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  1. Noteworthy
    The group of guards pressed their backs to the wall, observing with wide eyes the intense battle taking place before them. All this time the drunkard whom they were so accustomed to see limping dizzily through the streets, was an Earthbender! An impressive one, at that. He was slowly taking apart the entirety of the floor beneath them, pulling large chunks out of it to be hurtled in the Princess' direction. Meanwhile Adena herself lit the room up with a bluish hue that came from the lightning and flames she used as her own ammunition. One of them had to wear out soon enough. One of them would have to die, whether it be by burning to a crisp, or being crushed like a bug.

    "That's quite enough." a deep, unexpected voice bellowed. The Earth King now stood at the doorway of his throne room, his eyes filled with rage. He slid his hands across the metal doors on either side of him, causing them to break at their hinges and crumple up into two balls effortlessly. His eyes met first with Adena's as he shot her a look of disgust and launched one of the crumpled metal balls in her direction. As it approached her, the metal suddenly seperated into five pieces, one being larger than the rest. They wrapped around Adena's wrists, ankles, and waist, then pulled her until making impact with the back wall. She was now restrained tightly to the wall, hardly able to move, let alone use her bending abilities.

    "Don't think I forgot about you, little scoundrel." the King said as he turned to Rolan and did the same to him on a separate wall. "Very well then. Now that everyone is settled in nice and cozy, allow me to introduce myself: I am King Tasuki, ruler of the Earth Kingdom, and Earthbending master."
    He looked around the room with a wide grin then approached Adena, leaning in very closely to her. "I am in no need of an introduction from you, my dear. Princess Adena. The precious, beautiful daughter of Fire Lord Ozai. You've caused me quite some grievance today young lady."
    He raised an arm and made the Princess' metal restraints tighter to the wall. "I do much would your father pay for me to return your pretty little one piece?"
    Post by: Noteworthy, Apr 29, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Noteworthy
    The remaining guards looked at the young man who seemed to come out of nowhere, then at each other, and burst into fits of laughter.
    "You fool!" one of them hollered. "You're nothing but a low-life drunkard! I've lost count of how many times I've had to throw you in a prison cell for harassing others on your drunken rampages!"
    Another one of them chimed in. "Just leave, kid. Go choke on some ashes and die in an alley. That's the biggest favor you could do for this Kingdom.
    Post by: Noteworthy, Apr 29, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Noteworthy
    "Guards!" King Tasuki hollered impatiently. "How much longer are you going to keep me locked up in here, hmm? According to Gorges, things are mostly taken care of by now!"
    The eight men exchanged worried glances, until one of them stepped forward and spoke. "Well, your majesty, we can't risk allowing you to leave until it is confirmed that all FNA soldiers have fled the city."
    "Nonsense!" the King bellowed, approaching the door that his men stood firmly in front of. "Let me through this instant! My people are out there, scared out of their minds! I must reassure them that what has occurred today was nothing but a mistake by the Fire Nation! A mistake that shall not go unpunished by our military forces!"
    Just then, loud crashes were heard from above, along with the blood-curdling screams of General Gorges. There was silence for a few moments, then the shouting of a female. The 9 men stood quietly, listening intently to the faint voice. "No one shall stop me! This city is mine now!"

    "Men..." the King said grimly, taking a few steps back. "It appears we have a guest. Leave the room, and lock the doors on your way out. This mysterious woman has entered my royal palace uninvited and killed one of my men. Show no mercy."

    Following his directions, the King's eight most elite guards charged upstairs, prepared to protect their master no matter what it took.
    Post by: Noteworthy, Apr 29, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Noteworthy
    Lieutenant Gorges finally made it up the long stairway from the Underground Chambers and proceeded towards the back exit of the palace, preparing to fulfill his majesty's bidding. He hesitated for a moment, hearing the sound of footsteps in the throne room. As he stopped and turned around, he even noticed that the front doors were wide open.
    "Who goes there?!" he bellowed vigorously. "Show yourself!"
    The well-experienced soldier approached the open doorway to the throne room, taking a fighting stance. He was smart enough to know that this unexpected guest was bad company.
    Unfortunately, the few steps that he took inside the room, would be the last steps he ever took...
    Post by: Noteworthy, Apr 29, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Noteworthy
    King Tasuki was being held under high security in the Underground Chambers, pacing around the room nervously. To think, that at this very moment there were dozens of soldiers outside of his palace, thirsting for his blood. Dozens? What if there were hundreds? Thousands, even. He imagined them all charging at him like an angry mob, each viciously trying to get a hold of his flesh, ripping him apart and then burning the remains. A cold chill went up his spine the more vividly he pictured it.
    Just then a loud knock was heard at the thick metal doors. Tasuki froze in fear as he watched the guards peer through a small window to see who it was.

