Sadly, the bright colors don't bring out any dramatic emotion, but it's a good cover regardless.
Hey there. =P
I would love to see Sora and Riku obtain new Keyblades fitting their styles. The Kingdom Key picked Sora because it needed someone to keep the light safe, and Riku crafted Way To The Dawn from his Soul Eater. Mickey found the Light Seeker in the Realm of Darkness but it wasn't his signature blade. Granted, we never saw how Terra, Ventus, and Aqua obtained their Keyblades but they feel as though they naturally belong with them. Terra's got the titanic earth weapons that can dish out massive damage. Ven's blades are smaller yet lighter and easier to handle. Aqua's blades reflect the watery nature of her name and are better suited for channeling magic. Also, we've seen that Mickey's signature Keyblade is Star Seeker; he earned it during Birth By Sleep, and it seems that he has reclaimed it prior to Re:Coded. I think that Kingdom Key and Light Seeker are special keys, but they're not as strong as a Keyblade wielder's signature key. It's likely that Way To the Dawn is Riku's signature key, but since it was crafted from another weapon, it may not be as powerful as Earthshaker, Rainfell, or Wayward Wind. If Sora gets a signature key, it should reflect who he is and what he stands for. His name means "sky" and he channels light, so his key should be lightweight and easy to handle, like Wayward Wind. Riku's name means "land" but his character seems to be more involved with the light and darkness he channels, so I think the earth element should be involved somewhat but not too much as it was with Terra. If Way To The Dawn isn't his signature key, he should receive something similar.
Kinda looks like a heart and a fleur de lis merged with a keyhole in the middle. My theory is that it's either the Mark of Mastery issued by Yen Sid or the symbol for a new enemy.
Its English name is Oshawott. =) I'm gonna pick White because it has more to offer and I feel the natural appearance of Opelucid City and the White Forest blend in better with Unova. I also like how Zekrom fits into your story and how Reshiram fits into N's.
I disagree; The two are very different and Atlantis: The Lost Empire is not a musical. The story of that movie is far more serious. It would be perfect for a Kingdom Hearts world. Personally, though, I'd rather see it in KH3 than KH3D. =P
Most emotional of the bunch? Definitely Final Fantasy XIII. But since it's not on the poll... My vote goes to Final Fantasy X. I loved watching the journey to break the cycle of death and the ending was really sad.
She is currently wielding Eraqus' Master Keeper, so I'd say she's more than capable of holding her own in a fight.
It's not so much a town as it is the floating shell-planet, Cocoon.
Makes sense to me. Remember, Nomura wants to release one KH game per year, so when you think about it... 2011 - Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance 2012 - Kindgom Hearts Birth By Sleep Volume 2 2013 - Kingdom Hearts III That's just my theory. =P I don't think Birth By Sleep Final Mix counts considering it's just BBS with a bit more stuff.
"HP Never Decreases" works really well! Thanks, Janime! If I might make a couple code requests for coders out there: -All Keyblades available -Unlimited health in the Coliseum battles -Unlimited time in the Agrabah challenges (( GET AWAY FROM ME, YOU CRAZY JAFAR GHOSTY THING!!!! )) -Instant challenge success in the datascape rooms
Aqua can use Eraqus' Keyblade! That's what I was hoping to see! =D
I'd love to see a sequel to FFXIII, though they'd have to get Versus and Agito out of the way first.
To my knowledge, the date of the trailer's debut hasn't been confirmed yet.
Sora x Kairi Terra x Aqua Cloud x Tifa Tidus x Yuna Balthier x Fran Ashe x Basch Vaan x Penelo Snow x Serah Lightning x Hope (give him a few more years, though XD)
I never really cried from a videogame scene until I played Final Fantasy XIII. Chapters 7 and 8 were the most emotionally impacting parts of the game. Spoiler In Chapter 7, Hope attempts to kill Snow for his irresponsibility in leading Hope's mother to her death, but it fails and Snow saves Hope's life. The two eventually make amends. In Chapter 8, Sazh's son becomes encased in crystal and the fingers point to Vanille as the one responsible for what happened to him. Sazh attempts to shoot Vanille but finds it in his heart to resist. Stricken with grief, he attempts to shoot himself but doesn't succeed. Axel had told Roxas once that eating ice cream together is what friends do. Roxas wasn't sure how to tell Xion as she was fading away that he didn't want to lose his friend.
Tron Legacy: Best possible way to end the decade! All I can say is that I hope it's going to be in Kingdom Hearts 3.
Chicken Little wasn't developed by Pixar.
I know, but I meant for random cutscenes like in KH, BBS, and KH2.
I hope they save some more awesome world ideas for KH3. I'm not too fond of KH3D already, mostly because of the KH1 Sora and Riku designs being brought back...again...but the idea of having all new worlds renews my hope for this game. Still, I think a problem with having new worlds in KH3D is that we're never going to be able to hear any awesome Disney character voiceovers since the game is going to be on the 3DS.