A little repetitive. I agree with you. And...this takes place after KH2? Why would Data Sora be in KH1 model? o_o
Well, Saïx's name can't be hard to determine. Let's see... Something along the lines of... Sai Sia Asi Ais Isa Ias I'm personally hoping for either Sai, Asi, or Isa.
No, those are not playing cards. It's been confirmed in a translation of the scan.
"What?! Pumpkin?! Pumpkin?! What?! What?! What?! Pumpkin?! What?!" -Nostalgia Critic Looks like Hundred-Acre Wood is making a comeback as well. Those CGI cutscenes look awesome. ^^
Nothing much. ^^ You?
The creators of the game, of course. XP But I agree, Zack looks like he packed for a short vacation to Olympus and then decided he would never return to Midgar.
The three Keyblades look slightly different in the first scan. That's pretty cool.
Not a bad start with the music there. It's such a beautiful piece. =)
Thank you for the friend request. ^^
-Atlantis -Narnia -Robin Hood -Hunchback of Notre Dame -Pocahontas -Treasure Planet -Finding Nemo
Good luck with the auditions! ^^
Pretty good, thanks. ^^ Yourself?
Nothing much. ^^ Yourself?
"Master Erauqs (マスター・エラクゥス, Masutā Erakūsu?) He is the master of the three protagonists of the game: Terra, Ventus and Aqua. He first made an appearance in a trailer shown at the Tokyo Game Show 2009 and was described by viewers as having a "Samurai-Like" appearance. He was previously thought not to appear physically in the game with mentions of him by the protagonists. His name was unveiled in the November edition of the Japanese gaming magazine, Jump, his name is apparently "Square", the first name of the developer, spelt backwards." -Wikipedia
MYSTERIOUS NEW CHARACTER! SWEET! That's one cool-looking Keyblade. I'm betting the symbol on the keychain, the same sybmol that the three apprentices wear, is the symbol of their little group together, whatever it may be.
SWEET! I'm assuming that the three protagonists enter Snow White's world at different times, since we see Terra confronting Snow White while she picks flowers, and now Aqua enters after Snow White ate the poison apple.
It would have made a lot more sense to either change Sora to Riku or change Way To The Dawn to Decisive Pumpkin. o_o
Aqua vs. The Magic Mirror? This I have to see!
I'm getting more excited with every new update and screenshot! I cannot wait to play this game! <3
More Neverland? And the Lost Boys are here this time. Cool. I'm willing to bet that the three protagonists will be able to fly. That was my favorite ability in KH1 (flying) and it's great that they brought it back for 358/2 Days. I really hope it's in Birth By Sleep. ^^