that would be incredible
is it possible to make final form wield, like, three or four keyblades?
so, if i use the ally roxas code but replace his digits with wisdom form, would it work?
what if it was wisdom form, or final form with sora's moveset?
ok, so if it was possible to make roxas an ally, then why cant we make final form or master form an all?
which form?
oops, sorry. for blue knight, you have to drive into valor and for silver ninja you have to drive into master
okay, i ahev fixed my Blue Knight Form and i came up with a new form. could someone test them for me? WARNING: Do not use at the same time, for the keyblades are different for each one, and will look wierd Blue Knight 51CB97B0 00000020 01CB9750 00000000 01CB9796 0000000A 21CEF15C 00000791 21CEF160 00000792 Silver Ninja 51CB9870 00000020 01CB9810 00000000 1033FEC0 000001F3 10340B74 000001EE 2037EB1C 3F000000 2037A584 3E400000 Note - For Silver Ninja, go fight a boss
yeah, look at the second post and there is a role modifier code for specific characters
does anyone know the command digits for the jump command from the xaldin fight?
DW Roxas, please
will the target code ever be released, because i need, a lot
could someone fix the DW Sora code to make sora fight like DW Roxas and be able to use magic and forms?
alright, when i use this code, DW Sora E005FDFF 0035B55C 01CC382F 00000001 21CC3834 00303031 01CC3855 00000030 01CC3874 00000001 11CFA3FC 00000323 normal sora dual-wields, but with valor's move set, which doesnt allow me to use magic or use drive. could someone fix it so sora uses roxa's moveset? please?
could somebody test this for me, i have know idea if it is for final mix or not, but i dont think so DW Sora E005FDFF 0035B55C 01CC382F 00000001 21CC3834 00303031 01CC3855 00000030 01CC3874 00000001 11CFA3FC 00000323 EDIT: Never mind, its for ntsc.
why don't you use the infinite health cheat for donald?
does anyone know a working weapon code to turn fenrir into mage's staff?
what about giving a boss donald's AI, kinda like giving roxas his AI
wold it be possible, to play as blindfolded riku?
i made new form. can someone test it or me? Wizard Form 11C95618 00000057 - Play as Master Form 51CB97B0 00000020 01CB9810 00000000 - Change Master's model to Wisdom's 21CEF160 0000077D - Changes Ultima Weapon to Struggle Wand 21CEF15C 0000023F - Changes Fenrir to Mage's Wand 01C88E64 00000001 - Changes Command Menu to Magic Menu E002FDFF 0035B55C - Joker (R2) 2037AE80 40000000 - Ridiculously Large Keyblades 2037EB1C 3F000000 - More Effects/Lighting 201C78B8 0000102D 201C77E8 0000102D - Drive with out party members and they don't disappear