King Tasuki stood silently at the very end of the room, making observations of each bender as they walked in one-by-one. It was a rather unimpressive group; nothing like he had expected anyway. They were all incredibly young. Young enough to be his children, even. The idea of these young adults saving Ba Sing Se and defeating an entire army dumbfounded the King, but it didn't matter. His only priority remained the same: to identify the 'Resistance' that was forming, even if it did turn out to be nothing but a group of kids. "Attention!" he shouted, bringing the room to a deadly silence. "I imagine you're all wondering why I've gathered you here. Well, the answer is simple, but comes in two parts. First, I wanted to thank you. Because of you children...I mean, and women, my city has prevailed against a devastating attack. Admittedly there were countless deaths. Also much of Ba Sing Se has been burned to ashes, but that can be fixed. If it wasn't for each and every one of you, there would be nothing left here. That is a debt I will do all in my power to repay." The King forced a smile and made a slight bow to his audience. "Now," he said with a firmer tone. "The second reason." Tasuki slowly reached into the inside of his robe and revealed another copy of the flier he had shown Kota, then held it up to everyone. "A few months ago, this mysterious movement began to arise in my city. 'The Resistance', it's called. Due to its rapid popularity and spreading propaganda, benders and soldiers from all over the world have migrated to Ba Sing Se in search of it, but to no avail. Judging by today's events and the heroic actions of this group...I suspect the individuals behind this 'Resistance' are among us. So, step forward if you know anything of this. Now." Draco became overwhelmed with joy when he was told of everything that occurred while he was unconscious. The city of Ba Sing Se, along with King Tasuki, were safe and out of harm's way. It was a miracle. With a sigh of relief, he sat up and leaned back, just as he noticed that the Waterbender girl was cupping one of his hands with hers. Draco awkwardly looked at her with wide eyes and his face turned a dark shade of red. "So, uh..." he said nervously, rubbing the back of his head. "I guess we won then, right?" Suddenly the King's voice came booming from the end of the rooom. Draco listened intently to every word he had to say, feeling honored to be thanked by such a powerful, infamous man. It wasn't until Tasuki held up one of Draco's fliers that his heart dropped into his stomach and he began to sink back into his seat, not saying a word.
Tasuki left the young Waterbender, Kota, alone in his throne room and proceeded towards the den where a few of the other benders had already gathered. He paid them no mind, however, as he approached an object in the back of the room which was covered with a curtain. He removed the curtain to reveal a large metal gong hanging by the wall, then grabbed a mallet beside it. After taking a deep breathe and a position beside the large gong, he began to slam the mallet against it repeatedly, causing an incredibly loud noise to reach every corner of the palace. The den itself shook slightly from the vibrations of every impact. "Benders!" bellowed the King in his deep, powerful voice. "Come forth immediately! It is time!" Draco opened his eyes very slightly, and very slowly. The room around him was an enormous dilating blur that spun endlessly, but gradually came into focus over the course of a few minutes. He tried to make sense of what was happening, or at least where he was. Every wall was covered in various shades of green and brown, hanging with the most elegant paintings and hand-sewn banners Draco had ever seen. Someone was beside him. A girl. Not only that, but a Waterbender. One with dark skin, long flowing brown hair, and beautiful blue eyes. His memory began to develop at a quicker pace and he could suddenly remember meeting her in the town center of Ba Sing Se...just before the Fire Nation attacked. "W-where are they?" he stammered, grabbing the girl's wrist. "The...the FNA soldiers." More memories flooded into his mind. He could now visualize the sinister Fire Nation Princess, Adena, making her way up the Earth King Palace's front steps. He tried to stop her, but that's as far as he could remember before losing consciousness and regaining it now. "The king!" Draco gasped. "Is he alive?" Just then a loud vibration began to ring in his ears, keeping a slow rhythm.
