to the other nations. He quickly became the Firelord's puppet but couldn't see it for himself until he was visited by the Spirits who sent him an important message:


    "Kaji, you must go to the Firelord's palace tonight and kill him."

    Kaji was appalled by the idea, and demanded a reason for such drastic measures.

    "If you do not put an end to the Firelord tonight, he will put an end to you and your world. Tomorrow he plans to execute an attack on the Earth Kingdom, an attack that he has kept hidden from you, and will take the lives of thousands of people including the Emperor. That will only be the beginning of his vicious reign. He cannot be calmed, persuaded, or reasoned with. As the Avatar, it is your responsibility to stop him before he wreaks havoc upon the world."

    With tears is in his eyes and pain in his heart, Kaji traveled to the Firelord's palace. The thought of killing his childhood friend sent chills up his spine like nothing else ever did. Once he arrived, Kaji found the Firelord in his throne room where he confronted him and informed him of the message from the Spirits.


    "My dear friend, I am only doing what is in the best interest of my nation. Your nation.
    Ignore the Spirits! Let us join together and conquer the world as kings! Or better yet, as GODS!"

    "I have doubted your malicious intentions for too long, Ozai.
    I am very sorry my dear brother...but I will do what I must to keep this world in balance and harmony."

    The two men fought through the entire night in a duel as bloody and merciless as a war. When he found himself exhausted to the point of surrender, Kaji entered the Avatar State, a defense mechanism in which an Avatar may freely access the knowledge and power of all previous Avatars. Ozai acted quickly, knowing he wouldn't last long against such a power, and sent a bolt of electricity straight through the Avatar's heart.


    Avatar Kaji was dead, and due to the fact that he was in the Avatar State, would not reincarnate. There could never be an Avatar again, as they would cease to exist.

    The Firelord took great pride in this victory and announced to the rest of the world that it was a great turning point in history, a turning point that would set the Fire Nation as the higher power in society.


    "Avatar Kaji is no more! I, Firelord Ozai, have single-handedly abolished the Avatar Cycle and hereby take control of the four nations, now all to be under rule of the Fire Nation! Bow before me, or perish!"​

    Then, in the blink of an eye, the Earth stopped turning. The Fire Nation Army arrived on all soils of each nation, taking control of those who surrendered, and waging war on those who did not. Whenever the FNA encountered any benders, they were arrested and imprisoned...if they were lucky...

    Much blood has spilled, many tears have fallen, but hope is still alive.
    That hope is you.
    As of this moment, you are a citizen of one of the four nations, of your choosing.
    You may take on whatever life you please.
    Perhaps you belong to the Water Tribe, as a Waterbender living in constant fear of the FNA, and the day they might find you out and take you away.
    Maybe you're a regular non-bending citizen of the Earth Kingdom and you want to stand up against the Fire Nation.
    Then again, you might be part of the Fire Nation yourself, as a soldier who takes pleasure in watching your enemies perish.
    Or you could always be an Air Nomad, escaped from a Fire Nation prison hoping to return to your life of peace and exploration.

    With the Avatar gone, a new generation of heroes must arise and take down the Firelord.
    Choose your path, and choose wisely.
    The adventures ahead are exciting, perilous, and will break you to your core.
    Good luck, you'll need it.

    The Nations:

    The Water Tribe
    The Water Tribes are the nations of waterbenders and their people. There are three tribes: the Northern Tribe, who lives in the North Pole, the Southern Tribe, who lives in the South Pole, and the Foggy Swamp Tribe, who lives in the Swamp in the Earth Kingdom. Both the Northern and Southern Tribes are chiefdoms, ruled by Chiefs Arnook and Hakoda, respectively.
    The Northern Tribe is strong with its waterbenders, unlike its sister tribe. The Southern Tribe did not have as many waterbenders and subsequently, fell under the attacks of the Fire Nation and was deeply affected by the damages that were caused.


    The Earth Kingdom
    The Earth Kingdom is the largest and most diverse of the four nations, its people strong and proud, with some of them being earthbenders. Their land is comprised of a massive continent in the eastern hemisphere and several islands. The Earth Kingdom is extremely diverse, having mountainous, forested, grassland, desert, and man-conquered areas, including the vast megacity Ba Sing Se. Due to its people's bending ability, the Earth Kingdom could create magnificent structures out of stone such as the city Omashu.
    The Earth Kingdom is run overall as a monarchy by the son of the deceased Emperor, the capital being Ba Sing Se. The FNA has taken over multiple cities and claimed them as Fire Nation territory. They have plans to soon take over Ba Sing Se as well, thus bringing a collapse to the Earth Kingdom.


    The Fire Nation
    The Fire Nation is the nation where firebenders and their people live. It is located on an archipelago of islands located in the western hemisphere of the planet and is the most advanced of the four nations, with steam and gas power. It has a huge fleet of industrial war ships, and even recently adopted airships into its military.
    The Fire Nation is also diverse in landscape, featuring many volcanic islands in its archipelago and on the mainland, as well as a tropical climate. It also has the world's most popular vacation spot, Ember Island.

    The country is an absolute monarchy, and could even be called a dictatorship. It is constantly growing with power and spreading its reign across the world.


    The Air Nomads
    Air Nomads were the collective people of the airbenders. Though the people of this nation are nomadic, the Air Nomads raised children and situated their central governments in four monastic temples located at various ends of the globe, two for males and two for females.[2] The four air temples are located on small archipelagos that were Air Nomad land on the tip of mountains and, in one case, hanging under cliffs.
    The Air Nomads are loosely run by elder councils, one male and one female. The people are extremely spiritual.

