Why does he look like Demyx when he attacks? Regardless, great job.
Maybe the Demo's not up yet. They usually hold off the demo until the Game has been formally announced in the respective panels. Unless Square has already gone. I don't have G4.
Oh wow. That's so sad sad, especially because I never took the time to learn who the VA's were. Now I feel like I've missed out a little. Btw, I hope this doesn't sound rude, but I think it's so cute that he and his wife played Mickey and Minnie.
I was way off, then. Aw well, it was a good guess. Now, about this whole coding dilly-bobber, I wanna be a game programmer later in life. If you need help, just point me in the right direction. BTW, I know a bit of PASCAL, so I'm not entirely new to the whole programming scene.
Let me take a wild guess; the thunder resistance either can't be changed or you don't know how, and therefore, Larxene gets pwnt in an insanely short amount of time, meaning that, like Riku, she can't be used? Hot or Cold? p.s. not sarcastic.
man, Riku got WRECKED! Man, after like a minute, it was clear that Roxas would win. Too bad Sora didn't get to do that dark energy ball move. That prolly would have helped. The song this time was alot better. Can you use OC remixes for the fihts or do you have to get "permission"? Thx for the video! :D
JUST Anti-Sora? How can you say that? He's the fasted dude you can play as. I think it'll be a great fight. They could even go so far as to use a theme: Sora's darkness vs. his light or something. Meh, I can understand though; it has been a while. But whatever. As long as i know they haven't stopped, i can wait
Oh, haha, whoops, I thought They were next. I forgot who we were waiting on.
chill out, Nathaniel, we were just wondering. It HAS been a while and some of us would like to know if the project is still continuing. Glad to know that it is. By the way, which Axel will you use for this fight? I never played FM+ (have yet to find a Iso...) and I was curious; was he one of the data Organization members that you could re fight? If not, are you using DW Roxas Axel or Betwixt/Between Axel with Sora?
You know what's funny? I never knew about the BHK thing until AFTER i'd already beaten KH2? Anyways, happy Birthday, Kingdom Hearts. And many more.
Epic! My only complaint? The arena. The animations were too slow for the swirls ( I mean in general, not because of you guys). Anyway, well worth the wait, especially the surprise ending. When he wasn't flinching, I thought he wasn't getting hit; I actually thought he'd won at the end! Good show.
Finally. WHOO-HOO!
I think we've all established that I was wrong on that part. But, It is completely that Terra didn't kill him. I'd think it'd be pretty hard to just off your best friend just cause he said to. Nomura said that they were connected to the SRK team in accordance to their names, but maybe he only meant storywise, Like how Terra is Xehanort, connecting him to Riku, Ven is Roxas, linking him to Sora. It'd be more likely if Terra was Sora's Father than Ven, simply because he's older.
That makes sense, As when the reflection caught on fire, the face showed up in its place.
Yeah, it did look kinda like Riku's hair, just a bit spikier. For all we know, it's possible that it's Riku's Father. I thought: Heartless : Heart Nobodies : Body And the Unbirths are the mind AKA Soul.
That's actually a rather good theory. Aren't the unbirth the Souls? If so, then that theory makes a lot of sense. It's as possible as mine, so we'll have to see. And yes, the DK does need a better name.
Ahh, it's been a while. I was actually wondering why the princess' hearts were in there as i made the post. Well, my theory's been shut down. The entire basis of it was around the keyblade graveyard, but apparently that was wrong. I'd assumed that all the nobodies ended up in TT. Aww well, thanks for clearing it up.
But I thought that the dark was just there, like how the other keyblades are "found" by sora, because, as the trailer showed, the keyblades already existed, meaning that at any point, the keyblade could have been pulled from wherever the keyblade graveyard is. Also, I don't think that where you lose your heart plays a part in where you are created. It's possible that all nobodies, or at least the sentient ones, all go to Twilight Town, similar to the way Humans end up at Traverse town. I didn't write the theory with that affliction in mind, but when i read it a gain, It does come off that way. I simply meant that maybe his release was determinate on some factor that coincides with Sora.
As we all know, Roxas came to exist because of Sora, BUT, the way he came to be isn't normal. Roxas was released when Sora, a being of near ultimate light and a keyblade wielder, sacrificed himself with the Dark Keyblade. With this fact, I've figured that the reason Roxas looks EXACTLY like Ven, is because he is Ven. I think that Ven was somehow sealed into what we know as the Dark Keyblade, and only when a wielder of Light used the blade would he be released.
I thought that number 1 was called Amber. I could've sworn I'd heard them called that somewhere. Anyway, excellent names. I wouldn't be surprised if some of these are legit.