*facepalm* Thanks for letting me know, I'll go edit it now lol
King Tasuki watched as Kai rambled on about his sudden excitement, but hardly listened to a word of it. The only words he managed to catch were "I would like to take a walk to the prison and give a piece of my mind to some Firebenders" to which he responded "I wouldn't do that if I were y-" only to be cut off as the young boy rushed out of the palace. "Damn kid..." he muttered under his breath as the shadow of the Waterbender quickly faded into the distance. Suddenly the younger sibling, Kota, was bowing at his feet requesting information as to how he could join the Resistence that Tasuki had informed them of. "My boy," said the King. "Believe me when I say that I am as clueless as you are when it comes to the whereabouts or origins of this 'Resistance'. My only idea as of now is that some of these benders I am gathering here may have something to do with it. Once they all arrive, we can all get acquainted and I shall hopefully get to the bottom of it. Until then, however, I cannot assist you in joining them." Tasuki then leaned in very closely to Kota, whispering in his ear. "But mark my words young good shall come of this 'Resistance'. My advice would be to stay far away from it if you value your life. The Avatar himself could not defeat Firelord Ozai, what makes you think any of us ordinary benders possibly could?" Leaving behind only those few, powerful words, King Tasuki left the room.
OOC: Alright you guys, things are starting to get a little out of hand, and some of you seem to be confused about what exactly is going on here (including myself). So you know what time it is... RECAP TIME!!!!! :D Ok, after Princess Adena's army was defeated and driven out of the city, Earth King Tasuki sent his Royal Guards to find the benders (and Kyoshi Warrior, of course) who were witnessed fending them off, and bring them back to his palace. At the palace, Rolan and Draco (me and Soap's characters) are unconscious in the DEN, and Adena is chained up in the throne room. The first bender to be brought is Roku (a fugitive of the Fire Nation). Him and Adena had some type of romantic history I guess, so when they saw each other they immediately began to break down and have some kind of emotional scene. THEN the King had Adena sent to the Ba Sing Se Prison while he figured out how to use her to his advantage, and Roku went into the DEN. Around this time two young Waterbenders, Kota and Kai (Myst and Sokka), arrived at Ba Sing Se for reasons that were rather confusing...even for myself... But no matter! The point is that they arrived with the intention of assisting the King in any manner they could in order to help fight off the Fire Nation. Meanwhile: - Liao (Cuttlefish) after being brought to the palace decided to go wandering around the destroyed city. - Kouri (Rapid Ignis) is headed to Ba Sing Se for unspecified reasons from her home in the forest. - Everyone else is being escorted to the palace by the King's Royal Guards. ^Edit your posts accordingly! Slow down you guys. I'm happy the RP is progressing and there's so much participation, but the story is beginning to get a Yes, convoluted. Very convoluted indeed. Just be calm with your characters right now. Don't go doing some crazy sh*t, we're all supposed to be coming together at this point. Describe what your character is feeling, seeing, thinking, etc. Be elaborate. Rather than a ton of small posts, I want to see a few long, thorough posts. Thanks, and I hope this helped. BIC: King Tasuki glared at Kota and Kai with cold, discontent eyes. He had graciously welcomed these young boys into his palace, safe from the ash and smoke, now how did they repay his generosity? With disrespect and foul tone. Luckily for them, however, he lacked the energy to really take any action. "I'm afraid you boys are mistaken." he said, holding the anger in his voice behind gritted teeth. "My duty, and that of my army, is solely to protect the Earth Kingdom. Your priorities differ from mine. I do not intend to attack the Fire Nation, nor do I intend to kill Firelord Ozai, for that is not my responsibility. My only part in this war is to ensure the safety of my people in the case that we are targeted, such as we were today. We defend ourselves. We do not fight back." He turned his back on them and stepped over to a chest of drawers placed on the side of the room. After sliding one of the drawers open, he shuffled through various papers within it until selecting one that was a bit torn-up. The King then handed the paper to the boys, which turned out to be a flier that read: ATTENTION! We are a strong people. We shall not be oppressed. We will not be controlled. We shall rise above. We shall conquer. WE are the RESISTANCE! And WE want YOU to FIGHT BACK! Beneath the text was a hand-drawn Fire Nation symbol, cracking down the middle. "Now this...this is what you should be after. It's a movement that began to arise a few short months ago here in my city." said the King. "It has somehow spread quite quickly. Caught the attention of individuals all across the globe who then migrate here in search of this so-called 'Resistance'. Whoever's behind it is the first to challenge the Fire Nation. The first to threaten them. And my prediction is that whoever is a part of it, was also part of the benders who helped fight the FNA off this morning. That's why I sent my guards to find each of those that I may identify the ones who are behind this movement."