    Shortly after the death of Avatar Kaji, the Fire Nation executed a mass invasion and genocide of the Air Nomads, driving the nation into near extinction. Very few remain.


    The Seven Laws of the Land:

    1. No Godmodding. I have zero tolerance for this.

    2. Use p r o p e r g r a m m a r. It's understandable to make typos here and there, but it should be kept at a minimum.
    3. Be thorough and descriptive. I don't expect you to write dozens of paragraphs,
    but I do expect you to include enough details to provide readers with a good understanding of what your character is up to.
    4. Post at least once every couple of days. That isn't much to ask for. I refuse to let this RP die,
    and if I see that you're taking too long to post, I'll send you a PM before taking action.
    5. Interact! Do not isolate yourself. There's bound to be other characters in the same nation as you,
    and I'm sure we'll all eventually join together.
    6. Don't be a crazed killing machine. This RP obviously takes place in wartime,
    so there will be plenty of deaths, but that doesn't give you the right to go on rampages killing people.
    7. After one warning, violating any of the rules above will result in death.
    Yes, I will kill your character, and I'll do it in such a way that will leave you in shock and awe.

    OC Application:

    Character List:

    Username: Noteworthy

    Character Name: Draco Saba (Not his real name, just an alias he's used since he departed from the Air Nomads. His true name remains unknown.)

    Gender: Male

    Appearance: Draco

    Age: 19

    Personality: A very determined young man who believes no challenge is too great. He's rebellious at heart, eager to learn/explore, and rather mysterious. His personality made him a black sheep among his nomad peers.

    Weapon: Carries a katana for emergencies only.

    Nation of Birth: Northern Air Temples

    Current Whereabouts/Residency: The Earth Kingdom

    Bender: Yes, Airbender. Highly skilled in the art of airbending, he was the best of his age group back in the Northern Air Temples.

    Background: Raised by the air Nomads, "Draco" was instilled with a plethora of morals and principles to live by since the day he could understand the language. He was even taught to maintain inner peace through meditation, but this quickly bored him. Over the years it seemed more and more clear to him that using his glider to soar through the mountains was a much better use of his time. Once he realized how naturally airbending came to him, Draco ceased to attend training, making him an outcast among his peers. This, however, only gave him more reason to spend his days exploring the island. When the time came that he had seen all there was to see in the Northern Air Temples, he began to fantasize of the nations beyond his. Imagine all the grand sites he was missing out on! From the volcanoes of the Fire Nation, to the icy mountain peaks of the Southern Water Tribe. He could only dream of seeing it all, as the monks kept a severe policy of not allowing anyone to leave the Air Temples until they reached the appropriate age of 20. Draco was 18 at the time and waited patiently for an entire year until the unthinkable occurred: the Fire Nation attacked. They arrived by ships one night, initiating a massacre on everyone they saw. None of the Air Nomads were aware the world was at war, and could only scream at the top of their lungs as they and their homes were burned to ashes. Draco became overwhelmed with the horrific scene surrounding him, and in a state of panic decided to steal an Air Bison near one of the temples. He then flew the bison in a random direction until arriving in an area he would soon realize to be the Earth Kingdom.

    Current Life: Draco lead a rather reclusive life for a few months after arriving in the Earth Kingdom, trying not to stand out by any means, and constantly avoiding Fire Nation Soldiers. His hair grew for the first time in his life and he kept it lengthy so it could hide the arrow tattoo on his forehead that would identify him as an Airbender. He started wearing various layers of clothing to cover the tattoos on his arms and legs as well, and began using the alias "Draco Saba" (again, his true name is unknown). Now he resides in Ba Sing Se, passing off as a regular Earth Kingdom citizen, but secretly spreading propaganda of a "Resistance" he wishes to form in order to help put an end to the Firelord's reign of terror.

    Username: Soap
    Character Name: Rolan Huan
    Appearance: Pics! The earthbender in the pic
    Personality: When not fighting=(Care-free, kinda a drunkard, free spirited,) When Fighting=(Powerful, calm, kinda cold, serious)
    Weapon: Tonfas made of really hard stone
    Nation of Birth: Earth Kingdom
    Current Whereabouts/Residency: Ba Sing Se
    Bender: Yes, Earthbender. Pretty strong. Can't metal bend, but with effort(if he wanted to give any) could possibly do it. He can a couple of advanced techniques, but he rather use simple techniques. He stopped doing alot of earthbending after the death of his parents.
    Background: Rolan is a lazy good for nothing that sits in the streets all day and begs for money. His philosophy currently, why work when the Fire Nation is just going to rule the world. At nights he spends his time at home if he has no money, or at the bar until he runs out of money. His parents were good strong earthbenders....until the fire nation attacked and they were on the frontlines. He lost them with in the first week of the invasion. He was then left by himself. No one to care for, and no one caring for him. He dropped out of the Earth Kingdom Army Defense Force after the death of his parents and became and drunkard. He has lost his honor as a bender, and as a earth kingdom citizen. Hopefully there will be someone that will help him regain it.
    Current Life: Begger, drunkard, poor sap.

