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  1. Kyubi the Keyblade Master
    Ah, Riku DID het a haircut. =P
    Ah, well. He looks awesome nevertheless.
    Post by: Kyubi the Keyblade Master, Sep 17, 2011 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  2. Kyubi the Keyblade Master
    Plus a small pinch of defying gravity. ;3
    Post by: Kyubi the Keyblade Master, Sep 16, 2011 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  3. Kyubi the Keyblade Master
    You guys really need to keep up with the updates. No offense. XD

    -This game's story takes place chronologically after KH2 and Coded.
    -Sora and Riku are going to be in a dream world, which has made them look younger for some reason. Riku didn't get a haircut, that's his KH1 model with different clothes. Same with Sora.

    You can actually tell they look younger just by looking at Sora's face. =P
    Post by: Kyubi the Keyblade Master, Sep 15, 2011 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  4. Kyubi the Keyblade Master
    Here is what we know about KH3D thus far thanks to Tokyo Game Show:

    -Sora and Riku have donned spiffy new outfits. Riku has a haircut.
    -Riku is not wielding Soul Eater. He is wielding Way To The Dawn.
    -Sora and Riku's Mark of Mastery exam takes place in "the world buried in sleep."
    -The new enemies are known as Dream Eaters.
    -Sora and Riku have Dream Eater companions who fight alongside them.
    -Neku from The World Ends With You is in the game.
    -Neku is caught in a Reaper's Game. He's got the number on his hand.
    -Braig may be back. There was a scene of Braig asking Xehanort if his memory has returned.
    -Quasimodo's world is called Le Cité des Cloches (The City of Bells).
    -The Y button allows the playable character a "Dual Link" attack with their partner.

    Do share your thoughts! =D
    More will be added to this Spoiler tag if more is learned.
    Thread by: Kyubi the Keyblade Master, Sep 15, 2011, 46 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.8: Final Chapter Prologue
  5. Kyubi the Keyblade Master
    I hope we get some new clothes, even if it's for the younger character models.
    Post by: Kyubi the Keyblade Master, Sep 14, 2011 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  6. Kyubi the Keyblade Master
    Just finished the live stream.
    We got two hours worth of 3DS news...
    and approximately 21.88 seconds of footage of watching KH3D being played over someone's shoulder.
    Post by: Kyubi the Keyblade Master, Sep 13, 2011 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  7. Kyubi the Keyblade Master
    I can excuse a lack of Sazh; he's older and he's been through a lot already. He needs to focus more on looking after his son.
    Post by: Kyubi the Keyblade Master, Sep 11, 2011 in forum: Gaming
  8. Kyubi the Keyblade Master
    I recently noticed that Alyssa and Hope have almost identical accents on their jackets. Hope seems to have a necktie as well (hard to notice from the picture we have of him) just like Alyssa. I think perhaps they're both with PSICOM or a similar organization. If so, it's good to see Hope stepping up a notch like that.
    Post by: Kyubi the Keyblade Master, Sep 5, 2011 in forum: Gaming
  9. Kyubi the Keyblade Master
    My favorite character is definitely Aqua; She's had to put up with a lot as a Keyblade Master and through it all, she's still calm and kindhearted.

    I also like Vanitas because he's just awesome. =P
  10. Kyubi the Keyblade Master
    No, he uses two light swords with handles that resemble clock hands. Even the Keyblade you get for beating him looks like a clock. He has some kind of Time motif, something Xehanort/Xemnas has never shown us.
  11. Kyubi the Keyblade Master
  12. Kyubi the Keyblade Master
    I think the most pressing questions are these:
    We know that Xehanort is coming back, but in what form? Will he be an old man again or will he still be possessing Terra? And if he returns as an old man, where would Terra have gone?

    Regarding Roxas, I don't think he's going to have a very big role to play in the future since he's been reintigrated into Sora already. Though I do have one theory.
    Perhaps Roxas isn't just Ven's likeness, but Ven himself. When Ven's body and heart reunite, Ven will still have Roxas' memories but not his own. This could lead to Aqua trying to help him remember who he is and might make for a good dramatic turn in the story.

    I'm not sure how it would affect Ventus or if it would be even possible, but I would love to see Vanitas and the Unversed come back. I think Vanitas vs. Sora would be a great fight.
  13. Kyubi the Keyblade Master
    I said NORA's clothes haven't changed. =P
    Post by: Kyubi the Keyblade Master, Aug 31, 2011 in forum: Gaming
  14. Kyubi the Keyblade Master
    I'm pretty excited after seeing the PAX Prime 2011 trailer for XIII-2. The only thing that slightly disappoints me is that NORA haven't changed their clothes after three years.

    HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOPE! Digging them long sleeves. ;)
    Seeing as the trailer reveals him saving Noel and Serah, I'm hoping he returns as a party member!
    Post by: Kyubi the Keyblade Master, Aug 31, 2011 in forum: Gaming
  15. Kyubi the Keyblade Master
    KH has a few errors and inconsistencies. For instance:

    1) Donald apparently forgetting that Yen Sid lives in the Mysterious Tower.
    2) Goofy apparently forgetting that Minnie was the one who banished Pete instead of "His Majesty."
    3) Mickey forgetting and then instantly remembering what Ansem looked like in a span of three seconds (Though I suppose this was just an issue with the dub).
    Post by: Kyubi the Keyblade Master, Aug 17, 2011 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  16. Kyubi the Keyblade Master
    It's August already; this year is just flying by. KH3D will be here before we know it. XD
    Post by: Kyubi the Keyblade Master, Aug 10, 2011 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  17. Kyubi the Keyblade Master
    KH1: The Phantom boss battle.
    KHCoM: Fighting against Fake Riku as Sora.
    KH2: Getting my butt kicked by Sephiroth.
    KH358/2: None.
    KHBBS: The Mysterious Figure wiped me out in about two seconds.
    KHReCoded: AGRABAH!!!!!!!!!!
  18. Kyubi the Keyblade Master
    Consider my interest sparked. I'm looking forward to seeing everything new and different in KH3D. And if not in 3D, I'd love to see José and Panchito in KH3 fighting alongside Donald.
    Post by: Kyubi the Keyblade Master, Jul 17, 2011 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  19. Kyubi the Keyblade Master
    I honestly don't believe KH1 was the best.

    -I literally spent hours, if not days, trying to find my way through each world the first time playing, and it annoyed me.
    -I hate Soras' original outfit. They could have been far more creative rather than "Let's make him look like Mickey Mouse."
    -The summons are useless, with the exception of Tinker Bell.
    -The Rare Truffle and White Truffle sidequests are tedious and annoying.
    -I hate the MP bar and how you have to attack to replenish it. This makes me loathe the Phantom battle all the more, especially when I run out of supplies.
    -Sora's battle moveset can make defeating certain enemies time-consuming. If KH1 had a battle system like Re:Coded, that would have made it better.
    Post by: Kyubi the Keyblade Master, Jun 21, 2011 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  20. Kyubi the Keyblade Master
    Well, for starters, I absolutely despise the KH1 outfits. I think they look ridiculous.

    Second, the KH1 models being around for so long is like inadvertently saying "We don't care much for progress," especially after we've seen Sora age a year and grow taller. I can't think of many fans who enjoy reverting back to younger Sora when clearly they want to see what happens next in Sora's timeline. They want him to advance, not revert.