    "Well?!" he asked impatiently.

    "It's one of your soldiers, your Majesty."

    The King sighed in relief. "What are you waiting for? Let him in."

    The guards took apart a long series of tight locks, allowing the soldier to enter the room. To everyone's surprise, he rushed in with a large grin on his face.

    "Your majesty!" he exclaimed. "The FNA soldiers, we're beginning to outnumber them!"

    "How can that be?" Tasuki asked suspiciously. "I haven't been able to summon in anymore soldiers."

    "I'm aware of this, sir. There are others fighting. Benders. Of all elements! I witnessed an Airbender stab a soldier in the chest. An Earthbender bombarding soldiers with the use of enormous boulders. A Waterbender used ice to slit a man's throat. Two men, a Firebender and an Earthbender in masks, fighting off soldiers by the dozens! There's more, too! All over the place, your highness. If I'm not mistaken I believe I even saw a Kyoshi Warrior! It's unbelievable out there. Together, they've wiped out nearly the entire army!"

    The group of guards looked at each other and at the King, astonished. The room was dead silent as everyone began to contemplate in their minds whether it was possible for just a few benders to take down a plethora of FNA soldiers that were flooding the city.

    "Lieutenant..." King Tasuki said sternly, breaking the silence. "I demand that you get back out there. Go through the back, the same way I assume you entered, and find each of these benders. Identify them and report back to me immediately."

    The soldier nodded and fled the palace.
    Post by: Noteworthy, Apr 28, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Noteworthy
    Draco dodged the various blasts swiftly, then used air to slice the wall of flames in two and slid between them. He had just revealed himself as an Airbender to the daughter of the Fire Lord himself, but it didn't matter to him. It was crucial to stop her at all costs.

    "Not so fast, Princess!" he yelled, forming a typhoon of wind with his arms then thrusting it at her.

    The typhoon wrapped around Adena, causing her to spin around a few times then flip over backwards and land on her back. Draco seized the opportunity and rushed to her side, holding the tip of his katana to her neck.

    "You're not-" he started, before breaking out into a fit of coughs. The smoke and ash were beginning to burn his throat and eyes, but he couldn't let it slow him down. "You're not going anywhere."

    Draco tried his best to look intimidating and strong, but his legs began to quiver slightly as he remembered how powerful and advanced of a Firebender the Princess was.
    Post by: Noteworthy, Apr 28, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Noteworthy
  8. Noteworthy
    OOC: Cuttlefish and Soap, as much as I find it great that your characters are bonding, I must remind you that they are in the middle of a major attack. We're talking death by the hundreds, along with burning and collapsing buildings. Lol.

    Carry on!

    EDIT: Another thing, (and I can't say this enough times) BE THOROUGH! INCLUDE DETAIL! BE DESCRIPTIVE!

    That is one of my biggest requirements for this RP. Even if it is dialogue, just appeal to the senses while you're talking to another character. Describe what your character sees, smells, hears, feels, etc. outside of the conversation.

    Alright, now carry on!
    Post by: Noteworthy, Apr 28, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Noteworthy
    An elderly man sat humbly in his favorite wooden rocking chair by a windowsill. He gazed out of it at the city below him with an empty facial expression. It was difficult to see through the black smoke, but whenever it cleared for a moment or two, he could see the piles of lifeless bodies that lay in the streets and on the walkways. Men, women, children. All dead. All burning.

    "I have failed you, father..." the old man whispered to himself. "The Fire Nation is turning your great city into ashes...and I greeted them through the front door..."

