"Oh crud, here's where something goes wrong." Said Mira. "I'll pass i'm sure, but Mira might have a problem." Said Cloud giggle a little.
OOC: ok so gita is with you right..???
"Yeah, I just remembered I was born with no sence of direction." Said Ramix trying to look inocent.
"Well, two days without gotting hurt." Said Mira scracthing her head. "This also means me having meh hands full." Said Cloud thinking of hoe much trouble Mira will get into.
OOC: i'm to lazy to read everything so wat happened??
"New student new town why you ask???"
Ramix followed xigbar.
OOC >< srry ment to say wait BOC: Gita didn't realy get what they were saying , but caught up to issac and luthin.
"Don't rly care." Said ramix
"Well, you guys lead the way."
OOC: you'll have to wait for torin to go on
"Well, why don't we just leave this place and go somewhere else???"
"Don't mess with then." Said Ramix," And when do we leave?"
Gita felt like he had more to say," For reals wat?"
Ramix get a little mad so she qhickly prusure pointed marlixuia and then took over xigbar's body and made hi say. "Look at me i'm a pretty pony!!!" Then she let him go but marluxia was still presure pointed. "Who needs weapons when you have ninja skills, but I still want a sword."
Ramix looked at them with big eyes, "Ah, man why does everyone have weapons xept me?"
MIra and Cloud looked at eachother aned shrugged. "K wait, can somenone explain wats going on?" asked cloud.
Gita looked at william and said "Yeah?"
"You have purple guns???" Aksed ramix.