Mira know she knew that name from somewere."Well, nice to meet you to axel the names Mira don't forget it." She said trying to act tough but realy only playing. (out of the light relm) Mira still lay asleep on the beach.
OOC: .....woops......you have to tell me the names of the places where we are you know..... Bic: Mira looked at the boy " Hi , and don't I know you from somewhere?"
Mira saw this person. "Hey you with the hood" she said.
OOC: G2g but i'll be on later Bic: Mira found herself somewhere, but she could only see light."It feels so warm here." She looked around and saw someone walking toward the light. ""Hey" she said waving her hands.
OOC:lazy....you know wat BIc: Mira kept on looking out to the sea.Her head slowly hazed up and fall into a heavy sleep. OOC: sleeping is contasious i probly spelled that wrong
OOC: yep..^^ and it's in the middle of no where
OOC: I'm in haven city with xert and cloud...
OOC: lol ^^ bic:I realy wonder where they guys are hope there all right.I also hope the king doesn't get mad at me for running away.Mira thought as she sat down on the beach.
OOC: --' then i can't say anything
OOC: k then happy one day late b-day ^^ and....where is axel???
OOC: oh.......it's ok.......
Gita walked the streets and looked around. Bordem call kill a person in this case a few. Man do i wish I could sink my teeth into them. ooc: i finally posted here.....o man and there's no one here...--' great
OOC:......GGRRRrr it's mine *glares*
"Do you know any place that not dangerous?" She asked questionally. OOC: Now I shall randomly eat a cookie from thin air!!! YUM :3!!!
"Have you ever been to another interesting city?"
"Is this the only good place around here.?" she said.
"Yeah I guess it is" said Mira looking put to the sunset.
"Umm..." Mira looked at kizon in question."
"ok then." She said following kizon
OOC: it's ok that happens to me too.....umm well...xert cloud and mira are in heaven city (i think) cloud is somewhere doing something and kizon and mira are getting food...you can ether somehow end up there or do something completely random BOC: "Once again i do not no the places of this place so i'm still following you."