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  1. Artemis Wasabi
    I'm looking forward to seeing the completed trailer! It's always great to see projects progressing smoothly :3
    Post by: Artemis Wasabi, Jan 6, 2012 in forum: Community News & Projects
  2. Artemis Wasabi
    The Miraculous Teleport Machine


    In a secret laboratory hidden beneath the earth and also in a parallel dimension, exists the mysterious and eccentric scientist, Dr. Soach, along with her unpayed intern, Maya. The two of them spend their days inventing gadgets and devices for the betterment of humanity, probably. One day, Dr. Soach created a design for a machine so powerful and so amazing, that she herself had no idea what it would do. Naturally, such an astounding and mysterious device would need an equally astounding and mysterious power source, and so she decided to send her intern on a journey to collect the Energy Crests. The Energy Crest is, in fact, a single scroll that exists simultaneously within five different dimensions. When brought together, these scrolls could create an infinite energy source, supposedly. Of course, such a task is far too great for a single intern, and so Dr. Soach summoned (abducted) some helping hands from the neighboring dimensions in order to aid her in her goal.

    -Do no godmod
    -Provide enough in your post for others to play off of. If you think your post is too short, try adding some description to the way your character talks, or perhaps tell us what they are thinking.
    -As this RP is not based on any sort of stat point system, try to leave your attacks open-ended. For example, if you cast a spell, give your opponent the chance to dodge or even take the hit. Remember: a good role player will let their character take the hit sometimes. I won't let anyone die, so don't worry about that.
    -I reserve the right to add to the rules as I see fit
    Character Sheet:
    Username: (your forum name)
    Character Name: (the name of your character)
    Age: (any age 14+)
    Home Dimension: (Each character was teleported from another dimension. The dimension should be created by you and can be of any genre. Ex: fantasy, sci-fi, film noir, anything you like.)
    Appearance: (I would prefer a verbal description, but pictures are accepted as well)
    Preferred Weapon: (The form of your weapon will change from dimension to dimension, but it will always be the same style as your preferred weapon. Ex: gun=bow and sword=light saber)
    Personality: (A brief summery of how your characters acts and behaves)
    History: (What was life like for your character in their home dimension? Also, be sure to mention what your character was doing prior to being teleported to Dr. Soach's lab.)
    Accepted Characters:
    Username: Artemis Wasabi

    Character Name: Maya Miter

    Age: 20

    Home Dimension: Karm; a dimension full of people who crave nothing but knowledge. The people of Karm are born with a mind full of curiosity, and so most of its citizens strive to advance the technology of their world. However, with all the inhabitants of Karm seeking similar professions, the job market is incredibly poor.

    Appearance: Maya has long chestnut-colored hair, that she ties into a pony tail. Although she constantly complains about it getting in the way, she refuses to cut it, as her crush mentioned in passing that he loves girls with long hair. She is very pale, as she has not gone into the sun for the past four months. She is petite in stature and wears special modified glasses that she claims will improve her vision beyond normal human levels, but in reality, all they do is make her look cute, and she knows it.

    Preferred Weapon: Wrench; not really so much of a weapon, as a security blanket. Maya believes that a wrench is always a useful thing to have around, whether it's for building machines or bashing someone's brains out...she prefers not to fight though. Why get blood on her precious wrench?

    Personality: Like most people from Karm, Maya is infinitely curious about the workings of the world. She likes to put on a front of being cool and mysterious, but this usually wears off in a matter of moments, and she reverts to her usual excitable self. She has a habit of asking too many questions, and doesn't realize when people are uncomfortable her asking with them. Despite her up-beat nature, she often gets fed up with Dr. Soach, who has given her near-impossible tasks in the past.

    History: Maya is a student of the Ironworks School of Technology. Upon graduating, she hopes to pursue a career in robotic engineering. However, in order to graduate, it is required that she participate in a one-year internship. Dr. Soach, after learning of this through her Eavesdrop-O-Matic 6000, offered her an internship in her underground laboratory. Maya has been with her for one semester so far, and has been given countless unusual tasks by the bizarre doctor, but none quite as odd as testing her MTM (Miraculous Teleport Machine) and collecting the Energy Crests, which she had never heard of prior.

    Username: . : tale_wind

    Character Name: Arietta "Ari" Crawford

    Age: 16

    Home Dimension: Her home dimension (currently nameless) is mostly similar to ours, but with more advanced technology, so it's almost a twenty minutes into the future situation. Everyone in this dimension, however, has their own theme music. Only people labeled "Tuners" can hear it, but they are largely labeled as crazy. Ergo, nobody who isn't a Tuner knows about the theme music, and thusly that Tuners even exist. However, Tuners are secretly being recruited into a vigilante organization that fights crime and arrests people based on their theme music--people with sinister theme music are deemed dangerous, investigated, then taken down, but not necessarily in that order all the time.


    Preferred Weapon: As a part of the vigilante organization of Tuners, she carries a tazer and a pair of handcuffs. She's never used either before, though. She also wears a specialized pair of headphones that allows her to more clearly hear the theme music of other people, and to single individual themes out. An MP3 player she carries can connect to the headphones and record people's theme music.

