"if you kill me now and take my blood the darkness will remain" she said "and besides my kind and purify the heart but darkness is left do to the past"
"that is not the true way of getting your light" she said "I could purify it"
"its not halloween town!!" she shouted "my world was known as the world of beginnings which is located near that world" "maria calm down I know it makes you made whenever you hear that but please understand that our world was practically hidden from all of the other worlds" the dragon said "I know but its unfair..." she said and looked away "every other world can be seen but that darn black fog is blocking everyone from us"
the medeium dragon came out and said "once the guardians make their desicion the nly one who can go against them is maria or someone with a keyblade on the outside" "how can you do this" roxas asked "oh I can do this but only if it is disrupting the world or if I feel like something needs to be protected" she said
"kids these days" the dragon mumbled "they alwayts act and never think" hey do you really want me to show you something worse than hell" she asked te dragon "I wasn't talking about you this time" the dragon said
"I'm sorry thats for the guradians of the worlds to decide and if you are a good guy then you will return here" she said
"stop fighting now" she shouted "the two world swill collide again and cause a big disturbance to the worlds so STOP!!!" as soon as she said stop again her keyblade came out and a white beam shot out of it "what the heck" roxas said "I'm sorry but I can't take this anymore" she said and chanted the ancient language then looked at them "I'm sorry but you four will be banished to the dark world luckily for you there is one way in and one way out....bad news is that you have to find it since it moves"
maria saw xeol and went up to him and asked "have I seen you before"
alright I'll add them to the list yuko 15 world of beginnings wand magic student light
"what" maria said
the dragon got up whe it hit the ground and shouted "maria!! I can't believe you did that to me!!" "you had to say it" she replied and stuck her tongue out at it the dragon growled "you little i you weren't my master you wouldn't have your heart right now"
"what did that guy want with you anyway" he asked "how should I know" she said
"should we talk to him" she asked "no someone else is about to have a conversation with him" the dragon said "and besides he probably doesn't want to see you anyway" "thats it..." she said and grabbed the dragon's tail "it was because I always had you to fight with me" she threw the dragon over the heads of alot of ppl and even over axels head
the dragon sighed "don't tell me that your feeling bad about not tryin your best" it asked "do you want to see something worse than hell" she asked "...I'll take that as a yes" the dragon said
ok your in oh do you want any of them to be teacher or something
I decided to make this out of boredum and cause I wanted to One day when sora riku and kairi were in school the teacher made an anouncement that their school decided to transfer them for unknown reasons, the school was called Crystal Heart Academy. Which was on a different world (maria and her friends world) it was known as the World of Beginings. As soon as they got there it turns out that the organization was revived and that roxas and namine existed again. Along with that new warriors of magic might skills etc. The students could anything they want...as long as it has something to do with clothing, but preferably their school uniforms. They heard from another student that this world wanted powerful warriors for evil purposes but another student said it was to protect their worlds. The good news is that sora's friends are also there. The bad news is that his old enemies are back and that they don't know what the reasons really are. you may play up to 5 characters there can be more than one teacher for each class but the maxumim is 1-4 name age world weapon excell in (magic martial arts etc) ocupation (student teacher principle assistant principle or librarian) element appearence Maria 16 World of Beginnings keyblade mostly combat and little magic student light dark wind fire and lightning principle assistant principle teachers math languages combat cloud magic reading history of the worlds dark magic cooking music demyx assistantces demyx anymore and I'll ad them
hey the site din't work for me for a few days and worked finally yesterday "hey maria isn't it that axel who you lost too" the dragon asked her when it spotted axel "well what do you know it is and don't say that guy everytime I lose to someone" she said
maria walked past the spectators and sighed "man why did it have to be demons" she muttered "this is th underworld maria" the dragon reminded her "yeah but...it reminds me of that dark world" she said and shuttered she continued to walk
"geez this is going to be tireing" she said
"we're gonna have to try again" she said "what but why" roxas asked "if they keep this up then the darkness might come to our world faster" she said