"Your just saying that." said cloud to kizon. "Well at least it made me fell i little better, thx kizon." Said MIra happily
"Xig no afence your anything but she has a point." Said ramix.
OOC: yesh joo can join!!!!!! Boc: Mira thanked the king for the prize and walked to chair sat sown and sighed.
Ramix started laughing a little. "Shadow rly represents you ."
Mira was realy weak now, and she hid her charm so cloud wouldn't see "It fell in the lava i saw." He said helping a her stand. "At times like this i wish i wasn't am idiot." Cloud just laughed a little and helped her walk.
She grbbed on to one of the lower platforms and jumped up to the guy and knocked him into the lava were no plat form were. "No I'm srry"
"Ok, well usually someone would be happy for that,but man you ain' no me." She got up and punched one of the men in the noise then shot him. Then she urned to other one. "You better fight for life."she said running toward him.
OK, this last bit might be a little easyershe shot the three men though only one got a deadly shot.
(( oh ok))(( i'll wait for tha to be over then i'll come in)
((no fair!!!!!!!)) She couldn't let that happen so she grabbed it before it was completely distroid. But now that the charm was damaged she was also weaker. Might as well use my power now. Mira quickly ran around every men giving most of them a deadly prusure point.Though she felt weak she wasn't about to give up that easily.
((umm....yeah whos who now???))
She quickly dogged the charging bullet, and then shot many more of the other men.
(( wat i miss))
Well...I'm not gonna die today I just hope the king doesn't find out about this... Mira quickly shot him and then kicked him dead. And then she headed for the other men.
PLease let me still remember how to use my charm.Mira took out the gun and got ready to use it.
Mira headed up to the plat form were cloud stood and got ready to fight and win.
"Thank you your majasty." Said cloud and bowed down.
OOC: kk BOc: Cloud was directed to the king.
OOC: cloud or mira and why??
Cloud came out looking at mira."well, I can say your gonna have trouble." "Not funny." Said Mira giving him a deadly glare. "Wat r u gonna use your charm?" "Most probly." "Your only supose to use it in emergency's you can't handle." "So your saying I can beat them easily!" "Second thought you better use it."