    Username: Amon
    Character Name: Ban-Ryu
    Gender: Male
    Appearance: Age: 20
    Personality: Solemn and silent, due to his actions as a soldier. He feels extreme guilt and anger because of the war.
    Weapon: Guan Dao
    Nation of Birth: Fire Nation
    Current Whereabouts/Residency: Ba Sing Se
    Bender: Yes, Firebending. He's pretty efficient, able to use most firebending techniques, but is nowhere near being able to lightningbend or use blue flames.
    Background: Ban-Ryu has been an orphan as long as he can remember. He grew up on the streets of Ba Sing Se with fellow orphan Jian Zhou (Machina). The two became best friends, considering each other brothers. As they grew up and discovered that they were Firebender and Earthbender, respectively, the two dedicated their lives to perfecting their art. Roughly five years ago, Ban-Ryu told Jian that he planned to go to the Fire Nation to learn how to find a Firebending master to increase his skill. Since the Avatar was part of the Fire Nation, Ban-Ryu silently hoped that he could convince Avatar Kaji to teach him, Ban-Ryu's biggest goal was to learn how to Lightningbend. The two said their goodbyes and Ban-Ryu departed. Of course, being an average citizen, Ban-Ryu could not even get an audience with Kaji, let alone become a pupil. Instead, Ban-Ryu joined the Fire Nation Army with the intention to use their training and battles to become better. Over time, Ban-Ryu started to romanticize war, ready to test his training. And then it happened. The Fire Nation attacked the Earth Kingdom and Ban-Ryu eagerly helped. However, during his first days, Ban-Ryu's squad was sent to burn down a section of Ba Sing Se. Each member took a different house. The idea of being a war hero clouded his judgment. As the house burned down, Ban-Ryu heard screaming. A young girl, perhaps five years younger than himself, ran out screaming in anguish and pain, covered in fire. Ban-Ryu freaked out and quickly put her out, but it was too late; she was dying. In her last breaths, she cursed Ban-Ryu for murdering her family and died, the image of her burned body embedding itself in his mind. At that moment, Ban-Ryu considered himself a monster and left the army without word. He ran into an Earth Kingdom soldier and the two clashed. Ban-Ryu planned to let the Earthbender kill him as retribution, but before that happened, the Earthbender recognized him and stopped. It was Jian Zhou, his old friend. Ban-Ryu broke down and revealed what had happened and that he deserved death. Instead, Jian convinced him to fight back against the Fire Nation and to redeem himself. Ban-Ryu reluctantly agreed.
    Current Life: Alongside Jian, Ban-Ryu fights back against the Fire Nation, now wearing a mask to hide his face, ashamed to show it. With Ban-Ryu's mask and Jian Zhou's uniform, the two became known as the Molten Dragons.

    Username: Machina
    Character Name: Jian Zhu
    Gender: Male
    Appearance: Jian
    Age: 20
    Personality: Seemingly never angers. Jian is rather laid back and unusually passive for an Earthbender. There are times when he can be arrogant but that's only because he has the skill to back up his boasting.
    Weapon: Kama
    Nation of Birth: Earth Kingdom
    Current Whereabouts/Residency: Ba Sing Se
    Bender: Yes. Advanced level bender.
    Background: Grew up alongside a Firebender who had been orphaned just like himself. The two were as close as brothers, constantly training to better each other while their skills quickly grew Jian's friend left to the Fire Nation for a chance to see the Avatar to become even stronger. Though reluctant to see his best friend leave, Jian said made peace with the decision and decided to up his own training in order to avoid being completely outclassed should Ban-Ryu(Amon's character) get the chance to be trained by Kaji. As soon as the Fire Nation waged war with everyone once the Avatar was killed, Jian had no choice but to join his kingdom's army to defend his home. During a battle he came across a particularly powerful Firebender and the two immediately fought each other nearly to the death with neither taking advantage in the fight. Suddenly the Firebender seemed to lose his resolve and stopped fighting, allowing Jian to deliver the killing blow...but he refused to strike down his opponent. It was then that he had found out that the Firebender wasn't just some faceless soldier. It was his best friend, Ban-Ryu who had been separated from him for several years now.
    Current Life: Both Jian and Ban are masquerading as a sort of "superhero team" known as the Molten Dragons.

    Username: Tequila
    Character Name: Zaru Utai
    Gender: Male
    Appearance: Age: 17
    Personality: Almost never serious. If not joking around, he's burning things for fun. (He's a pyromaniac. Kind of expected, don't ya think?)
    Weapon: Double Broadswords
    Nation of Birth: Fire Nation
    Current Whereabouts/Residency: On the run. No one true residence.
    Bender: Yes. Firebender.
    Background: Was born in a poor village. Started working at the age of five and never went to school. Ran off in search of adventure; a change from the everyday.
    Current Life: Living somewhere deep in a forest in the Earth Kingdom. In a little shack.

    Username: Dr_Wigglz
    Character Name: Horus
    Gender: Male
    Appearance: Silver hair, green eyes, skinny build, pale skin, sharp fingernails.
    Age: 14
    Personality: Serious, cocky, quite aggressive, but loyal to his friends.
    Weapon: N/A
    Nation of Birth: Fire
    Current Whereabouts/Residency: The Earth Kingdom.
    Bender: Yes. Basic knowledge.
    Background: Horus was raised on the streets of the Fire Nation, scavenging for food and often getting into fights. His father had no home either, his mother died trying to get the food they needed to survive. One day Horus did the unthinkable. He stole food from the emperor. In the midst of stealing the food, the guards heard him. He fled from the emperor's clutches to the small, abandoned house they stayed in often. Then the thing Horus dreaded the most happened, his father turned him in. With tears in his eyes, Horus' father tried to say sorry, but Horus' ears were hearing none of it. Knocking down the guards and his own father, Horus escaped from the Fire Nation and went into hiding in the Earth Kingdom, silently swearing vengeance on all of the Fire Nation.
    Current Life: Practising his fire bending in secret, in the hopes they will help him destroy the fire nation army.

