uhhh...... well i think when i was 5 i saw my couzin playing it and he was 15 i remember loving that game and so did my other cuzin who was younger then me she and i would always fight over (remember i was 5 or 6) then i moved and forgot all about kh for some reason (NOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!) then i saw add for KH2 and got obsessed again and bought it then i got kh1 and so on ^^
Beauty I can not touch Beauty I can not see The beauty of nature Soo blind and cruel It hurts To not being able to see Or to feel What it is like On the outside For I can hear The birds chirping But can not see the feathers For I can hear The wind blow But I can not feel it Beauty I can not touch Beauty I can not see The darkness within my heart consumes ME
it would be AWESOME if i could go on the itouch!!!!!!!!!!!
overall i pick both but it would be creepy for her to end up with Roxas *SPOILER!!! it would be going out with herself because she is Roxas just a puppet
thnx i voted ^^ GO KH!!!!! =D=D=D=D=D=D=D=D=D=D
Spoiler with Xions 2nd form >.< her firing repeatly was annoying!
yeah thats probably it ¬-¬ i feel like an idiot now T^T
yeah but in the preview they put up some time ago here it showed sora holding the letter they have gotton and and riku asking if he has decided and Kairi giving him the lucky charm thats wat i dont get
ok i saw some previews for the upcoming kingdom hearts and it looks like it also extends to after Sora,Riku, and Kairi get the letter from King Mickey. So i was wondering if Birth by Sleep could also be Kingdom Hearts 3, is it?
same here T-T SQUARE U'D BETTER HURRY UP!!!!!!!
yeah ^^ so now i got 2 ^^ so how have u been?
srry for not responding sooner my computer at home wont work im at the libarary ¬_¬ it sucks -_- idk y i havent -shrugs- soo was up?
i second that plz!!!!!! [one Q i know its gonna sound dumb] but is Nomura also the creator or watever u call it of Final Fantasy to?
thanks ^^ ur name is cool too ^^
wat trailer im confused!!!!!!!!!
my names Emma urs?
thanks it took me awhile but i finally figured it out heheheh ^_^"
yupp pretty much
lol xD yeah i guess soo
hi was up?