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  1. LeKeyBoi
    lol I think it looks fine too X)
    Post by: LeKeyBoi, Mar 26, 2011 in forum: Forum Families
  2. LeKeyBoi
    Oh boy, sorry to hear about all that. Best of luck to you. I know math can be pretty basic but incomprehensible xD I've always loved math but I'm in Pre Calculus and I'm barely passing. So I feel for ya ://
    Post by: LeKeyBoi, Mar 26, 2011 in forum: Departure Hall
  3. LeKeyBoi
    Nice picture X) Everyone on here is awesome lol
    Here's a picture I took with a crappy phone
    I'll post more later as I've taken other pictures since then X)
    Post by: LeKeyBoi, Mar 26, 2011 in forum: The Playground
  4. LeKeyBoi
    Avatar: 7/10 ying yang rotates!
    Sig: 5/10, true saying, your energy theory made me laugh XD, tiny image, and your blog is cool.
    Post by: LeKeyBoi, Mar 26, 2011 in forum: The Playground
  5. LeKeyBoi
    I think the best books I've read by far are young adult novels. These are my fav five that really grabbed my interest.
    Soldier X by Don Wulffson
    Fragments by Jeffry Johnston
    No Right Turn by Terry Trueman
    Shattering Glass by Gail Giles
    and User Unfriendly by Vivian Vande Velde
    Post by: LeKeyBoi, Mar 26, 2011 in forum: Literature
  6. LeKeyBoi
    This is my current and final desktop I would say. I call it Microtosh X) lol
    Such a poser thing to do lol xDD
    Post by: LeKeyBoi, Mar 26, 2011 in forum: The Playground
  7. LeKeyBoi
    Last Saturday by Broadway X)
    Post by: LeKeyBoi, Mar 26, 2011 in forum: The Playground
  8. LeKeyBoi


    Yeah hey there and welcome back :D Glad to see you've decided to drop by in our community.
    I don't know you but hope to see you around more! X)
    Post by: LeKeyBoi, Mar 26, 2011 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  9. LeKeyBoi
    I last saw Drive Angry. Was a pretty BA movie I guess. Kinda bored me though xD
    Post by: LeKeyBoi, Mar 26, 2011 in forum: The Playground
  10. LeKeyBoi
    @Izaya: I see lol. Yeah a little story. I got more of those just piling up as every day has been turning out pretty interesting.
    @Burnitup: YUUSSS A SEGA GENESIS! First thing I wanna do is play some Sonic X) I think that's like the only thing I did on the Sega console lol.
    Post by: LeKeyBoi, Mar 26, 2011 in forum: Forum Families
  11. LeKeyBoi
    I was MIA in Lybia trying to sort out the mess of how the USA, on the anniversary of the Iraq war, started a new one with yet ANOTHER middle eastern country (Punches hole card) woot only one more and I get a free schwartza (lame colbert report reference) xDD
    Sorry haven't been here in like weeks...I was really bombarded with course work, snow, work work, and more snow.
    A relative passed away. Ehh.
    Just been really busy but I am going to make this my number one priority to check in every day from now on.
    Hope you guys have been doing great.
    My pizza is getting cold. Who wants a slice?
    I've adopted a new windows theme. I call it, Microtosh X)
    I'll post it up here later. It's pretty rad.
    Long Spiel of what's been happening in my daily life here:
    I've been doing a lot of music things lately. Helping people with their compositions. Making my own. Doing covers of songs. etc. Pretty exciting. Still not sure if music as a profession is the direction I want to head to but it's grabbed my interest more and more each day.
    Gaming is slowww...Been playing Black Ops, Halo CE, and Freespace 2. In my little spare time
    Most of my time has gone to working at the local auto shop in town for crappy pay and relentless hours. And course work plus FBLA things. Yeah, also suppose to be traveling to Washington in 2 weeks and then out of the country to Peru until my birthday. Feels like I'm going into overdrive lately xD
    How's everyone been around here?
    Post by: LeKeyBoi, Mar 24, 2011 in forum: Forum Families
  12. LeKeyBoi
    Lol it's chill X) Although no one has really called me that. I guess I wear beanies on a regular basis that no one ever notices :P
    Here's some more pics
    Me in a jam session last night. Just playin guitar for an ex of mine xDD!!!
    Post by: LeKeyBoi, Mar 8, 2011 in forum: The Playground
  13. LeKeyBoi
    Been a while since I've been around. Just got in my new Macbook w/ iTouch and lovin the iSight cam :D
    This place is just damn full of beautiful people :=D: :Awesome: ;)
    Post by: LeKeyBoi, Mar 6, 2011 in forum: The Playground
  14. LeKeyBoi
    Move For Me by Kaskade & deadmau5 (I personally prefer the extended remix but I love this video <33 ^_^)
    Post by: LeKeyBoi, Feb 5, 2011 in forum: The Playground
  15. LeKeyBoi
    I named the first one I edited (After getting all the way to The World That Never Was passage) Novalith; an indestructible beast haha.
    Post by: LeKeyBoi, Feb 5, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. LeKeyBoi
    Baby you wouldn't last a minute on the creek by Chiodos
    Post by: LeKeyBoi, Feb 3, 2011 in forum: The Playground
  17. LeKeyBoi
    Washington State. In the capital, Olympia. Where are you from?
    Post by: LeKeyBoi, Feb 3, 2011 in forum: Forum Families
  18. LeKeyBoi


    I've only had two reoccurring dreams.
    One was of my past love that I let get away from me. I was under certain restrictions and circumstances, so I couldn't do anything about it. I was childish, naive, and foolish too. Didn't help it but that dream of mine replays it all, but in the end, it all rewinds and yet I'm older and in the same situation with her. And I try to set things right and not lose her but it never prevails. I'm lost, she's no longer mine. That kinda thing.

    Second reoccurring one is about zombies XD My whole family is turned into zombies one by one and I have to put them away from their misery. I go about killing lots of zombies with many weapons (And none were a keyblade! XD) but in the end, it's always my mom who's last. And no matter how hard I try to face off with her (Which trust me, I'm not too fond of her so I wouldn't resist the urge to) I still couldn't do it. I couldn't even face her. She would be right next to me in a car ready to eat my flesh and tear me to shreds and I still couldn't do it. Only once have I scratched her face with a blade but that's as far as I would go in the dream. She'd always win.
    I've tried to alter the endings but there's no messing with my subconscious thoughts.
    Post by: LeKeyBoi, Feb 3, 2011 in forum: Discussion
  19. LeKeyBoi
    Lol yeah been here for a few months, since Summer really. I used to live in Washington for about 5 years. But yeah, recent events lead me to live her temporarily.
    PS: I don't like it here at all -.-
    Kool glitch, Imma try that out ^_^
    OH damn, no wonder -8 would feel like nothing XD Yes I'd like to know if it's normal winter weather too...Cause I'm suppose to go to Canada next winter, gotta be prepared xD
    Post by: LeKeyBoi, Feb 3, 2011 in forum: Forum Families
  20. LeKeyBoi
    Yeah that game has quite a few youtube videos I'm sure. Pretty funny stuff. I'll admit I pretty much got scared as bad as those guys XD But I toned it down a notch.

    Right now it's 5 degrees and dropping, it's expected to reach -8 degrees. There's 5 feet of snow everywhere. The whole town is snowed in. And I have to be the one to drive around town saving people with a jeep...Wish me luck XD I won't be back till later if I make it out alive from this snow storm :/ I hate Michigan XD
    Post by: LeKeyBoi, Feb 2, 2011 in forum: Forum Families