    Character Name:Liao Pei
    Appearance: (Description or image. Preferably image.)
    Personality:Hot-headed, easily angered, confident, and like washing her hair.
    Weapon: (If any)Katana
    Nation of Birth: The Northern Water Tribe
    Current Whereabouts/Residency:As of right now: Ba Sing Se
    Bender: Yes, Almost expert lvl, but has alittle trouble with healing parts of water, and almost none with the defense and offense of fighting.
    Background: She was water bending at the age of 8, she wasn't much for healing but she tried. She had a friend that taught her how to fight, but only did this in secrecy. She learned quick, the day when her friend went missing she lost it. She questioned a bunch of people about where her friend went. She a eventually found a guy that knew where her friend was but he wouldn't tell her, until she started blood-bendening. She was only able to do it that once but tries to figure out how she did it, and is still look for her friend, last she heard the Fire Nation Army had him locked up.
    Current Life:She is currently living in Ba Sing Se, becuase she heard about a Resistance that will fight the Fire Nation. She is looking for both her friend and this resistance, while working on her fighting; getting better and better with each day.

    Username: miaulement
    Character Name: Nuo Lan
    Gender: Female
    Appearance: Long, black hair that is usually braided. Hair covering the forehead shaven off. Pale skin. Blue eyes. Around 5'5" in height. Wears air nomad robes.
    Age: 16
    Personality: Nuo is peaceful and quiet, she loves to learn and she usually spends time reading airbending techniques and meditating. She tries to only resort to fighting as a last resort, but she will fight if she has to defend herself or her friends and family.
    Weapon: Glider staff.
    Nation of Birth: Air Nomads
    Current Whereabouts/Residency: Air temples.
    Bender: Yes. Airbending. She isn't advanced, but she also isn't a beginner. She is at an intermediate level.
    Background: Nuo has lived a somewhat sheltered life at the air temple. She knows of what goes on in the world, but she doesn't know how bad it has gotten. She spent most of her days training, with a rare trip to a nearby town for food and other supplies.
    Current Life: She still lives in the air temples, but now she is slowly grasping at the idea of how bad the world's current events are. She has learned about what the Firelord has done, and she is now training to fight back or survive an attack from the Fire Nation.

    Username: Hyuge
    Character Name: Adena
    Gender: Female
    Appearance: Age: 22
    Personality: Strong minded and hot-tempered, stubborn and rational, doesn't take orders from anyone.
    Weapon: Slender metal whip with a leather handle
    Nation of Birth: Fire Nation
    Current Whereabouts/Residency: Outskirts of Ba Sing Se
    Bender: Yes, Firebender. Very strong and advanced- mastered lightning bending years ago
    Background: Adena is the daughter of the Firelord, and thus the Fire Nation Princess. She was ecstatic when her father became more powerful by conquering the other nations. When she became of age, Ozai appointed her to a General position in the FNA, knowing her sinister personality and incredible determination fit the job perfectly. She's never taken orders from anyone other than her father and becomes very nasty when crossed. Anyone who gets on her bad side is punished almost immediately by torture or even death. Adena has always done whatever it takes to get what she wants and it shows.
    Current Life: Adena is currently living on a FNA camp just outside of Ba Sing Se. Firelord Ozai recently assigned her as leader of a critical task: Take down Ba Sing Se, along with anyone who opposes the Fire Nation. She jumped at the opportunity, hoping this would allow her to truly prove herself to her father. Adena is very strategical and has spent months perfecting a plan she thinks will finally work. It is her goal to ensure the Earth Kingdom capital burns to ashes, no matter what.
    Pet: Komodo Rhino- Agnimuhka

    Username: Sokka
    Character Name: Kota
    Gender: Male
    Appearance: A small, skinny boy with dark skin, with light brown hair that he keeps in warrior's wolf tail.
    Age: 13
    Personality: Kota is a caring person who tries to see the good in almost everyone, but he has a burning hatred for the fire nation. He loves his older brother very much, and dislikes being separated from him. He is confident in himself and his abilities. Unlike his brother his waterbending style is very defensive.
    Weapon: He keeps a dagger for emergencies, but mostly relies on bending
    Nation of Birth: Southern Water Tribe
    Current Whereabouts/Residency: Southern Water Tribe
    Bender: Yes. Kota has raw waterbending talent but has not been able to perfect his art because he has had no formal training.
    Background: Kota was eight years old when he lost his parents to a fire nation raid. There were many families willing to take in him and his older brother, but they refused, opting to live on their own. Kota has become reserved since then, but is a caring person to his friends. The event also inspired him to try to become better at waterbending so he could join the war effort someday. He practices waterbending every single day, but is missing the mastery that comes with formal training.
    Current Life: Kota is more attached to his older brother, the only family he has left, than anything else in the world. His older brother is currently being trained by Hakoda so he'll be ready for the war effort. Hakoda considers Kota too young and fragile for training just yet, but Kota's older brother teaches him what he's learned every day. Hakoda knows, but there is nothing he can do about it. Kota is currently going through a difficult time now that his brother is sixteen and will soon leave to join the war effort. He hasn't told anybody, but Kota is planning on sneaking away with him, even though he's too young.

