Omg thnk u for codes btw the prob with Xemnas is that he doesent even use attacks i can reaction command on him but he dont use his red lazers 2 attack me. Well during the reaction command he attacks me for sure. Btw i also need these codes i cant find Castle Oblivon Area Code The music for when u fight Armored Xemnas the second time (when u finish killing the huge dragon thingy) And the music for when u fight Xemnas (FINALE) and if u have those songs in Normal and Battle version that wud be awesome XD Also if possible is there a code that gets a heartless gummi ship to replace either Donald or Goofy? Omg thnk u for codes btw the prob with Xemnas is that he doesent even use attacks i can reaction command on him but he dont use his red lazers 2 attack me. Well during the reaction command he attacks me for sure. also did u forget 2 put the Final-Form and Kind Mickey char slot thingy?
Evilman_89 r u converting the codes i asked for ? thx again for the codes Nightdream btw i tryed both the Normal and Battle one and the game sounds mixed up lol
can i plz join this ?
btw i 4got wat dus the savepoint thing mean?
My god u r worth ur title "Code Master" O_0 ok here r the ones i need converted to ARMAX PAL Boss replaces: if u cud get these codes for both Donald and Goofy that be great 03E5 - Xaldin (Boss!) 0622 - Xigbar (Boss!) 06C9 - Saïx (Boss!) 085C - Armored Xemnas 0646 - Xemnas (1. Battle) (Boss!) ive got a Xemnas first battle code already but that one just dusnt make him attack me. He just casts tht annoying spell that decreasis ur HP i hope this one works 0459 - Groundshaker (Boss!) Character Slot 8 (Final-Form) 11CFAC8A 0000???? Character Slot 10 (King Mickey) 11CFAC8E 0000????
But those codes are for code breaker i need them for ARMAX :'(
Ok ty ill test it l8r btw i got some other request for PAL ARMAX codes for KH2 I need the PAL Hidden Location ARMAX code's for Castle Oblivion, Prison Cell (the place where Kairi was trapped), The Secret Place, The Beach Shore and Where Nothing Gathers And i need code for Battle Re Location for Xemnas (FINALE) And i need Xemnas (FINALE) to replace either Goofy or Donald (both would be nice thx) And the final music for when u fight Xemnas (FINALE) Also if u have code for Organisation 13 Members to replace either Goofy Or Donald plz tell me them as well ty
Oh ye ur right So is the BGM music The Encounter?
So do u mean that BGM music is The Encounter Also can ppl not use Rage Awakend on KH2 coz its on KH2FM?
Do you have a The Encounter music code for PAL ARMAX? incase u dont know The Encounter music is where u face Scar in Pride Lands And Groundshaker in Pride Lands and Jafar in Agrabah if u plz do have it plz tell Also could u use Rage Awakend on normal KH2?