I know its Silver. And I understand the whole Nobody/Heartless Bla-de-bla. I was just saying how I saw it. Thanks for ruining my dreams with your logical argument!!! XP
Oh. Well, I didn't watch Ven's Story or any of his scenes. Still, I'm sure you'd remember one of the only KEYBLADE wielders you ever who just happened to look like the new guy.
Personally, I'm more Curious about how Lea's gonna explain to Ven/Roxas that he forgot about that he forgot about Ven. "Oh yeah, we were BFF's like 10 years ago, but I forgot to get it memorized. Kinda ironic, huh?"
I agree with this, Though I do believe that Final Form and Anti-form have a canonical purpose. Plus did anyone notice the color scheme they Used? Valor: Red, Wisdom: Blue, Master: Yellow, Final: White, Anti - Black Red,Blue,Yellow = Primary Colors White = All colors combined (Or all friends) Black = No Colors (Or no friends) I though that was pretty clever + it explains why they didn't use Green or Purple or Orange.
I really wanted them to add a Tarzan level (Don't shoot me!!!!) so that they could redeem the suck that was Deep Jungle. A Tron Level was also mysteriously missing... Also, just wondering, did anyone else find it weird that Cinderella, snow white, and...the Other Princess were all the same age as they were in kh1? I mean, yeah, It's only a 10 year difference, but it's still a 10 year difference.
If you have CFW, I'd say wait and see if it gets patched. Howver, If you do this, you're obligated to buy the NA Release. If not, then ask yourself this; are you really willing to pay 100+ dollars for the same game twice? If so, then by all means, go for it.
Yeah, but at that point, I'll already hav bought it. I just don't wanna buy the JP version. If worse coms to worse, We can just Pandora back and forth btween 6.20 and Gen. The only reason I got a psp was for Crisis Core, Dissidia, and BBS, and I already own 2/3 of those.
You guys wanna know th funniest part of this? I was speculating that, due to all th references to The World Ends With You, It would be hilarious if the secret boss was just a recolor like the Coffee Guy (Can't remember his name) was of Sho. Lol though I still wish it was Gilgamesh.
I think he means the one you get...near the end, with the red in it. There's a blue eye at the top.
BBS28 FTW! That Violin may have singlehandedly convinced me to wait for the game in NA instead of the patch.
Unfortunately, no. It happened before ANYBODY was able to react.
Spoiler Ok, So in the middle of Terra's story, We see him go to DI. While there, he speaks to Riku, but completely ignores Sora. Anyway, when Riku is looking out on the Beach, We see The KH2 Riku but, before that, we see someone else, most likely either Riku even further in the future, or what Riku could have potentially looked like in or future, OR this person, whom some have said looks like Xehanort (Who we know is Terra), could be his Riku's father/Terra's Brother, which would make Riku Terra's Nephew. What do you think?
no, they didnt
Spoiler They were enguilfed in an explosion of light and, after the initial blast dissipated, Terranort was gone and LS reted in the center of the slab with his sword in the ground. Kingdom hearts engulfed him in light ufo style and Terra said, "Aqua....Ventus...One day....I'll definitely..."
OPENING!!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VItlS-Z5594
It's good stuff...And we're even chatting. It's like watching a movie
*Sniff*...I know...*SNF-SNIFF* Livestream: http://www.justin.tv/inunonanahou#r=3VbMWYA
^ This +, I wanna know how Badass Aqua is and Why some of her moves are like Sora's Final, Master, and Re:Com moves.
You're WELCOME! jk
I hope they post the game too. Preferably on Megaupload...