I personally let my anger out through exercise, and I'm really glad I picked up that habit. It's a win-win situation really: I get all my anger out, while benefiting from it Huzzah!
Gotta say I'm pretty excited about this film ...even though I'm a little late in here lol It's supposed to be a lot more similar to the actual comic book series than the original movies were, but we'll have to wait and see i suppose
Hadn't seen this trailer yet o: All the other ones have given me chills so far though
[video=youtube;Orq1nMKZ7OY][/video] Sing this to her. Or play it around her somehow before you ask her out. She won't be able to resist the funk.
"Stay Gold, Ponyboy" -Johnny Cade, The Outsiders - SE Hinton
King Tasuki reluctantly answered the door exhausted from the long, nearly catastrophic day. As he slowly swung it open, two young boys appeared then bowed and introduced themselves. Small clouds of smoke and ash entered the palace along with them. "Your heinous, we come from the Southern Water Tribe and are here on behalf of Hakoda." the elder one said proudly. "We were sent to see it you are alright and provide you with the knowledge that we will help aid in this war. I am Kai and this is my younger brother Kota." He gestured to the smaller boy, who couldn't possibly be any older than thirteen. "We are both water benders. Please, how may we aid you, Earth King Tasuki?" Tasuki carefully observed the two Waterbenders, taking note of each and every characteristic they possessed. They were dark-skinned with long hair, both rather thin and innocent-looking. The King closed his eyes slowly and buried his face in his hand as though he were becoming overwhelmed with stress. "Children." he muttered. "I requested men...soldiers! And they send me...children, to fight off a blood-thirsty, merciless army. What has the world come to?"
Hello everyone, My name's Noteworthy. it's not. That's my username. A pretty cool one, I think. Idk maybe it's not. yeah. Anyway, I've actually been on here for about a couple weeks now I think, but I just now noticed this thread where you're supposed to introduce yourself. Which brings me here, talking to you through your computer screen. Already read the rules and everything, and I've sort of been living in the cave of "The Roleplaying Arena", not posting much elsewhere. (Made an Avatar RP. If you like that kind of thing. I like shrinking my text.) But I plan to improve on that! Then I can slowly get to know you all.
King Tasuki stood there for a moment watching the two Firebenders, then groaned and rolled his eyes at the melodramatic scene. "I've had quite enough of this." he said assertively while motioning his arms to disassemble Adena's restraints, then reconstructing them into handcuffs behind her back. "Guards, I require the three of you to see to it that the Princess makes her way to Ba Sing Se Prison with no detours or distractions. Be sure to take the most populated route so my people can see for themselves what great victory their King has brought them." The three Royal Guards in the room exchanged hesitant glances, then grabbed Adena and rushed her out of the palace into the smokey, burning wasteland that was now of the center of Ba Sing Se. "As for you...hmm..." the King then said, scratching his head curiously as he thought of how to deal with Roku. He snapped his fingers and smiled, then with a quick tug of his arms forced the ground beneath Roku to spring upwards, launching him straight out the doorway of his throne room into the den where the others were. "Yes, that'll do nicely."
Nice! The arms seem a little off (not as cut as the rest of the torso) and the head appears a bit small, especially for such a thick neck. Other than that, however, everything is cool. His rugged personality is definitely there. Keep drawing, my man
King Tasuki's eyes glistened with excitement as he watched the two Firebenders interact. Especially when Adena began to struggle against her restraints. Finally, he had something that could make the Princess tick. He jolted upwards from his throne, stepping between them and greeting Roku with open arms and a wide grin. "My apologies for her rudeness, young man." he said merrily. "It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance. As they say, the enemy of my my friend!" Tasuki extended his arm for a handshake, and just as Roku reached to return it, he tugged the Firebender's arm forward. Within seconds he had twisted it behind his back and revealed his knife once more, pressing it tightly against Roku's neck as he held him from behind. "Do I have your attention now, Princess?" he asked sinisterly.
