sup man thx again for helping me with the swap magic KH2FM codes and now i can convert codes thx 2 u ^^ i might be a coder soon :O
I can now convert codes if u want any code just ask me be happy 2 help.
Damn whys it not there I converted the BBS Mickey code from RAW to ARMAX so here it is ppl BBS Mickey A258-Y1P3-518C0 R6K4-U4FJ-04YJZ 5VQ2-FA2C-J1XJE 42YY-T56A-KHVFA XVTM-78Z6-2JKJ6 D55T-4D2K-VBVRN 6HN3-VU7P-MHY5V No Model Colours (ARMAX) 48T6-4NYK-AV5A9 Z77C-9NF1-YP4P3 lol its funny try it out in diffrent worlds enjoy ^^
Is there a code in ARMAX or RAW for the secret ending music of KH2FM Fate Of The Unkown i think its called plz reply if u have code
Now its just being pathetic Its just being stuipid now its got the trailer pic with Rikus face on it wihtout the black bit now so ppl think its gonna be there but it just ses COMING SOON -_-'
Ye i wish it wud just come i just cant w8 for it 2 come out and it better update 2 night!
Do you have the KH2FM Master code in ARMAX version also how do u get the codes 2 work i mean u gotta use swap magic so cud u explain it 2 me?
do you have any of those codes in ARMAX version?
we all like 2 feel helpfull lol ^^
sup coders?
Hey Roxas212 do u have a ARMAX code for getting NPCs or game objects i replyd on one of ur mesages and u didint :(
r those in ARMAX to?
hey btw Roxas212 that destiny islands beach shore code u gave me was the secret place and its boring lol do u have the right code?
Roxas212 have u got the Secret Place code yet?
The Secret Place is in Destiny Islands on KH1 and there is no where 2 accses the area since Destiny Islands is a world u cant go 2 in KH2 also where do i use that Destiny Island code?
ur good ok now i need the code for "Destiny Island Beach Shore" and the "Secret Place" (i wanna go behind the door in the secret place >:) )
i need a code for the Station Of Awaking place in PAL ARMAX
....Dude thats KH2 Final Mix it wont work in KH2
well i h8 2 be the bearer of bad news. But i dont think such a code exists
lol so i ges its called "Song Of The Unkown" also how do we get diffrent titles like urs is "Code Master" (it suits u perfect) and people have "Destiny Isle Resident" do u know how?