A key factor in every Kingdom Hearts legacy! Spoiler ...Ice cream.
Terra did choose Riku. It was quite clear after watching that cutscene near the end of Terra's chapter when Terra entered Destiny Islands and met Riku. He asked Riku to touch his Keyblade and said that he could become a Keyblade Master himself and come visit someday. However, over time, Riku's desire to escape the islands (and hatred for the islands, as pointed out by Zexion) was so strong, darkness found its way into his heart. Thus the Keyblade passed to the next able person with strong light in their heart, Sora.
That's what I think, too. I'm now baffled by what happened when Sora became a Heartless. Either Sora released his own heart, or he released Ven's heart. I'm leaning more toward his own heart being released because Roxas has Ven's likeness, so my guess is that Sora's "empty shell" still had Ven's heart. I also think that Final Form came around through Sora's connection with Ven's heart/Roxas. Anti-Form definitely seems to have resulted from Sora's time spent as a Heartless, but that's what confuses me. He's not a Heartless anymore, so how is it possible for that kind of darkness to overwhelm him whenever he tries to use a Drive Form?
If it were anime-style or CGI, heck yeah!
No disrespect for Stephanie Meyer or her novels. I really think she could have done better, though. So far, the only real Twilight "fans" I've seen were teenage/young adult girls fantasizing over Edward, Jacob, and James. My impression is this: It's not so much a story as it is a bad fanfiction.
Unless he can put on a good Old Man voice, my guess is Terranort.
Heh heh... Spoiler If it's Eraqus' Heartless, that means he's got a Nobody floating around somewhere...
Alright, I just watched the subbed secret ending, and I now eat my words. o_o I also have a theory of sorts. Maybe, in that dark realm where Ansem and Aqua were talking, time is at a sort of standstill. Maybe anyone who resides there cannot age, like in Neverland. If Aqua went there after BBS, that would explain why she doesn't look older. But it also means she's wandered there for ten years, the poor girl. o_o
Personally, I think Spoiler Reconnect: Kingdom Hearts would be uniquely awesome.
Here's what I'm hoping to see in the next KH game: -Sora helping Terra get his body back from Xehanort. -What Maleficent and Pete are planning since taking over the Organization's castle. -How exactly Ven and Sora connected, explaining why Roxas resembles Ven. -More info about the real forms of Larxene, Marluxia, Luxord, and Demyx. -Riku's connection to that older figure that Terra envisioned before seeing KH2 Riku.
How exactly can this take place after the events of KH2? Look at Aqua. She hasn't aged a day (nor has she changed her clothes), and KH2 takes place 10 years after BBS.
Here's what I think: Spoiler Xehanort unlocked his own heart and used it to possess Terra's body. Terra's heart was cast out in the process but yet lingered within his armor, giving it form and the ability to fight back against his stolen body. I think KH3 will involve Sora helping Terra return to his body and cast out Xehanort's heart.
37/40? Awesome way to kick off the game releases of 2010. =3 I'm looking forward to watching the playthroughs of this game.
We're just getting lots of new summon characters, aren't we? XD Cool idea to have Donald and Goofy as D-link summons. I wonder if there are any more that are yet to be revealed.
Buckle Bruiser, eh? Well, that's a good heads-up. =)
This was actually my first theory about him. It would make sense for the subordinate wanting to take after the master. But after I saw Vanitas' eye and eyebrow, I dropped the theory.
I'll wait as long as it takes! <3
YES!!!!! Totally awesome! Thank you!
I'd be interested more in what Riku was doing after 358/2 Days. What worlds did he visit apart from Land of Dragons? What exactly was he up to? I think that kind of Riku spinoff would be worthwhile. Still, I'm hoping the next game is KH3. =)
Merry Christmas to all, and to all a great prequel! <3