    Personality: Ari is mostly an amiable person--outgoing, but a little quiet sometimes. She is a Tuner, and often catches herself humming to the music she hears. She loathes her given name and will probably punch you if you call her Arietta. She's learning to play piano, but gets bored when she has to do scales or the same warm-up song over and over; she isn't a fan of tediousness.

    History: Ari is a sister with an older and a younger brother; she greatly admires her older brother and isn't as close to her younger brother. She was born a Tuner and frequently complained of the music to her parents who, although worried, did not seek out mental help for her. She eventually stopped mentioning it, and her parents eventually forgot. She led a normal teenage life, hanging out with her friends, going to school, reblogging on Tumbr, and practicing piano. She had only recently inducted into the organization before she was teleported out of her dimmension.

    Master of Keyblades

    Character Name: Ichiro "Sky" Suzuki

    Age: 16

    Home Dimension: Izan- A world with many advances in both magic and technologies. Currently a string a magic related terror attacks has put the the enitre world on edge. Magic user attack non magic user and vice versa. In the mist of this, a organization of both magic and non-magic users banned together to find out who's causing the attacks and stop him.


    Preferred Weapon: Eventhough he knows how to use many kinds of weapons, the one he prefers and is most skilled in is the LongSword

    Personality: Although he has his moments when he doesn't want to say anything and prefers to work alone, if you can get close enough to him or if your lucky you'll find out that he's really a good guy who willingto do anythingfor his friends.

    History: In the magical part of Izan, there's a kingdom where under a monachy and Ichiro is the next hier to the throne, but eversince the terror attacks started things went bad for Ichiro and his father. Granted his father wants him to stand tall and keep the kingdom for losing all common snece, he wants to find the one who's causing the attack and stop him. So he formed and became the leader of the group that tries to either stop the terror attack or save the people caught it the crossfire. He made the desion to change his name so all ties to his royal bloodline would be cut until he and his fellow members can end the attacks.

    Username: Machina

    Character Name: Dr. Holden Grey (aka, Holden)

    Age: 22

    Home Dimension: Terra - It's quite similar to Earth. Though the technology is only slightly more advanced, that is not what sets it apart from other dimensions. It is comparable to a comic book in the sense that there are humans with superhuman abilities. Holden of course, is only blessed with the super power of his own brain. Interestingly enough, super villains run amok but never get the chance to take over the world because they are at a constant struggle with each other. No superheroes however seem to be present in this dimension for some strange reason as everyone with powers seems to be evil.

    Appearance: Stands about at about 6 feet and 2 inches tall. Holden has near shoulder-length black hair that's moderately tamed. He's got several faint scars running up along his hands but will refuse to answer any questions about them. To cover the scars he wears an old pair of black gloves.

    Preferred Weapon: A pair of pistols. He's actually quite the marksman. Being in captivity does that.

    Personality: Holden is, for all intents and purposes, a scientific genius. He is extremely analytical and is rarely caught off guard by anything. He always has something to say, no matter what the situation is. He's slow to anger. Holden is an expert of improvisation, even if his methods can be classified best as "near suicidal".

    History: In his home dimension he had made great strides in both the fields of mathematics and physics. As a child he was an outcast due to his uncanny ability to pick up any skill with little effort. Growing up, he found that his talents were best suited towards leaning back in an office to solve his world's problems. He earned his title, a doctorate, at the age of 17 and quickly replaced an old professor of his. All would have gone well if some super villain, as Holden called it, hadn't heard of him and forced Holden to work for said super villain. It was then that he would spend several years in captivity working with the evil man's engineers creating terrible devices...Until of course Holden outwitted them and escaped. He never did manage to defeat the villain though, which is Holden's biggest regret.

    I'll post the main thread once I have at least three other players. If you have any questions, feel free to ask!
    Thread by: Artemis Wasabi, Jan 6, 2012, 12 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Artemis Wasabi
    Your stream of logic makes perfect sense! I'm so glad that we can understand one another! Thanks for the welcome ^^
    Post by: Artemis Wasabi, Jan 5, 2012 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  4. Artemis Wasabi
    I'm looking forward to see the rest of the cast! I think my take on Rhyme was pretty good, so here's hoping =D
    Post by: Artemis Wasabi, Jan 5, 2012 in forum: Community News & Projects
  5. Artemis Wasabi
    Thanks for the welcomes! And don't worry, I like to keep the bloodshed to a minimum (usually), so no worries 8D

    @KingdomCrownXIII: I can tell just from your avatar that you will indeed be an awesome friend >D
    Post by: Artemis Wasabi, Jan 5, 2012 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  6. Artemis Wasabi
    Hello! I stumbled across this site through a thread on voice acting alliance, and thought it looked like fun. I love video games, especially RPGs, as well as manga, role play, voice acting, and singing. I hope that we can all get along well, and make some awesome friends! =D
    Thread by: Artemis Wasabi, Jan 5, 2012, 12 replies, in forum: Introductions & Departures