I hope so! But i just dont think a fatal frame on 3ds will be as good :/
im not sure yet and i hope they release it here because from what ive seen on walkthroughs its one of the scariest :)...
Actually theres 4 of them arnt there? its the original, crimson butterfly, the tormented annndd i think the forth one is called lunar mask or...
Thanks for the request :D
wow i really like the sound of that. :) Your friend should keep at it!
Thats the only one i have :) i get scared easily though so me and like 2 other friends all play it together XD
i love it haha :) which ones your fav?
Ok this might be a stupid question but how can i make my signature picture bigger? The picture i have is bigger then what it shows but it comes out small. I uploaded it from my computer just so you so.
These are great! I especially love the 5th and 8th ones :3 and Excasr, Grell is a guy but im not sure if he knows that either XD
hey :) wassup ??
I love this game!! Im playing throught the second one right now. Ive watched the walkthroughs though for the first one and third one. the seconds my favorite though :D I love the strangling ritual plot thing! poor itsuki and mitsuki and sai and yai...and of course mio and mayu
I love this manga! Ive watched the entire anime too and i must say it is one of the best ive ever seen. Spoiler I love how the part where you think satans going to take over rins body and then BOOM suprise turns out yukio inherited some demon blood too and he saves his brother! i lovvvee it! I wish it would come out faster!
The story really was confusing but from what i saw this is the story Spoiler The story is not actually being told from the point of view of baby but actually sweet pea. Sweet pea sees this new girl that comes into the asylum as a hero for all the things she did. imo the asylum was real and the club and Adventures were the way sweet pea saw them a.k.a imaginary. Cause the things baby did actually happend like stealing that stuff. It also suggest from the club world that maybe sweet peas past is like that. which is why shes in the asylum Thats my opinion and either way this was a great movie! I like how you had to really watch it to keep up :)
Does anybody love vocaloid like i do? :) If you dont know what it is, Vocaloids are singers whos voices are created electronically. The main japanese vocaloids are Miku Hatsune 16 Rin Kagamine 14 Len Kagamine 14 Kaito 20 Meiko 20 Haku Yowane ? and..one other with yellow hair that i always forget the name. sorry :( But i was just wondering if there were any other extreme vocaloid fans :) Also the Daughter of Evil Series which is 5 vocaloid songs that tell a really cool story!!! My favorite songs are: World is Mine-Miku Hatsune Love is War-Miku Hatsune Heartbreaker-Miku Hatsune Melt-Miku Hatsune Black Rock Shooter-Kagamine Len Lets Spin Wildly-Mikuo Hatsune Alice in Dreamland-Kaito Music Box-Miku Hatsune Parade of Liars-Miku Hatsune From Y to Y-Miku Hatsune Hinekuremono-Miku Hatsune Alice Human Sacrifice-Meiko,Kaito,Miku,Rin and Len Joker-Miku Hatsune Daughter of Evil-Rin Kagamine Servent of Evil Len Kagamine Regret Message-Rin Kagamine Re: Birthday-Len Kagamine Dark Woods circus StarGazer- Miku Hatsune Love and Joy-Miku Hatsune Anger-Miku Hatsune Let me know what you think :)[video=youtube;0dYk5Plhl9Y]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0dYk5Plhl9Y[/video][video=youtube;q46Osg9C4pA]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q46Osg9C4pA[/video] this is daughter of evil and after it comes servant of evil than regret message than re: birthday than daughter of white :)
ok and Heres the download http://www.mediafire.com/?tgbcqr6wrrzorth in case i dont get a chance to edit it. speaking of im going on vacation (without my laptop) tomarrow and staying for the next 2 weeks. Do you have an idea of when the deadline will be?
Is this any better? [video=youtube;_YeVgF-T2gA]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_YeVgF-T2gA[/video]
i agree with tummer that thoughout most of the books i assumed harry and hermione would be together. Ginnys not really one of my favorite charecters so i didn't really like him and her. And I love the end where Harry has all the cards and treats voldemort like an equal and calls him tom riddle. I think through the entire series though my favorite charecter was always hagrid :). hahaha when grawp throws hagrid through the window and hagrid says "I said to put me through the window, God bless him" and when theyre going through the forest in the march of death eaters with hagrid carrying harry..i actually cried along with when Spoiler fred died :( Spoiler James and Lily Potter Loving parents and friends Stag and Doe Nemphidora(Tonks) and Remus Lupin Aurors and parents. Werewolf and Metamorphmagus Dobby, a free elf A determined, spirited house elf Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore A brilliant mind with a troubled past. Phoenix Fred Weasly A son, brother, and a prankster hyena Mad-Eye "Constant Vigilance" a great auror and a great man. Cedric Diggory "exceptionally hard working, infinitely fair-minded, and most importantly, a fierce, fierce friend." ,Dumbledore Sirius Black Loving Godfather and a wild spirit who couldnt be tamed. Dog Severus Snape A smart ally. Hardend on the outside and broken on the inside. </3 Doe Colin Creevy Inquisitive and Carefree. and Harrys loyal owl Hedwig. They all fought bravely and valiantly in the battle against Tom Riddle and will never be forgotten.<3
i was actually ok with most of that i just hated at the end Spoiler where kaname used zero as a pawn like that >:(
ya i know what you mean that is weird 0.0 but i thought it was a cool kinda twist I like how Spoiler yuki turns out to be a pureblood vamp
actually its already out if your talking about vampire knight guilty :)