King Tasuki stood quietly, alone in his throne room with the Princess who had just failed an attempt to assassinate him. Adena's ashy, well-wounded figure was restrained at the wrists, ankles, and waist. Her platinum blonde hair tangled and messy, covering a majority of her face. Beyond the strands, however, her burning red eyes were still quite visible, glaring at the King with an unrelenting hatred. Tasuki payed it no mind, however. He kept a relaxed mood, and leisurely took a seat at his thrown to turn and face the young lady. "I must tell you..." he said, crossing his arms and smiling at her. "Your confidence is quite impressive. If only your intelligence was as well-sustained...I probably wouldn't be sitting here speaking to you...and you wouldn't be hanging to the wall like a dusty old picture frame!" Tasuki broke into a fit of laughter, leaning forward in his thrown and slapping his knees. Then, a knock came at the door. "Your majesty, I've found one! A Firebender. Caught him just as he was reaching the city borders!" "A Firebender? Surely he's with the FNA!" "No, sir. Some civilians confirmed they witnessed him killing off some soldiers. One of them even said they saw Princess Adena chasing after him like prey!" King Tasuki raised an eyebrow at Adena. "How interesting. Very well, let him in."
King Tasuki looked down at the man who now lay fast asleep by his feet, then sighed and rubbed a hand across his face in a stressed manner. "Guards!" he yelled. "Get this man and the other unconscious one from the front steps and settle them in my den. Afterwards I want you to head out into the streets and gather all the retaliating benders. Bring them to me. If you are confronted by any remaining FNA soldiers, let them know I have captured their leader and that if they don't evacuate immediately, I will kill her without hesitation." The elite group of guards obeyed their King and split-up to find the mysterious benders across the city who had saved it from its doom. OOC: Alright you guys, each of you may momentarily take the role of one of the Royal Guards and have them escort you back to the palace.
I've never posted in the Spam Zone before, but a question randomly popped into my head and I'm rather curious how all of you here on KHV would respond to it. So here it goes: If you had a day where you could do absolutely ANYTHING you wanted (no rules, restrictions, no consequences, no side effects, nothing), what would you do?
"Indeed you are, young man." the King said coldly as he slid the tip of the blade lightly across Rolan's neck. "You're an army drop-out, living off the streets with bottles of rum as your only company." He pulled his knife back, staring Rolan in his pitiful eyes, then thrust it forward with an incredible force that caused the entire wall to shake. His guards gasped in shock, each trying to get a view of the stab wound. But there was none. Instead, Tasuki had jabbed the blade deep into the wall, barely avoiding Rolan's neck. "That being said, it was a noble thing you did here today, my boy." he continued calmly, retrieving his knife then taking a few steps back. "You knew this woman came here to kill me, and so you challenged her to an Agni Ki, defending my life along with the Earth Kingdom's. That is a superb act of chivalry and certainly deserves some type of recognition." With a quick movement of his arms, the King released Rolan from his restraints, dropping him to the floor. "Guards! You've done absolutely nothing today. Escort this gentlemen out while I deal with the Princess."
King Tasuki's wide grin quickly faded and turned into a frown at Adena's words. "That's pretty tough talk, Princess." he said sternly. "Especially considering a majority of your pathetic army either died or ran off by now. Don't believe me? Take a look outside, my dear. The smoke is beginning to clear. The sun is coming out. You have lost." Chuckling for a moment, then spitting in the Princess' face, Tasuki walked slowly towards the other wall where Rolan was hanging with his head bowed down. He pulled a small knife from the inside of his long green robe and tucked its blade underneath the young man's chin. "Look at me." he demanded. "Look me in the eyes you worthless scum."