    Username: Myst
    Character name: Kai
    Gender: Male
    Appearance: Tall, with a cut body. Has dark skin with long, untrimmed hair.
    Age: 16
    Personality: Kai keeps his emotions within him. He cares for his brother more than anyone. The hatred he has for the fire nation makes him lose site in things that are important when confronting fire benders. Very offensive water bender.
    Weapons: keeps a sword hilt with him at all times. There is no blade. Uses water bending for main fighting source.
    Nation of Birth: Southern Water Tribe
    Current Whereabouts/Residency: Southern Water Tribe
    Bender: Kai is a very powerful bender. His skills are not perfect but can stand his ground against a water bending master. Do to the lack of Masters, he practiced many of his techniques alone or with his younger brother in the past, but he has currently been training with Hakoda
    Background: Kai was eleven years old when he lost his parents to the fire nation raid. There were many families willing to take him and his brother, but they refused, opting to live on there own. Kai has become monotone with his personality since then, but cares for his brother. The event also inspired him to join the war effort against the Fire Nation. He is planning to take Vengeance on the fire nation for taking his family.
    Current Life: Kai is attached to his brother, but believes he needs to reclaim his family's honor. He is currently training with Hakoda so he'll be ready for the war effort. Hakoda believes Kai is ready to fight in the war, however his brother is denied the permission to be trained. Kai trains him anyway. Hakoda is aware of these events and cannot do anything to prevent it. Kai's brother is thirteen and is told to stay behind in case Kai is killed. He cant witness the death of another family member.

    Username: Rem
    Character Name: Bai Xing
    Gender: Female
    Appearance: Bai
    Age: 20
    Personality: Ambitious, curious, independent, rebellious and rather stubborn. She refuses to take no for any answer and at times prefers to be alone. There have been several occasions where she has joined groups, but usually leaves them within a day because of her desire to be independent.
    Weapon: None.
    Nation of Birth: Omashu, Earth Kingdom
    Current Whereabouts/Residency: Outskirts of Ba Sing Se
    Bender: Yes. Bai has mastered Earth Bending and is very close to mastering metal bending.
    Background: Bai was born in Omashu and lived there for about two years before moving to a different city. She comes from a wealthy family and as soon as she was born, she become the heir to her family’s wealthy. Because of this, she was raised to be very lady-like. She was an only child and the only person in her family that was an Earth Bender was her grandfather. She would constantly watch him teacher his students earth bending and on several occasions, Bai would attempt and follow her grandfather’s instructions on the sidelines. Eventually, she earth bended, surprising her grandfather but only infuriated her parents. She was banned from learning earth bending any further, but she was able to convince her grandfather to show her in secret. When she was fifteen, she was very close to perfecting earth bending until her home was overrun with Fire Nation soldiers. Watching her grandfather attempt to protect her home and being told to run away with her parents, Bai refused and quickly fought along side her grandfather. Her fear overtook her and she and her family were quickly captured. When she and her grandfather were going to be killed on the spot, her grandfather metal bended, breaking the chains around her wrists. He quickly told her to run and when she did, she only saw her grandfather for a brief moment before he was killed.
    Current Life: Bai mainly roams around the outskirts of Ba Sing Se, however, before she lived just outside of her hometown. She would constantly plot ideas on how she could get her hometown back and see her family again. On several occasions, she would sneak in and start riots. Some would follow, but with very little people, she was caught quickly. She would stay in prison for probably a day or so before metal bending her way out. Eventually, she traveled to the outskirts of Ba Sing Se and has been living there since.

    Username: Midnight Star
    Character Name: Aria
    Gender: Female
    Appearance: This normally without her makeup, this with her makeup/outfit (but different hair)
    Age: 18
    Personality: Confident and outgoing, Aria is never short of a smile. She likes to see the best in the things around her and manipulate her surroundings to her advantage. She is hard working and determined, she will achieve her goals somehow and refuses to let not being a bender weaken her.
    Weapon: Fans (Though she can improvise if need be)
    Nation of Birth: Earth Kingdom
    Current Whereabouts/Residency: Ba Sing Se
    Bender: No, but she's a Kyoshi Warrior, an advanced fighter.
    Background: Aria was born in a small Eath Kingdom village, when she was little she was often told that she couldn't fight as she was too weak. She was a girl and she couldn't bend, therefore she had to be the prisoner who needed saving or the one getting killed in their games. She'd heard stories of the Kyoshi Warriors, a group of female non-benders who could still fight with the best and longed to join them. On the eve of her 7th birthday, her village was attacked by firebenders, her family was forced to flee and they were powerless to stop them. She managed to convince her parents to travel to Kyoshi Island as it would be safe. There, the villagers were kind to them and made them feel welcome, sypathetic to their plight. Kyoshi Island itself had stayed isolated from the war, so she grew up in peace but as soon as they would let her, she began training to become a Kyoshi Warrior. She trained long and hard, determined to prove her worth, she didn't want to be some weak defenceless girl. However, she never forgot what she had left behind when she came here.
    Current Life: She recently left her beloved Kyoshi island to go help in the war effort, she wants to make it so no child has to watch her village be destroyed like she did so many years ago. She's currenly got to Ba Sing Sa where she heard the resistance was

    Username: Rapid Ignis
    Character Name: Kouri
    Gender: Female
    Age: 16
    Personality: Strong-willed, Vengefull, but also has a kinder side (which she hides behind a cold exterior)
    Weapon: Blades, staves, clubs, and spears made of ice. She has some training in swordmanship and tends to make blades for herself using waterbending. She can also use regular swords if she needs to, but does not own any.
    Nation of Birth: Northern Water Tribe
    Current Whereabouts/Residency: Traveling the coastlines of the Earth Kingdom
    Bender: Yes, Water/Ice, very well trained in the combat capabilities of water and ice, but knows very little of how to heal. She can make and maintain weapons from ice so long as it isn't overly hot and that she has some time to construct the object. (different lengths depending on the complexity of the object she is trying to make. She could easily create a simple club in the middle of a fight, but complex things; such as swords or spears, would take more time.)
    Background: Was raised in the Northern Water Tribe until she was about ten, when her family set out for the Southern Water Tribe for reasons unknown to her. The ship she was traveling on was attacked by the Fire Nation's Navy, an attack which she is the sole survivor of.
    Current Life: She now resides in the Earth Kingdom, traveling along the coast and doing whatever she can to harm the Fire Nation.