    Suddenly someone else entered the room. It was a younger man. An Earthbender by the name of Safon, sporting his elegant Army General attire.

    "Your Majesty, they are coming for you."

    The old man let out a soft chuckle. "You don't think I know that, General?"

    "I apologize, sir. But as your liege, it is my duty to ensure your safety. You must follow me to the Underground Chambers. That is the only place they won't be able to find you."

    "What does it matter?!" King Tasuki yelled, still gazing out the window. He took a few deep breaths. "I apologize for raising my voice, but you must understand that there is no reason for me to survive. My father passed away hoping I would carry on his vision of the Earth Kingdom. Look at it now. He's most likely rolling over in his grave as we speak. I have already failed as King, whether I live through this day or not, so I might as well let them catch me. That way, my shame can die with me."

    "That's nonsense, your majesty! I beg of you to come with me! Live through this day and you will allow the Earth Kingdom a chance for a brighter future. If you die, it is not shame that dies with you, it is hope."

    The King turned around in his chair and stared the General in his eyes for a few moments. Screams and cries from outside were now the only noises that filled the room. Tasuki let a sole tear roll down his cheek, then nodded and followed the General out of the room.

    Draco jumped back quickly, barely avoiding the whip's harsh sting. He got a glance of the young lady's face and immediately recognized her.

    "Princess Adena!" he exclaimed in utter disbelief. "The Fire Nation Princess! Huh, some father you have. Risking his own daughter's life, putting it on the frontlines of war. All just for the sake of a takeover."

    This immediately caught her attention and Draco grinned.
    Post by: Noteworthy, Apr 28, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Noteworthy
    Draco made his way painfully through the walls of smoke that surrounded him. With each step he had to dodge bursts of flames from every direction. He was dry heaving and coughing fiercely, and his lungs felt as if they were on fire. Just as he was about to collapse in the middle of the road, he saw something not too far ahead: The Earth Kingdom Palace.

    The right side of the palace had been destroyed by Fire Benders who were killed off by the Earth Kingdom Army before they could bring the rest of the palace to the ground. Draco knew it was only a matter of time before the FNA raided the entire building in search of the King, so he ran towards it hoping to serve as some type of protection. If the Earth King went down, the Earth Kingdom would go down with him.

    Just as he was getting close, however, Draco noticed something that caught him off-guard. There was a girl moving up the steps towards the large golden front doors of the palace, and he recognized her. It was the same Firebender who had caused an enormous scene just before he had been knocked unconscious.

    "You there!" he shouted, pulling out his katana and stepping closer until he was about 10 feet from her. "Don't take another step! I know exactly what your intentions are, Firebender, and I won't allow it."
    Post by: Noteworthy, Apr 28, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Noteworthy
    OOC: Alright you guys, I just want to clarify what's going on here:

    Princess Adena has planned this attack on Ba Sing Se
    Fire Lord Ozai, the morning of the attack, gave her the "ok" to proceed after taking care of some business of his own
    Princess Adena, along with about a dozen FNA Soldiers, went into Ba Sing Se disguised as Earth Kingdom citizens
    They have now removed their disguises and are actively burning the center of the city to ashes
    Many more soldiers flood into the city at this point, so there should be about 50 of them, all concentrated in the center of the city, but slowly branching out
    The center of the city is FILLED with smoke, as in it should look like it's nighttime in there
    This is a very VIOLENT scene, with a LOT of fire. There are FNA soldiers on rooftops, in the streets, in the windows, etc. all launching fire everywhere
    The Earth Kingdom army is only just now beginning to take action, but are still quite out numbered right now. This should change shortly, but most of the fighting should be done by YOUR characters (it's your time to shine), so don't rely too much on their soldiers.

    Everyone on board? Yes? Alright, cool. Proceed :D
    Post by: Noteworthy, Apr 28, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Noteworthy
    "YOUNG MAN! You have to wake up! Come on, you need to get out of here!"

    Draco's eyelids began to widen slowly. His vision was blurry and disfigured. An elderly man with a scruffy gray beard was kneeling at his side, shaking him by his shoulders and yelling. "Get up! Get up now! You're going to die here!"

    "Wha...." Draco muttered weakly, feeling much pain and confusion. "Where...where am I?"

