I like meat lovers pizza lol, but I'm not picky so I'll eat whatever. Well if it's not on youtube it'll be on 4shared. I don't need the video, I just want the audio. Plus if I like something on 4shared I'll download it and upload to iTunes. (I wish they would have released their cloud streaming feature already, instead, the Beatles on iTunes was the big highlight that would change everything...-.-) Don't get me wrong now I love the Beatles...But come on! They made it sound like it would change iTunes forever. Naah it was just their whole discography available. But oh well, in time. You're probably right but it's worth a shot I guess. Not much else for a English class interested me so I chose it. Oh and I want to learn Java cause I want to create my own online game. A friend of mine showed me a game a long time ago (which I still play occasionally even though it's dead) and I was amazed. So I bowed to learn Java so I could make my own, and make it better. (the game i was referring to is old, low in quality, and boring now. Called Renaissance Quest if you want to check it out, but prolly not XD) My first session of Folklore, Myths, and Legends starts in an hour and a half. I'll post if its any good haha.
Yeah I just got new online courses lined up for me. Taking Folklore, Myths, and Legends; Pre Calculus; Forensic Science; U.S. Government &...
Lol true, yet it seems like this series might be dragged out more than people think (But it's a good thing! I can't get enough of KH ^_^) Yes it's decent for it, about 6 years old now I think XD I just got my new online courses configured and so I'll be doing a lot of studying and such. But doesn't mean I'll leave this place hanging. I'll just have multiple tabs open :D I finally setup my forum (In the crappiest way I could have ever set it up) so I'm going to be managing that forum till it dies (I give it a month XD) Other than that I'm here, another site for Halo, a support forum that I am a techy for, and 4shared for managing my music. Yeah same here; youtube is just a good source for all you need and things you've never heard of. Lol I think it's too late, guy took off like a madman I'm sure XD I know Pizza was so 2005, now it's umm...gimme a sec..calzones! (had to search a mall, the restaurant inside the mall, go to the map, then find the site, and hit the menu button to figure that out XD) those tho are in these days :P Hmm I should get us a reservation to my favorite pizzeria ^_^. P.S. I'm the newbie of the group here, nice to meet you DoomDen :) I as of this moment I'm taking Folklore, Myths, and Legends (seemed interesting, my favorite band Alesana bases their song names from greek mythology and things; Pre Calculus (cause I can never get enough of math XD); Forensic Science (so I can go all CSI on your fingers!); U.S. Government & Politics (I seriously didn't choose that one...>.<); Business & Personal Protocol (cause a girl I have a crush on is taking it XD); and C++ Programming (cause it's one step closer to learning Java :D)...Yippee lol.
Hello there Marly; welcome to KH-Vids :) Lol don't we all want that? XD I know I do ^_^ It's nice to meet you to. Go ahead and get acquainted with the forums and don't hesitate to interact freely. Enjoy your stay *Thumbs Up*
Viola Lion by Isles and Glaciers <3
Yeah true, there will be coders still coding things, spammers still spamming away, and moderators still moderating forums. But who knows what could happen. I always like to keep a site available for interaction with everyone I meet online. It's not pro vbulletin or anything like that; but It'll be nice when it's up and running. It shall be called...legendarygatekeepers.com Now I just need to go to the bank so I can pay off a thing on my card XD If I wasn't snowed in right now I would have already been editing the template for the site -.- What other forums or websites are you guys frequently on? And what do you like to do for fun?
Lol if anything we could migrate to the site I'll have up by tomorrow. But of course the day this place dies (which is probably a long ways from now) will probably be the day the KH series is finished with. I call my laptop Novalith (look it up ^_^) because I feel that no matter how many times I screw something up in the registry or drop it and even get it infected with malware and stuff, it seems to come back to life and not give up XD As much as I love this thing though, one day it will give in and have nothing left. This upcoming week I have a new semester filled with all sorts of new classes; that will be fun xD
I'm sorry :( Well gotta stay positive! Can't let those little things get to ya. My laptop is useless XD Can't do anything on this and I have to reboot it sooo many times a day it's ridiculous -.- (And no I won't take my own advice :P)
Just replying to the initial question of this thread; yes, yes I could. Without a doubt they have no control over my personal life. Nor would they have control over anyone's personal life...That's my opinion on it at least.
You know I thought about this A LOT. And I never really do anything about studying :O! Like maybe for the mock stuff, just to make it seem like I'm doing something. But for when the time for testing comes through, I don't do jack -.- I thought about how come this is. But there's really no other explanation besides getting sidetracked. And thats ALWAYS. In the end, somehow, after my distractions pass and have done all I can for them; it's time for finals and everynow and then I'll miraculously pass o.0 I wish there would be a better explanation for it. It's beyond me XD
I for some reason like the musical Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street. And I'm not one for musicals. The only musical in all my life I'd watched and liked before this one was the Lion King xD
Yeah it doesn't sound to me like it would be possible. And using foreign characters is pretty sweet I'd say. If I saw it fit with a name I would do it.
Hey sorry I never got back to you. I've gotten really busy this past week. I don't think I've seen Energon :O! (I don't recall atm at least) But...
Avatar: 8, pretty neat. Sig: 9, the quality is amazing, i love it :D
I'm currently finishing up a book called Shattering Glass, pretty intense I'd say. Never could have predicted the end.
I just finished watching Thank You For Smoking. Funny movie I'd say.
Freelance Whales are amazing :D! Blue Morning by Greeley Estates
Wow this is all very interesting. And I didn't know much about this case myself. I will stay at a neutral point with this topic though. But it was good that someone brought this up. Otherwise I would have never known...
I might have to get my hands on XIII-2 cause it seems like it won't disappoint me. Since I'm a good fan of FF of course ^_^ I wonder why I didn't know about this before o.0
Lol for me the saddest part was probably in Kingdom Hearts 2 when Roxas had to say goodbye after trying to figure himself out, all that hard work lead him to the awakening of Sora. I thought at the beginning of the game (when I played if for the first time) that I was going to be Roxas throughout the entire game and have Riku and Sora in my party. I was kinda disappointed that I never got to play as him again. Would have been fun.