    Username: Itachilives741
    Character Name: Roku
    Gender: male
    Appearance: (Description or image. Preferably image.) Age: 25
    Personality: Kind and caring but tries to keep his distance from everyone in fear he will hurt them. Likes to drink tea
    Weapon: (If any) staff
    Nation of Birth: Fire Nation
    Current Whereabouts/Residency: somewhere in the Earth Kingdom
    Bender: (Put "Yes" or "No" here. If "Yes", specify what type of bending and how advanced he/she is) Yes fire-bending master can also lighting-bend but only works 50% of the time.
    Background: (Optional) Living In the fire nation Roku got in lots of trouble always disagreeing with the belief that the fire nation is superior. Excelled in fire-bending from an early age and joined the Fire Nation army to make a living. While in the army his squad attack an unarmed Earth Nation village and killed the whole village. Outraged Roku attacked his own squad and left them to be arrested by Earth kingdom solders.
    Current Life:Branded a traitor by the Fire Nation, Roku lives in the Earth Nation forests as no one will trust a Fire-bender. Never staying in one place for to long Roku is always on the move.
    *NEW* Pet: Komodo Rhino named Hotaru

    Username:Master of Keyblades
    Character Name: Jaden
    Gender: Male
    Appearance: Jaden
    Age: 16
    Personality: Calm and Quiet
    Weapon: Bladed Tonfa that he keeps in a drawstring bag protected in it's sheath .
    Nation of Birth: Air Nomads
    Current Whereabouts/Residency: Ba Sing Se
    Bender: Yes, intermediate air bender
    Background: During his time in the Air Nomads, Jaden spent most of his time relaxing whenever he could. Though this was what he did when he wasn't training, when he was training he actually focused on what he was doing.
    Current Life: Currently lives in Ba Sing Se being careful not to let people know that he’s a air bender. His plan has worked pretty well considering he's been staying there for 3 years working at a tea shop to make some cash.
    Thread by: Noteworthy, Apr 25, 2012, 320 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Noteworthy
    Nicoli/Ares: God of War
    "During war, the laws are silent."
    -Quintus Tullius Cicero

    Nicoli strolled around his long-lost home, giving himself something of a tour. He could hear the faint echoes of his brothers chasing each other with wooden swords, each claiming to be an Olympian God or perhaps an acclaimed warrior they had previously heard great tales about.
    "By the power of Zeus, I smite you all!" Constantine, the eldest, would yell as he mounted the kitchen table and made gestures as though he were thrusting lightning bolts at his siblings below him, who would in turn respond with an ambush as they chanted "Long live the king!"
    They had not a care in the world, other than the constant competition to decide who was the strongest of them all. But even though they may have fought all day and well through the night, these brothers could always rest their heads knowing that no stronger bond existed between anyone as it did with each other.

    Now all of that was gone. Now Nicoli stood alone in a house drained of the life and vibrancy it once had. At least they'd done an efficient job at cleaning the blood off the walls.

    Letting out a deep sigh, he closed his eyes and placed his hands in his pockets as he leaned against an old wooden dresser his father had hand-made. It was now filled with the clothing of the new family. Suddenly, he feels something in his right pocket, and pulls it out to see that it's a folded piece of paper.
    "Damn it." he said to himself. "I forgot all about this."
    Inscribed in the small piece of paper was the address of a location here in Athens. A couple of weeks ago when Nicoli left the village where he trained with a rebellion force, one of the rebels gave him the piece of paper saying "Look, I know where you're headed, and I won't stop you. Athens is where you and your family lived. I know you need closure. So, I took the liberty of getting you the address of a group that I hear will be meeting over there soon. Get acquainted. Keep fighting. Best of luck, my friend."
    Repeating the address in his head, Nicoli charged out the front door with his sword in hand.
    Post by: Noteworthy, Apr 23, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Noteworthy
    I was just joking around, but alright lol
    Post by: Noteworthy, Apr 22, 2012 in forum: Movies & Media
  8. Noteworthy
    Here's a theory:
    What if Amon is actually a descendant of "Cabbage Guy" from the original Avatar series, and is attempting to abolish bending in order to protect the cabbages of the world! xD


    Who's with me?! :D​
    Post by: Noteworthy, Apr 22, 2012 in forum: Movies & Media
  9. Noteworthy
    Challenge accepted! I'll do the first half, agreed?
    Post by: Noteworthy, Apr 22, 2012 in forum: Production Studio
  10. Noteworthy
    Nicoli/Ares: God of War
    "During war, the laws are silent."
    -Quintus Tullius Cicero

