good idea but it needs a little more thought over all good job though
yes I have and we ended up getting together like a week later.
1: parents 2:siblings 3:school 4:the world 5:health 6:boyfriends/girlfriends 7:religion 8:world polution 9:racism 10:life
nothinmg much just hanging out in second period I just hacked my schools system so im exploring everyones grades
gehenna-by slipknot their new album "All hope is gone"
I liked how it flowed as well and it had a great meaning to it as well.
I pressed select to see through roxas' eyes in the beggining of the game and kept running into walls and then did the same later on only with sora, letting donald and goofy follow.
will cloud be in it?
Im moving to a whole new place and new school and its been real hard on me since my dog recently just died and ive lived were I do now since I was born I have alot of friends but no one seems to care that im leaving and that makes it even hardeer. Alos im 14 and I have a younger sisters whos 7 (half my age) and were gonna be sharing a room together and im not the girly princess type, most of the time im usually haning out with guys and were gonna be sharing a room, and being the little princess that she is this is gonna be a major problem. I dont need sympathy but I would love to talk to anyone who may have a sense or feelign of what im going through.
my friend just bought his death note today and weve been using it like crazy writing down everyone we hate though if it worked is another story lets just say it gave us a great sense of satisfaction.
I know you guys may strongly disagree but when playing on proud mode (kh2) the only character of whom took me more then two tries to defeat was demyx. but since thats not an option im gonna have to say the That Kurt whatever guy from Agrabah. he was pretty hard.
right now im in the middle of finishing off all the full metal alchemist mangas as well as every book made by Chris Crutcher
because if they all were the same whats the point in buying any of them think about why buy more then on when their all the same? the company's would make no money so some of them have to be better then the other in order for them to keep their systems alive and keep distributing them. though I have to say I love playstation better because the wii goes against my way of gaming its a tragedy that we must stand and excersice while playing and video games are ment to be a lazy hobby and nothing else.
I cant see the pic this compy prevents me because well its school proofed
can I be demyx or is that taken? =^^=
sounds awesome!
YEAH! I love edward so awesome and the manga is even better right now im reading number 14
me too Death magnetic is awesome! The unforgiven 3 is the best XP
finally it is dont know what took it so long in the first place but atleast it works now (it must be the schools computer because im in my second...
yeah pretty much