maria walked through the halls until she found an arena and saw the fight "hey isn't that lets see....was his name demyx" she asked the dragon that was on her shoulder "I belive it was who is that other one" the dragon said
"shoot they dodged it" she said and grabbed roxas's hand again "lets go quickly"
lol and true this is supposed to be "hey now don't remind me of them aight" she said and got out of the bed "now I want to go to the stadium and watch the match"
woah alot of smilies *hypnotized*
"lets begin" she said and closed her eyes "negative light lock on" a white beam formed on the two keyblades "woah" roxas muttered "heart purification" she shouted and opened her eyes and a huge blast shot out
"roxas pull your keyblade out as well" she said "ok..." he said and pulled one of his keyblade out "we're going to do a heart purification" she said
maria woke up in a bed and stretche for awhile "man that was a good nap" she said "that wasn't a nap" the dragon mumbled "come on hajime I'll train harder and win battles from my own power" she said "that could work" the dragon said and laid its head down "I wish yuko and the others were here they could keep you on task"
"I should've done this before" maria said and puled her keyblade out
maria sensed the two fighting and took roxas's hand and ran toward a safe area "what the heck" roxas said as soon as he found out why maria grabbed his hand
aight thanx I'll email them...oh I just found some humor in my absence it happened right after your fatality move lol guess the fatality was too awsome for my computer
"its ok" he said "oh I should show you around the town" she said and got her self up then roxas
"come on lets go" haruhi said impaitently
lol its ok but man I missed you and the others
hey I'm sorry I wasn't on but the stupid link was broken on my computer
"I'm sorry I couldn't be strong" she said
"sure am" she said "are you kidding we've been doing this ever since we became soul reapers" haruhi said srry I haven't been on my computer said that the link was broken
sorry I wasn't on my computer said the link was broken and I couldn't get on for a couple of days can someone fill me in please and may I ask a question I can still rp in this right
"hey its more humiliating for me since I didn't fight as well as I wanted to" she said and yawned "thats because...never mind" the orb said "well its over for now" just checking and posting
its ok your character is in "yaho!" haruhi said while running "I love these races" "haruhi always takes the low road" chika said while running "I'm suprised she doesn't get lost"
"hey jut relax aight I'm done" she said and laid down horizontally just see the first part of this musical thing and thats what I mean (the person in the front) the very beginning of it