    Nicoli approached a small cement house on the corner of a street in Athens. He took a deep breathe before stepping up to its large wooden front door.
    "Mother and father..." the young man whispered under his breathe. "I'm home. Have you missed me?"
    Then, with an elegant yet powerful kick, Nicoli sent the heavy door flying 8 meters inwards until making impact with the back wall. It was then that various individuals came rushing from different corners of the home, each with the same perplexed and startled look on their face. The first to notice Nicoli stepping in was a stocky middle-aged man who immediately pulled a knife out of his back pocket and pointed it at him.
    "I don't know who you are, or what you want!" he bellowed in a deep, intimidating voice. His four kids and wife all took cover behind him. "But I demand you leave my home this instant!"
    "Your home?" Nicole asked, with a chuckle as he took a couple steps closer to the man. "This is my home, sir. You and your family are merely vermin, who have dared to occupy it and filthy it while I've been away."
    The arm that the man used to point the knife was now shaking slightly. "You've lost your damn mind, young man! This lovely home was generously given to my family and I years ago by the great and powerful God-Emperor Gyges!"
    Nicoli clenched his fists, and his face flooded with rage. He quickly grabbed the man's arm, twisted it behind his back, confiscated the knife, then slammed an elbow into his right temple. The children screamed helplessly as they watched their father lose consciousness and fall face-flat on the ground.
    "This house is hereby in my possession!" Nicoli yelled, pulling out his sword and pressing the tip of its blade against the back of the man's neck. "The five of you have exactly 10 seconds to get out, or I take his life."
    Without hesitation the family grabbed a couple of important items, then rushed out of the house. Nicoli followed behind them, carrying the father's body over his shoulder then throwing it onto the front porch. "He'll regain consciousness in a matter of minutes, for I have shown you mercy. But if I ever see any of you anywhere near here again, I'll kill you all."
    With those few spine-chilling words, Nicoli slammed the door shut then rested in a wooden chair in the living room. It had been far too long since he had been in this house, and now that he was in need of one, it felt good to take back what was rightfully his. Indeed this was only the first step in his long journey to undo all the terrible things Gyges had done to him and his family...the family that had been killed in the very home that he now sat in, planning the next act of his revenge.
    Post by: Noteworthy, Apr 22, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Noteworthy
    Good evening KHV,

    I recently made a groundbreaking discovery: I'm an incredibly boring/uninteresting person.

    Because I lack something to make me stand out. I don't have any particular hobbies, skills, etc.
    So, I'm thinking maybe I could start drawing, since I've always been fascinated by the classic pencil-and-paper art. That's where I need your help.

    Below are two little sketches I did in under 10 minutes. Please give me little tips and bits of advice, or possibly leave links for tutorials and other sites of that nature that could help me out.

    Thread by: Noteworthy, Apr 17, 2012, 1 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  12. Noteworthy
    Definitely agree with all of that. It's for sure going to be an OC-based RP, and I really like the idea of the alternate universe (same time frame, different characters). Also, I was thinking it should include a map like the original series: [​IMG] Just to maintain a sense of direction and location.
    Post by: Noteworthy, Apr 16, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Noteworthy
    So, earlier today I was brainstorming about various things when an idea came to me.
    An idea for an RP.
    A pretty good one, too.
    I think.
    Maybe not.

    But anyway, ladies and gentlemen, without further adieu... *drumroll*

    Yes, fellow KHV RP-ers (the few and the proud), it is time for an "AVATAR: THE LAST AIRBENDER" RP!
    I'm extremely excited about this, but as much as I'd like to just hit the ground running with it, I know that can't be done. Why? Because I adore this series. With all my heart. And for that reason, I believe it deserves an RP to do it justice. An RP that takes time to put together. An RP that I, alone, cannot construct.
    Which is where you come in :sweat:
    If you're reading this, and have any interest in it whatsoever, I need you to collaborate with me. Reply with any spontaneous ideas you may have for the RP pertaining to how it would work, what the background story should be, where it should take place, etc.
    Let's make this happen.
    Although it may have been done before. In which case, let's make this happen AGAIN!
    Thanks for your time :china:

    Thread by: Noteworthy, Apr 16, 2012, 9 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Noteworthy
    Jesse pulled up to J&D AutoRepair, the local mechanic shop that he ran with his cousin Derrick, and took his usual employee parking spot. As he went to cut the power in the ignition, he hesitated, then stopped. It was barely 5:30 and already he was exhausted.
    "I hope this b*stard is closing up early" he muttered. Suddenly, Derrick appeared strutting out of the shop towards Jesse's car with an ear-to-ear grin. "Speak of the devil..."
    One of the many strange things about Derrick was that he was practically Jesse's twin. The only difference you could tell between the two of them was that Derrick had dark brown hair and was taller than his younger cousin by an inch or two. He was currently sporting his usual work attire: a tight, black, men's tank-top, some ripped up Levi jeans, and a pair of black-and-white Chuck Taylors. "Well look who's here early! The psycho! How's therapy treatin' ya? Better not be crying in there like last time."
    Jesse was used to his cousin's insensitive remarks, it was a part of his sense of humor. After all, how could he take it seriously when it was Derrick who cared for him all this time and provided him with everything he needed to start a new life?
    "Nah, no tears this time." he replied, rolling down the window. "Left early, though. Today just doesn't feel good, so I didn't really wanna stick around."
    "Punk ass" Derrick chuckled, walking around the car and sitting in the passenger seat. "I didn't sign you up for these so you could skip 'em, y'know. I signed you up for 'em cuz you're all f***ed up in the head." He flicked Jesse in his right temple.
    Jesse laughed a little then raised the radio volume and started switching through different stations. At one point they listened in on some news about some kind of cannibalistic murder. They exchanged disgusted looks and changed the station to some heavy metal one. As he rested his head and closed his eyes, the lyrics sunk deep into Jesse's mind:

    "Repent! Repent! The end is nigh!
    Repent! Repent! We're all gonna die!"

    - Pray for Plagues by Bring Me The Horizon
    Post by: Noteworthy, Apr 16, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Noteworthy
    Thanks for your cooperation man, I appreciate it. I was actually planning on PMing you to see if we could talk it out and maybe I could have the part lol.