    "You're in Ba Sing Se, my boy! The Fire Nation is attacking, you were knocked unconscious, please we have to run! Let's go-"

    Just then the elderly man's head became engulfed in flames, and his body began to twitch and roll over as he screamed in pain. Draco was lost for words and started breathing very fast, trying to get back on his feet. Blood was flowing down the side of his face and getting into his eye as he started to run, looking for some kind of cover he could take. Dark smoke filled the air and blasts of fire were going in every direction. His ears were ringing with the sounds of desperate screams. None of this made sense. The last thing he remembered was talking to the Waterbender Liao, then-- nothing.

    "An Airbender!" he heard a deep voice shout. Draco looked down at his right arm and noticed that his sleeve was ripped, revealing his blue arrow tattoo. The man who identified him was equipped in Fire Nation armor and took a fighting stance, forming a sphere of flames in his right hand.

    Draco acted quickly and sent a powerful gust of air towards the soldier, flipping him over onto his back. He then charged towards him with his katana, stabbed it fiercely into his chest, and ran off hoping to get to safe ground.
    Post by: Noteworthy, Apr 28, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Noteworthy
    Draco frowned at Liao then turned and looked at all the civilians around them. It was an incredibly busy day here in the heart of Ba Sing Se. Adults rushed to take care of their daily errands, children laughed and chased each other merrily, vendors hollered various slogans trying to attract attention to their products, and beggars limped around in search of food scraps. But Draco couldn't help but cringe as he watched them stepping all over his "Resistance" fliers, turning their backs on a movement that could possibly save them all someday.

    "They care, I know they do." he said reassuringly. "They're just afraid. Afraid to stand up for what they know is right, because they're aware of the circumstances that come with it. You can't blame 'em though, you just have to wait for the rare ones."

    As he spoke those hopeful words, Draco took some time to absorb his surroundings. It was such a beautiful day. The sun was shining bright surrounded by small puffy white clouds, and the air was less humid than usual. If he wasn't trying to save the world, he'd probably head over to the beach and enjoy the splendid summer day to its fullest.
    There was only one problem. Something just didn't feel right on this particular day, regardless of how innocent and wonderful it appeared. The monks had taught him to understand his surroundings, thus he had a keen instinct for these kinds of things. Draco began to look around suspiciously, worried that something deeper was going on here.
    Post by: Noteworthy, Apr 28, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Noteworthy
    Draco watched the man walk away and kicked some dirt in his direction. "No one's asking you for your advice pal!"
    He then turned back to the girl, attempting to regain his composure.
    "My name's Draco, by the way." he said nervously, a bit shaken up by the man's words. "Draco...uh...Saba! Yeah, Saba. Yourself?"
    Post by: Noteworthy, Apr 28, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Noteworthy
  16. Noteworthy
    Draco sighed in frustration, then leaned in and whispered in the girl's ear.
    "Look, I don't exactly know what I'm doing, alright? I'm just trying to get the word out. Maybe my plan isn't going as smoothly or clearly as I had intended, but gimme a break here. How 'bout this: you gather up whoever you think might be interested, and meet me at this exact spot at midnight, then-"
    Suddenly he was interrupted by some young man claiming the Resistance was futile. He took offense to this and glared at the man angrily.
    "Oh yeah?" Draco said, approaching him. "And just who do you think you are to say something like that?"
    Post by: Noteworthy, Apr 28, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. Noteworthy
    Draco strolled through the streets, trying to hold in his excitement as the fliers began to catch everyone's attention. Now for the next step in his plan. He figured that if he were to put the address on the advertisement itself, it could get into the wrong hands, so instead he would eye out the area waiting for someone who looked like they would be interested. Just then he noticed two women talking. One of them was curious about when and where the Resistance was going to meet, while the other didn't even seem to be taking it seriously.
    "Well actually," Draco chimed in, standing between the two. "I hear a meeting is going to be held on a campsite in the forest on the Southern outskirts of Ba Sing Se!"
    He immediately began to blush, realizing that he wasn't coming off as casual as he had planned. Not only that, but the camp he had set up in the forest was far from impressive, to say the least. Plus the fliers were only confusing people. Draco was immediately beginning to regret this ragtag plan of his, wishing he had thought it through better.
    "Um...well...y'know...that's what I heard. I could be wrong."
    Post by: Noteworthy, Apr 28, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. Noteworthy
    "Ah, Ba Sing Se..." a young man whispered to himself, taking a deep breathe and smiling as he observed the wondrous Earth Kingdom Capital below him. "If I can make it here, I can make it anywhere."
    He was perched on the roof of a building in the center of the city, his legs dangling off the edge. In his right hand was a stack of fliers, each reading:

