Oh, it isn't fairness im worried about. I've played with Cloud on my team, so I know how strong he is. Hence why I didn't want him in the tournament. Plus, he only has 3 moves. Not very fun.
Unfortunately, I can't say this outcome wasn't expected. I warned not to pick Cloud: he only has 3 moves! All of which are over-powered, by the way. Aw well, hopefully someone takes him down before the Title match, or else it won't even be worth watching. BTW, I liked how you used the Dissidia victory theme at the end. If a villain wins, will you use the Villain version?
Actually, I hope Larxene wins the fight. And if Cloud doesn't have his dissidia moveset, he'll prolly lose.
1. Sora Is most definitely the strongest, simply because he's beaten everyone else in the game at least once. 2.Xemnas: Obviously, you don't become the leader of Organization XIII by being weak. 3.True Roxas: His power is most likely trumped only by Xemnas himself within the organization. 4.Marluxia: Ran Castle Oblivion, handpicked by Xemnas. 5. Larxene: For swiftness and all-around Difficulty. Riku and Auron aren't on here because, while they are both exceptionally strong, Auron mainly so, neither one of them has a very large moveset. The rest of the Final Fantasy peeps weren't chosen because they aren't KH characters (and their movesets suck)
Post Your best Re:Chain of Memories playthrough stats. Proud Mode Play Time: 20:31 Most used move: Firaga Burst:325 times Sora: Lvl 60 Cp:1075 Hp:305 Deck: Masamune (Consists strictly of 7, 8, and 9 attack cards) Enemy cards: Neoshadow, Shadow, Vexen After completing the game, I went back and obtained: ***Spoiler*** Photon Debugger, Star Seeker, Diamond Dust, One-Winged Angel, and The Roxas card. ***Spoiler End*** What about you?
Did you notice that when she was glowing, she fought exactly like Final form and Master Form?