    But anyway, before I get ahead of myself, does that mean I get the part?
    Post by: Noteworthy, Apr 16, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. Noteworthy

    True, but that actor's actually a pretty cool dude from what I've seen in his interviews. I've heard that he's even made comments about detesting his Edward Cullen character!
    Post by: Noteworthy, Apr 15, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. Noteworthy
    I'm looking for someone to battle! I've been trying to get back on my feet with making AMV's, but I get lazy and give up. Maybe a competition could serve as some type of motivation! :D
    Let me know who's available and willing.
    Post by: Noteworthy, Apr 15, 2012 in forum: Production Studio
  18. Noteworthy
    Username: Notworthy

    Name: Nicoli (nick-oh-lie)

    Age: 20

    Appearance: Nicoli

    God: Ares

    Emotion: Rage

    Weapon: Large sword, as shown in picture above

    Personality: Nicoli is stubborn, rude, and headstrong. He refuses to take orders from anyone, and has a very short temper.

    Original Life: Nicoli was originally a joyful child, the youngest of 7 children. His stern but caring father was the one to each him and his brothers how to battle and fight. They would often spar with one another in street alleys using wooden swords for fun. His mother, on the other hand, was a beautiful affectionate woman who insisted that violence was never the answer to any situation. She taught her children how to cook, clean, and be kind to others.

    Current Life: A short while after Gyges took power, Nicoli's parents joined a rebellion force to overthrow the God-Emperor's reign. However, one day Gyges kidnapped one of the rebels and tortured him until he revealed the names of the rest of the members. He formed a list, and one by one sent his forces to the households of each individual and had them slaughtered. When the night came they arrived at Nicoli's house, he was out sparring with some neighborhood friends. He arrived home later that night to find the blood of every single one of his family members splattered across the walls. Since that night, he's joined and even led various rebellion attacks and vowed to do whatever in his power to kill the man that took his family away from him. His anger and resentment grows stronger each day.

    Other: Growing up Nicoli was always much scrawnier and weaker than other kids his age, and was often ridiculed for this. It wasn't until Gyges took control of Greece that he began to spontaneously grow muscle and strength.
    Post by: Noteworthy, Apr 14, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. Noteworthy
    "Alright, we're here, time to get out. And don't try anything slick, kid."
    Jesse glared at the police officer who held the patrol car door open for him, and nodded slowly. He carefully shifted and moved out of the car, trying not to show any signs of aggression. The building they were parked in front of had a large rusty metal sign above its front doors that read 'Arthur Long Juvenile Detention Center'. Jesse couldn't help but smile a little, thinking of the dozens of other times he had stood in front of this sign, beside a cop, handcuffs around his wrists.
    "You think this is a joke, punk?" the police officer asked sternly, noticing Jesse's smirk. "You're here for at least a good 6 months. I'll let the staff know how happy you are to be here, they'll wipe that smile right off your ugly face. Now get movin'!"
    Jesse narrowed his eyes at him, spit at his shiny black boots, and proceeded into the building. He didn't know it yet, but the months that followed wouldn't be like the many other times he had been sentenced to this place. This time, his life was going to change entirely.

    The soothing voice saying his name awoke him from his flashback. He blinked a few times, then looked around the room. The teal pinstripe walls surrounded him as he lay on the gray couch. Just a few feet away sat a red haired woman at her desk with a clipboard in hand, trying to get his attention.
    "Uh, yeah, sorry about that, Miss. I guess I dozed off there for a minute." Jesse said, rubbing his eyes and sitting up. "What were we talkin' about?"
    The psychiatrist sighed and gave her patient a sweet smile. "That's quite alright. But I was just asking you to recall your final stay at Arthur Long Juvenile Detention Center for me. I understand you have a lot of trouble talking about it, though, so take your time."
    Jesse nodded, and bowed his head, staring at his feet. "Well, y' was just different. All the other times I went there it was like a vacation. But not this time."
    "Why's that?"
    "Cuz..." he swallowed and took a deep breathe. "There were these dudes there. Some guys I knew back from my neighborhood. Their crew had problems with mine back then, and we were always competing to sell drugs, and even getting in fights from time to time. But anyway, they recognized me right when I got there, and when they did, they knew I was gonna be their b*tch. I mean, sorry for the language, Miss."
    "That's not a problem. Please, continue."
    "Well, basically, they just made it hell for me. I swear, there were some days when the guards weren't watching they'd beat me so bad...I wasn't sure I was gonna live...but that's not even the worst part..."
    "What do you feel was the worst part about your stay there?"
    "The worst part was that...I didn't know. I didn't know I wasn't gonna see my mom...ever..." he froze up and his hands began to shake.
    Ms. Valerie put a caring hand on Jesse's knee. "It's okay, Jesse. Let it out."
    "No, I can't." he stood up quickly and grabbed his jacket from the coat hanger by the door. "I gotta go, Miss. I'll see you next week."
    Jesse rushed out of the building, got in his car, and started driving back to the auto-shop where he worked with his cousin. These therapy sessions always left him like this, anxious and depressed. Maybe if he took the rest of the day easy at work, it would get his mind off everything.
    Post by: Noteworthy, Apr 14, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. Noteworthy

    The Undead

    Yes indeed. I really wanted to make an RP with plenty of room for creativity and innovation (of course the basic KHV and RP rules still apply, though). So if you're interested in something like that, feel free to fill out a character form and we can get started as soon as possible. :)

    You're in! I'll add your character in right now. :D

    Excellent! By all means you're more than welcome to join. I have to tell you, though, I had really started to give up on this, especially after an RP as elaborate and well constructed as "The Walking Plague" was introduced! Lol but anyway, just fill out a character form and we'll get started as soon as possible. :)
    Post by: Noteworthy, Apr 10, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home