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  1. LeKeyBoi
    Misery - Feed Her To The Sharks <33
    Post by: LeKeyBoi, Jan 21, 2011 in forum: The Playground
  2. LeKeyBoi
    I have to cram a week's full of assignments for 3 different classes, in 6 hours. As I have not started one bit due to the KH frenzy I've been on XD
    But after tonights its a break from school cause of a new semester. Weekend should be okayish. Spend more time posting in this forum to make up for lost time.
    Also next week I'll be stuck at home so I'll be playing video games, chatting, posting on forums. And making myself new sigs and things.
    Snowed in practically, I'm not kidding -.-
    That's about it for me...
    Post by: LeKeyBoi, Jan 21, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. LeKeyBoi
    WOW. DPWolf sooo won XD that's uber epic xD
    Post by: LeKeyBoi, Jan 21, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. LeKeyBoi
    I gotta say, Death Note 2nd Opening and Beginning definitely are the best in my opinion. So Hardcore XD
    Post by: LeKeyBoi, Jan 21, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. LeKeyBoi
    It's been quite interesting reading this forum, so many worlds can be unfolded into 3DS version and KH3. Preferably the ones I heard like Treasure Planet, The Jungle Book, Toy Story, Hunchback of Notre Dame, Atlantis, even a whole redefined stitch world could be interesting. But as some posters have said, I wouldn't like to see these stories unfold on a Nintendo product...It revolutionized the PS2 in my opinion with the first title. Having it on the big screen is just the way it should go. And This new 3D game should have fairly little side plots, nothing major. Just a sort of filler of course. KH3 has to be the most epic thing Square Enix EVER releases. Even if they're to save some worlds till then. Won't there always be disney movies coming out? They might just be waiting to be able to introduce some new worlds from these recent years. I can't think of any new disney movies I've seen that would be used with KH. But just you wait, I'm sure it will use entirely new worlds unfamiliar to us. I really just hope for change, new everything. Even though all the old things went well before, it wouldn't help going back now. Moving on to new things is the road I believe KH3 shall go. Very interesting forum, and many opinionated members aswell lol.
    Post by: LeKeyBoi, Jan 21, 2011 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.8: Final Chapter Prologue
  6. LeKeyBoi
    That would be an interesting plot, to play as a character like for the beginning of the game to get a feel of what the story will unfold to be. Cause as much as we all might have hated going through it (making us feel like noobs xD) It was interesting, the filler, the clips concept. It was good. I really do look forward to this chapter of Kingdom Hearts. We'll just have to wait and see.
    Post by: LeKeyBoi, Jan 21, 2011 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  7. LeKeyBoi
    Hello there,
    My username here is LeKeyBoi (Created long ago), but my main alias is Alureon
    I have been a member here for 2-3 years now xD. And have only had 3 post I would believe, in a thread that has been long removed. (a poll about worlds and I chose Destiny Island I believe ^_^)
    I've been a die-hard Kingdom Hearts fan since I was a naive "child" lol. When it was first released I found it while my brother was renting a game for his PS2. I fell in love with it immediately and asked to rent it. I played it that entire rest of the week, without letting my brother have a chance at his own game! Once my time was up and I couldn't finish it (Reaching Maleficent's Dragon form) I raised up money doing lemonade stands at the age of 10 so I could get my very own PS2 and Kingdom Hearts copy. Ever since I've had every copy and gone to cosplays and anime conventions all over the states and japan.
    Due to all of this, I've never really had time to post in forums. But now that I've been settling down I have more time for that. And so here I am, glad to be in this community, hoping to hear from more fans like me.
    I hope to make contributions to this site and keep in touch. :)
    Thread by: LeKeyBoi, Jan 21, 2011, 0 replies, in forum: Introductions & Departures
  8. LeKeyBoi
    nice! good top man! maybe when i upload a vid it can go up there ^_^
    Post by: LeKeyBoi, Mar 26, 2008 in forum: Community News & Projects
  9. LeKeyBoi
    I voted for Sora :D Hes my favorite Kingdom Hearts character overall
    Post by: LeKeyBoi, Mar 21, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  10. LeKeyBoi
    to me all of them were great! enjoyed every single one of them! great top 5 and mentions! wo0t!
    Post by: LeKeyBoi, Mar 4, 2008 in forum: Community News & Projects