    We are a strong people.
    We shall not be oppressed.
    We will not be controlled.
    We shall rise above.
    We shall conquer.
    WE are the RESISTANCE!
    And WE want YOU to FIGHT BACK!

    Below the message was a hand-drawn Fire Nation symbol, cracking down the middle.
    The fliers were simple, but they got the point across. Each was individually hand-made by the same young man who now prepared to "deliver" them. His name was Draco, and he was sitting on a roof waiting for the right gust of wind. It didn't come for a while but that didn't bother him. He enjoyed the sight-seeing anyway, as it gave him some time to think and reflect.
    Suddenly, he felt some strong wind pushing at his back, held the fliers up as high as he could, and released them. Draco then cheered and clapped, watching the fliers soar off into different directions, then slowly sink into the streets of Ba Sing Se. Before anyone could notice where the fliers were coming from, he ran and went back into the streets, acting as though he were a regular citizen, just as perplexed by the mysterious fliers as anyone else.
    Soon... he thought, hopefully. I'll be part of a team. Then I can finally fight back...
    Post by: Noteworthy, Apr 28, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. Noteworthy
    Fire Lord Ozai

    "Sir, I beg of you! Please!" the man shouted. He raised his chained arms in despair and fell to his knees. "I spoke out of turn, I know. But I have always been faithful to you, my lord! Forgive my mistakes, grace me with your mercy although I do not deserve it, and I shall never disrespect you in such a manner again!"
    Ozai glared coldly at the pathetic excuse for a man that kneeled before him. Just a few minutes ago this scoundrel had the nerve to interrupt he, the Firelord, during an important meeting among FNA Generals. Such acts of blatant disrespect towards his highness were punishable by an excruciatingly painful death delivered by Ozai himself.
    "Look at you, Garko." he said with a sinister grin. "Stripped of your military attire, chained at your forearms and ankles, begging for mercy. I almost pity you. Almost."
    "Pity me then, my lord!"General Garko responded eagerly, jumping at the first sign he received of false hope. "You are most certainly right, after all. I am pitiful! I only ask for your forgiveness, my lord! Please, my lord!"
    "You're making quite a habit of talking too much, aren't you General?" the Firelord said behind gritted teeth, arising from his thrown and approaching the man slowly. "You must understand, men like you do not deserve to lead my army. Men like you do not deserve to live!"
    The General fell from his knees onto his back and began to crawl away in fear, his eyes wide and forehead moist with sweat. "PLEASE! Ozai, don't end it like this! I am your cousin! Think of my wife! My children! To grow up without a father, what should become of them?!"
    "Oh, you can trust me, Garko. I will personally see to it that your family is taken care of."
    Then, with a swift thrust of his right arm, Ozai sent a ball of blue flames straight into the General's face. His hair caught on fire, and he began to squirm, screaming at the top of his lungs. Ozai then created a bolt of electricity, grinning from ear-to-ear as he watched it surge through the man's body, making him flop around like a fish out of water. This went on for several minutes until all that was left was a burning corpse laying in the center of the Firelord's throne room.

    A tall man in full armor then entered the room. "My lord, shall we have this cleaned up?"
    "Yes. Immediately."
    "Very well then...oh, sir, we just received word from General Adena. She's reported that her and her crew are currently stationed just outside of Ba Sing Se, and everything is set. All we need is for you to give the order, and we can initiate the mission."
    Firelord Ozai settled back into his rightful place on the throne. The soldier could only see his silhouette in front of a wall of flames, but could feel his intimidating stare.
    "Do it."
    Post by: Noteworthy, Apr 27, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. Noteworthy