I wonder were cloud is.wonder what everyone else is doing right now.With those thought Mira slowly fell asleep ~DREAM~ There was a little girl running. Away from what I don't know. All the light it was faiding away. "Mommy!" The little girl yelled. No one answered. Darkness slowly took the girl's heart, Just how it did to her parents. ~end~ Mira started to shake with fear. OOC:I waz bored and had to write something so don't ask why i wrote that...
ooc:...umm i forget the city...but i know it's in kizon's place
"night." She said and closed her eyes," Oh and for the record i tend to hug pillows at night so if i start hugging you...SRRY."
"yeah it's ok I just realy wanna go to sleep." She said laying down and scooting over making room for kizon.
Mira thought about the rat and she realy felt bad for making kizon sleep on the floor.Dang you rat.... Mira sighed," OK I guess."
"You sure." Mira said she never did like for people to be uncomfy.
"Seriously I don't care." Mira said yawning."
OOC: not much i tink were still in the city (i forget wats it called ^^') BOc: Mira lifted up kizon's feet,sat down, and put them down on her lap.
Mira looked at him questionally. "Umm...." she remembered the rat,"once again i rly don't care i guess."
Mira shrugged "you can have it i rly don't care"
"Ok" she went into the bathroom and started to change. She came out and said "well there big on me but the also feel like pj's so no problem there."
""K thx" she took the close and stared on last time at the dark night and smiled.
"just some pants and a t-shirt."she said calmly.
OOc; you had a jacket?? Boc: "Yeah thx." She said following kizon to where ever he was going.
"Yes sir." Then Mira started walking away from the beach. As she walked a cold wind caught her." Oh c-c-comon." She said shivering.
"Yeah well were to know mom?" Mira said jokingly and laughed a little then sneezed again.
Whats wrong with wearing wet close?" Said said but shortly after snezzed."Why must you ack like my mother?"
"W-wha" Mira was caught off. SHe slowly woke up and saw xert. "What just happened?? One minute i was talking to Axel the next i'm here." Mira strached out then fell back down.
OOC: oh ok...
OOC: Mira fell asleep and her consions went into the light relm were she found axel... BIC: "I was kinda gonna ask you the same thing" said Mira stcraching the back of her looking innocent. She looked around and saw a door."Maybe over there."She said pointing there. OOC: who you talking too...