sweet, i just really wanted to play as xaldin or luxord because they are beast and what about just giving npc characters sora's moveset, would you then be able to play as them?
o. m. g. i found this and was wondering if it were possible to do the same on kh2 http://www.kh-vids.net/showthread.php?t=60791
can someone get a the code to modify the kingdom key, the one on the front page says that i need to use it with the itemsequipmentdigits, which i am not using.
i have gameshark
well, actually, for me, using pings muveset works and using mulans doesn't
alright, here ya go Luxord Form 21CEF110 000008EE - Turns Oathkeeper into Luxord's Card 21CEF114 000008EE - Turns Oblivion into Luxord's Card 51CB96F0 00000020 - Makes Valor look like Normal 01CB9750 00000000 - Makes Valor look like Normal Note 1 - Drive into Valor Form Note 2 - Have Oathkeeper and Oblivion as 1st and 2nd weapons Xaldin Form 21CEF774 00000845 - Turns Sword of Ancestors into Xaldin's Lances 01CB98B6 0000001A - Gives Final Form Ping's Moveset 51CB96F0 00000020 - Makes Final look like Normal 01CB9870 00000000 - Makes Final look like Normal Note 1 - Drive into Final Form Note 2 - Have Kingdom Key as primary weapon Axel Form 21CEF110 00000846 - Turns Oathkeeper into Axel's Chakram 21CEF114 00000846 - Turns Oblivion into Axel's Chakram 51CB96F0 00000020 - Makes Master look like Normal 01CB9810 00000000 - Makes Master look like Normal Note 1 - Drive into Master Form Note 2 - Have Oathkeeper and Oblivion as 1st and 2nd weapons Xigbar Form 21CEF774 00000843 - Turns Sword of Ancestors into Xigbar's Gun 01CB9856 0000001A - Gives Wisdom Form Ping's Moveset 51CB96F0 00000020 - Makes Wisdom look like Normal 01CB97B0 00000000 - Makes Wisdom look like Normal Note 1 - Drive into Wisdom Form Note 2 - Have Kingdom Key as primary weapon
was it just axels form that Bsoded? maybe if you tied jokering it. i cant test them right now cuz my little brother is playing
what do you mean, like break it down?
i got some custom forms i came up with Luxord Form 21CEF110 000008EE 21CEF114 000008EE 51CB96F0 00000020 01CB9750 00000000 Note 1 - Drive into Valor Form Note 2 - Have Oathkeeper and Oblivion as 1st and 2nd weapons Xaldin Form 21CEF774 00000845 01CB98B6 0000001A 51CB96F0 00000020 01CB9870 00000000 Note 1 - Drive into Final Form Note 2 - Have Kingdom Key as primary weapon Axel Form 21CEF110 00000846 21CEF114 00000846 51CB96F0 00000020 01CB9810 00000000 Note 1 - Drive into Master Form Note 2 - Have Oathkeeper and Oblivion as 1st and 2nd weapons Xigbar Form 21CEF774 00000843 01CB9856 0000001A 51CB96F0 00000020 01CB97B0 00000000 Note 1 - Drive into Wisdom Form Note 2 - Have Kingdom Key as primary weapon
i couldn't be happier
a cool form that i just thought of would be like a organization form, like final form looks like normal sora, but wields xaldins lances, and only has 1 keyblade. or valor looks like normal sora but both of the keyblades are luxords cards, or something else that has to do with a member.
really, what is the code? omg, i just found Triton's Trident, can someone test it for me, the digits are 04DD
oh, ok. that seems really scary. so is it possible to have sora fight exactly like dual-wield roxas?
oh, now i get it. so what does it do exactly
what ball thing?
me neither, but it makes me really sad cuz i was going to make some organization 13 forms
YAY! (jumps around screaming random things). i got it to work, but when i equip it to a form and i try go a form, it freezes, but it works. and i also figured out the problem. when i was making sora have mulans moveset, i was putting the last 2 digits 19 instead of 1A, even though it shouldnt make a difference
that is exactly what i thought, but it turns out that it doesnt work that way, unless i am wrong
i know how to get axels chakrams to work, it is just that xaldins lances dont work
so how do you get the lances to work? and also, how do you change the dw roxas's weapons, cuz every time i do it, i get a black screen with music playing